

AN: Hey guys, T0XIN here. So, I forgot something important while writing the last chapter, and added it now. The fight was supposed to be a hidden quest, but I forgot to add the reward.

If you want to go check it out, be my guest.

With that said, Happy reading! And join the discord, we have some great people there.



"Yes. I've called it the silent fist!"

The silent fist? Oh, I remember. That's the style Shira created and beat Lee with... In the future Sunagakure-based Chunin exams.

If I remember correctly, the user coats themselves with chakra in a special and unorthodox way, that renders their movements completely silent.

Neji analyzed it with his Byakugan and likened the chakra's shape to owl feathers... Furthermore, since movements become silent, they are hard to predict even for a fighter like Lee.

"Also, if you head over to the end of the manual, I've included a diagram that shows all of the pressure points (Tenketsu) of the human body and their locations... You should study them as you train."

Pressure points? Oh yeah, if I remember correctly, Shira was able to disrupt the chakra flow of his opponents by striking their Tenketsu. In a similar way to the Hyuuga's Gentle-fist.

Holding my excitement in, I closed the book and got up.

"Thank you, Shira. I'm going to follow your instructions for the next three months, and I'll come back then. Of course, I'll stop by every now and then to make sure that everything is alright. Also, I'll try and speak with the headmaster to see if you can be admitted at the academy."

Shira looked a little sad when hearing that I was leaving already, but immediately raised his head with hope and looked at me straight in the eye.

"You think that would work?"

Seeing his hopeful face, I couldn't help but smile a little. This guy had so much potential, and he was denied access to education. How tragic.

"Well, I said I'd try. Don't be sad if it doesn't happen."

Shira smiled and thanked me once more before I left. As I was leaving, he reminded me to stick to the regime, to which I just nodded in response.

Ah, I'm finally out of there... I like Shira, but I don't like social environments all that much.

Time to train chakra control.


Sunagakure, exactly three months later.

Gaara was on the rooftop of his apartment building, Meditating.

For some reason, his shirt was off and his toned body was exposed to the desert wind.

His physique had improved greatly, and his muscles were showing a little. For a kid, this was quite the achievement.

More than outside, one could feel the vigor and strength they held inside.

"Phew... Today is the day."

After all this grueling training, I have finally finished the damn regime. I can confidently say that I have never worked so hard in my entire two lifetimes.

I'm proud of myself, for having stuck to it for three months, and this is only the beginning. I know that this was the easy part. Training with Shira will only get harder and harder as we get stronger.

Getting up, I felt the changes in my body and relished in them. It felt like I could do anything... I've never felt this good.

Even my urges started to get easier to deal with.

A healthy mind can only be achieved with a healthy body. Shira told me this not too long ago as we trained in the academy.

Oh yeah, I managed to get him into the academy. By threatening Raccoon-Sensei with my Icha-Icha intel, he grudgingly took me to the headmaster, Ebizo-san.

Ebizo was a great person to talk to, letting me get right to the point without much small talk. I told him about Shira's taijutsu ability, and he tested it himself. The next day, Shira was admitted into the academy.

He even thanked me for introducing Shira to him. Apparently, the fact that such a genius was ignored got some people fired.

Although this was nice, I might regret it now. Ever since he was admitted, Shira has been so thankful that it's started to become annoying. He calls me Gaara-sama and follows me around all the time in the academy... Almost like a bodyguard.

Even if it's great to have his unwavering loyalty, I don't like being followed constantly!

Whatever. He'll hopefully stop one day. I mean, thanks to his training, I'm now top of my class in terms of physical ability and taijutsu.

I went from being dead last to being the number one in only three months. This had everyone shaking in their boots.

Furthermore, thanks to the training, my reaction speed also increased along with my chakra reserves. This allowed me to train my control for longer and thus helping me overcome more of my weaknesses.

Here's how my status looks now. 'Status'

[ //Status//


Name: Gaara

Age: 5


Level: 2

EXP: 800/1500

Points: 20


Strength: 5->8 (Great)

Agility: 3->9 (Great)

Vitality: 6->8 (Great)

Chakra: 32->34 (Genin)

Control: 10->30 (Genin)


Wind (Primary)

Earth (Secondary)

--Kekkei Genkai--

Magnet Release


*Undefined: Shield of Sand(Passive), Sand Control, Third Eye

*E-Rank: Clone Technique, Body Replacement Technique, Transformation Technique ]

(A/N: Sand control stands for all of the techniques under that category not requiring much more steps. Like the sand burial and sand coffin. The third eye requires the connection of nerves through chakra so that's considered an extra step.)

As you can see, the past three months have been very fruitful. The improvements that I made in my physical abilities are only the tip of the iceberg.

Every day, I have been training my wall-walking and managed to do so easily for extended periods of time.

Using my access to the school's library, I also learned the basic E-rank jutsu to increase my chakra control. I became proficient with all three techniques, especially the body-replacement technique. (Kawarimi no Jutsu)

I focused on it mainly to prevent myself from being completely defenseless when the sand shield is breached. Coupled with my newly acquired physical abilities, I'm not scared of close combat anymore.

Now, I'm confident enough to start training my new wind style jutsu without injuring myself in the process.

Seeing the sun starting to rise, I put on my shirt and went downstairs to my apartment. Yashamaru was already preparing breakfast.

After greeting him, I left to take a shower. Once I was clean, I put on a new set of clothes and locked my room's door.

Making sure that no one was spying on me, I took out a massive chest from under my bed and opened it slowly. Inside, was the puppet that almost killed me. My first real opponent's weapon.

It was deconstructed, with all of its parts separated from each other.

These past three months, apart from my daily training and school, I have been studying this wooden thing... And in the process, I found out many things about how they're made.

I need to learn all of this because, in the future, I want to strengthen my military. And one way to do this is by having stronger puppets like Sasori's.

Once he comes to visit in the future, I have to be strong enough to kidnap or kill him, in order to steal his arsenal for the village's gain.

If I can somehow enter his mind and steal all of his secrets, that would be even better.

Well, that's all very far off in the future. Right now, I have other things to focus on... Like the school's yearly martial tournament.