
Third Eye

It's been two more years since I arrived in this world, and I am now three years old.

Nothing much has changed around the house, and Yashamaru's still the only semblance of a family. He's literally been my mother and father for all this time.

Now that I'm older, I've started to have more liberties. Although I can speak fluently, I only use three words at maximum in my sentences... Just to be on the safe side.

I don't really want people to view me as a monster... That has a bigger beast inside of it. I already have enough on my shoulders.

What's great is that I can now dress up and use the toilet in private! Hallelujah! Gone are the days where I'd require embarrassing assistance!

Ahem. Back to what's important though... After two more years of daily meditation and practice, I am now able to control a little bit of sand. Yes, I know... I'm awesome.

After all of that training, molding and moving my chakra has started to become easier. By placing my palms together and forming the clapped hands seal, the process became less challenging.

(AN: Like Naruto when he's accumulating Kurama's chakra in part 1)

With newfound confidence, last month, I boldly released chakra and guided it towards some sand. It took me a few days and hundreds of attempts, but I finally got it to move.

The amount of sand that I can control skillfully through the air is so small it fits in my palm. My toddler's palm.

If I increase the amount, it becomes harder to control... And I exhaust myself quickly. Now that my body is more developed, It's able to bear it... So I only get exhausted when I'm running out of chakra.

Although my reserves are massive for my age, they're still finite. If I were to make a guess, I'd say they're maybe about as big as a Genin's.

Chakra is supposed to grow as you train your body and mind... But I have a cheat.

Thanks to Shukaku's chakra nurturing me, my reserves grow at a faster rate.

It only started to show its effects when the seal began stabilizing. Although Chiyo did a good job, placing Shukaku in me while I was still a fetus wasn't the best idea.

This was probably what caused the suffering I had to endure in the womb... Just thinking about that sadistic torture makes my face go paler than a ghost's.

Haa... I digressed a lot from the original point. Thanks to Shukaku being sealed inside of me, my reserves grow steadily even if I don't train my body.

This is probably because my body receives some of that chakra every day, getting stronger over time.

Naruto had great regeneration abilities in the anime thanks to Kurama... Chakra from a tailed beast can prove to be beneficial if used in the right way.

To confirm my hypotheses, I opened up my status.

[ //Status//


Name: Gaara

Age: 3


Level: 1

EXP: 300/1000

Points: 10


Strength: 0.9->3

Agility: 0.3->1

Vitality: 1->4

Chakra: 21->27

Control: 1->5




--Kekkei Genkai--

Magnet Release


Shield of Sand(Passive) ]

My EXP increased once again when I started to control sand. This time by 200.

With nothing to compare myself to, I can only make assumptions regarding my progress. It sucks but I have to deal with it.

I want to learn how to scan people with my chakra. Gaara was listed as a sensor type in the anime after all. Maybe it will become easier with Shukaku... Who knows.

After listening to Yashamaru and my father speak yesterday, I learned that our house has a library. The problem though is that every time I go there I'm always stopped by a guard.

I should find a way to sneak inside... Maybe some books about chakra control will be amongst its contents. I don't remember all of the hand seals and their usage afterall.

It's frustrating, but sadly I can't do much about it as I am now. I should jus- Wait...


The sound of my palm hitting my face echoed across the room.

How could I forget about this?! If I succeed... I might just be able to...

Placing both my middle and index finger on my left eye to close it, I infused my chakra into some sand that was lying on the floor. I then guided it through the air until it landed on my palm.

Closing my hand into a fist, I visualized the sand shaping into an eye. As the sand took shape, I infused chakra into my left eye's optical nerve and attempted to establish a connection.

Right at that crucial moment, my eye started burning and I stopped everything out of fear. When I opened it, my vision blurred but got back to normal shortly after.

I must have infused too much chakra into my nerve by mistake... That's probably what caused the issue.

Man, this is hard. The rank of this technique was never mentioned, but I'd guess its D-rank in terms of difficulty for me. Of course, for others, this might not be the case... Since they don't have Shukaku.

I only managed to form the eye's shape. But I still have to connect the optic nerve and then control the eye remotely... Across long distances.

The hardest step will probably be to maintain the connection between my eye and the sand. Followed by the remote control.

I have a long way to go... But at least I have something to do! A positive attitude is key!

With that, I repeated the process all over again.


With the passing of time, Yashamaru started to become increasingly attached to his cute nephew, Gaara.

Gaara was a well-behaved baby, and he learned things faster than others. For example, after showing him how to use the bathroom once, He learned it immediately.

His siblings had needed a week of potty training to do so.

Not only that, but he managed to communicate quite early. Although he couldn't form full sentences, he showed signs of understanding. It was easy for him to learn new words.

Overall, Yashamaru was proud... But Rasa didn't care. That man's way of doing things never pleased him, although he kept it inside. For Karura and the village's sake.

Rasa was always on edge ever since he heard that Kumogakure was trying to form a peace treaty with Konoha.

Yashamaru feared that he would resort to even more drastic measures in order to increase the village's military strength.

What was even scarier, was that if Gaara turned to be a failed experiment... God knows what Rasa would do.

Yashamaru had a bad premonition... And he found it difficult to sleep that night.