

AN: There was a typo in the last few chapters, concerning Baki's Air-Disks. They are actually called wind blades and thus will be referred to as that from now on. Enjoy.


"A curse mark?!"

How can it be… Is she one of Orochimaru's subordinates? This was the last thing that I wanted to encounter on my first mission.

Interrupting my thoughts, a confused Kiyo spoke up.

"What's a curse mark?"

"A curse mark is a special type of Juinjutsu[1] that feeds off the bearer's chakra, replacing it with Orochimaru's own. It has the ability to increase their reserves tenfold, making their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu stronger."

I explained it in a way that they could understand. If I start talking about Senjutsu chakra and Juugo's special enzymes, Baki will suspect something. A thirteen-year-old has limits to what he or she can know after all.

"Who's Orochimaru?"

Shira's face only became more and more confused. Kiyo seemed to understand some of it but not completely. Anyways, now is not the time for a lesson on the Sannin.

Interrupting my thoughts, Hanae's expression continued to distort before she let out a shrill scream.


"Get ready! She's coming!"

Hearing Baki, the formation got into motion and I started forming hand-seals.

"Doton: Retsudo Tenshō!" (Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm)

With a loud shout, I placed both of my hands on the ground and cracks started to fill the surface that Hanae was running on, causing her to lose balance.

Taking advantage of that opening, waves of sand that I had gathered underground started rising through the enormous cracks.

The sand quickly latched on to Hanae's ankles, leaving her open.

Shira then ran up to her and unleashed a flurry of attacks. Hanae could only defend, with her legs being held down.

While Shira was fighting, he noticed that his energy was being sucked away at a rapid pace, every time he made physical contact.


Hearing this, Shira rejoiced and jumped backward, leaving a small opening which Baki used to send a bunch of Wind-Blades her way.

Feeling danger, Hanae gathered chakra in her legs and broke my sand grip before dodging the attack.

"Suiton: Doku Kasumi!" (Water Style: Poison Mist!)

Before she could react, the poison mist had already enveloped her whole body, irritating her eyes and making her scream in pain.

After landing her technique, Kyo quickly tried to get back to the rear but was stopped by a hand that came out of the mist.

Hanae grabbed Kyo by the neck and was about to snap it when suddenly Baki flickered out of nowhere.

"Kaze no Yaiba!" (Blade of wind!)

His speed was at least three times what it was earlier, and he started unleashing his invisible wind-blades on Hanae.

She couldn't block a single one and thus got blasted away, crashing into the building. Her body became a bloodied mess.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-yes… Thank y-"

A loud sound started coming from the destroyed building, cutting Kyo's words off and making her cover her ears.

Looking over, I saw a massive amount of what seemed like purple chakra being emitted into the atmosphere. The chakra quickly covered the area, and we were enveloped by it.

"What an enormous amount of chakra!"

Even I was surprised this time, but it didn't last long as I noticed my chakra getting drained at a rapid pace. Looking around, I saw my teammates drop to the ground one by one.

Their chakra was being sucked away, making them unable to fight. Even Baki couldn't move.

Feeling my chakra get sucked away, I panicked and tried to gather some to no avail. My reserves were soon going to reach zero.

"Damn it… Is this how it ends?"

Feeling my consciousness fade, I was ready to just let go… But suddenly, a voice woke me back up.

"Gihihihi! I see that you're in trouble! Go on, I'll give you some of my chakra..."

"Let it consume your mind…"

Not knowing what to do, I just let myself go. Suddenly, red bubbles started encapsulating me and a massive chakra tail grew from my back.

My eyes became yellow with star-like pupils, and my canines grew in size. Blue patters similar to Shukaku's started appearing all over my body.

I could feel the power corroding me.

Once again, I took on this form. My mind seemed to lose control as I started moving on instinct.

In the blink of an eye, I was already in front of Hanae.


She couldn't believe her eyes and looked on with a surprised expression.

Before she could do anything, my body moved by itself and started breathing in the surrounding air.

My lungs tripled in size before I opened my mouth and let out a massive wind current.

It had the similar power to a hurricane, and destroyed a bunch of buildings, leaving Hanae in even more of a bloodied mess.

Not giving her a chance, I roared and all of the sand in the surrounding area converged around her.

The sand acted on its own, encapsulating and elevating her up in the air.

Both of the gourds my father had gifted me started trembling, and they opened by themselves. Gold and Iron needles started forming at a rapid pace.

The needles then sped towards the sand-coffin that was up in the air, penetrating it and cutting through Hanae's body.

Blood splattered everywhere and her screams resounded throughout the area.

No one could hear her though, because of the Genjutsu formation she had placed herself.

Having defeated her, I grabbed my head with my hands and started screaming. The fight to regain control of my body was a tough one.

"Gihihihi! I let you go last time because of your daddy! But now you're mine!"

Shukaku's chakra just kept on coming, and my skin started to peel off. I felt as if though my mind was breaking, and I was losing myself. My consciousness was fading once again.

"That's right… Just let it be. Let it flow."

As Shukaku was rejoicing, a small tune played in my head, bringing me back to life.

[System Notification]

[Emergency System Intervention.]

[Host is losing sense of self. Forcing Retrieval Protocol.]

Suddenly, my mind started to fix itself.

Shukaku's chakra was forced back into the seal and I blacked out.


AN: The fight was quick to represent that it also finished in the blink of an eye! Anyways, I like to keep it short and fast pace, to not bore my readers. Sorry if it came off as anticlimactic!

[1] Juinjutsu, Literally meaning: Cursed Seal Techniques, are a type of techniques used to bring someone under the control of the user. By applying a seal to the victim's body, the user brings the victim's abilities and actions under their control. With a simple secret hand seal, the user can inflict great mental and physical torment on the victim. The exact workings of Juinjutsu are kept secret.