

After an hour of waiting and having all eyes on me, it was finally my turn to take the exam.

I entered the well-lit room and immediately noticed the three Ninjas sitting on a platform.

Judging by their vests, they were either Chūnin or Jōnin. The fact that they were instructors in the academy probably meant that they were the former.

Seeing me enter, they recognized me in an instant. I mean, it's not really surprising. I'm the spitting image of my father.

As soon as they realized who they were dealing with, their eyes became round like balloons. One of them was even cursing his luck under his breath.

Hehe, it will be fun to play around with these three.

"Well, I don't have all day. Can we start?"

I made an effort to sound annoyed, and it appears to have worked. The three examiners paled in fright and nodded frantically. How cute.

The one in the middle, which seemed to be the leader, got up and started walking towards me. He then raised his hand nervously and guided it towards my hair.

"P-please let me check if you are physically healthy. I will only scan your body for any injuries or illnesses..."

Nodding, I allowed him to do so without any resistance. As soon as his chakra entered my pathway, I directed it towards my abdomen in secret.

"Okay, here I go... E-Eeek!!!"

With a loud shout, the ninja's face lost all color and he fell on his bottom. He then looked at me as if though I was a monster.

"Asahi! Are you ok?"

The two other examiners quickly ran to their friend and helped him back up as I stared back in confusion.

"I-I... I saw it! I saw that monster! It felt like my soul was being drained away..."

I'm trying so hard not to laugh... Ah, but I feel bad now. Directing him to Shukaku might have been too much. I have to apologize, like the good guy that I am.

"I'm sorry about that. My chakra, as you know, is... Peculiar. If you don't mind, let's continue with the test."

The three of them looked at me, flabbergasted. They didn't know how to react, finally deciding to return to their positions.

The one on the right spoke this time.

"Well, the next step is to check if you are suitable to train in the ninja arts. This would usually be done by scanning you like earlier, only this time you would circulate your chakra for us to see."

He stopped talking and looked at his friend who was still gasping for air, then turning back and facing me.

"But, as you can see... That's not an option right now..."

Hmmm... He's right. We'll get nowhere at this rate.

How can I show them that I'm suitable to train? Oh, I've got an idea. I'll use that.

Using some sand that I carried under my clothes for emergencies, I created different forms. Sandcastles, kunai, and other things. My control was perfect.

After the demonstration of my skill with sand, I looked at them expectantly.

"So... Do I pass?"

"Y-yes. I guess that's enough... You p-pass! Here's your timetable..."

Holding back my laughter, I walked through the exit on the right after taking my schedule... Leaving them there to relish in the surprise.

Walking out of the door, I arrived at a long hallway, with many doors that had class numbers on them. Looking at my timetable, It seemed that I was in class 1-A.

Yashamaru had once told me that the academy separated students based on their levels of talent. Although I didn't agree with the concept, I couldn't do anything about it... Yet.

1-A meant that I was top of my year in terms of prospects. Further down the line, the class may change, with students rising and falling. Yashamaru told me that my father had stayed in class 1-A from the beginning and had never dropped down.

That's my goal for these next seven years. Although I could graduate early, I have my reasons to stay in school.

I want to keep things as close to the main plot as possible so that my knowledge of the future does not become obsolete.

If I graduate now, will I be able to participate in the Chūnin Exams with Naruto? no! And I really want to.

For that reason, I will remain in school, even if it gets boring. I also need to gain my father's trust.

Like I said earlier, the original Gaara would mistakenly injure and kill people, Prompting Rasa to isolate him from his siblings and others in order to test his mental limits.

I don't want to be experimented on, and I don't want people constantly trying to kill me. It's too troublesome.

Rasa still thinks that I will be a strong weapon, and I haven't shown any signs of disturbing behavior. I'll keep it that way.

Making up my mind, I headed towards my classroom... As soon as I entered, I instantly became the center of attention.

As usual, they seemed intimidated. To my surprise, a kid with black hair and a skinny build ran up to me. He looked very stuck up and was puffing his chest to look bigger.

"My name is Tatsu Jun! And I will be the rookie of the year, so don't get in my way!"

I made an effort not to outright choke this fellow. He was shouting in my ears, and not respecting my personal space. I thus used my sand and pushed him away so that I could go to my seat.

"Jun! Stop! That's..."

A girl that had long, green hair, looked at me in fright. Her features were delicate, and she wore a small scarf, similar to mine.

"Shut up, Midori! It doesn't matter who he is! I'm still the strong-"

"You shut up, Jun. Midori was only trying to warn you... And get the sand off your body before making such bold claims. That's Gaara, the son of lord Rasa."

Before Jun could finish, a girl that looked exactly like Midori got up and scolded him. Her hair was orange, and her face looked exactly like the aforementioned Midori. Twins, maybe?

Jun looked at her with incredulity, and his face looked desperate.

"B-But, I'm going to-"

"Jun, enough. Just sit down, you've already made a fool out of yourself."

In a corner, a guy with blood-red hair was sitting down, his arms crossed. He kind of reminded me of Sasori.

That kid named Jim seemed to finally give up, and went to his seat, pouting.

I also sat down, and closed my eyes. I only opened one of them and noticed that both girls were staring at me.