
Hard as steel

**(AN: Back to first-person POV)**

Kiyo lost pretty badly to Shikamaru… Then again, it wasn't an unexpected result. Shikamaru was a Genius with an IQ that surpassed two-hundred, literally.

The plan he had devised was foolproof. Taking advantage of Kiyo's mishap, he led her to an area with more shadows and locked her in place…That Kawarimi was just the cherry on top.

That said, Shira was now all gloomy.

Interrupting my thoughts, Genma's words resounded throughout the arena once more.

"We shall now proceed to the second round! Kankurō and Gaara, please come down to the arena!"

Hearing this, I saw my brother's complexion pale. He looked at me with worried eyes but still went down to the arena with me.

Once there, we stared at echo their for a while, until Genma was about to start the match.

Unexpectedly, Kankurō raised his arm instead.

"I… I forfeit."


My eyes were wide open. Was he really that scared of me?

"Are you sure…?"

Genma looked at Kankurō with a doubtful expression.



"Permission granted. Gaara wins by default!"

Hearing Genma's words, the whole arena started booing. After all, this was probably a fight they were looking forward to witnessing.

Looking at Kankuro, I disappointedly sighed and flickered back to the participant's area. If he didn't want to fight, there was nothing I could do to stop him.

Then again, it was understandable. I'm pretty sure that most people that know me would rather not fight me… If they had the choice.

Also, this meant that I qualified for the final round. Due to the nature of the tournament bracket, the rest of the contestants would have two more fights. This gave me the advantage, although I didn't want it.


Before making it through the doorway to leave the stands, Kankurō looked at me one last time.

"I'm sorry, Gaara."

Sighing, I replied in an understanding manner.

"It's okay… Go check up on Temari and tell me the state of her injuries as soon as possible."

"On it...!"

(Kankurō's POV: 'What did I just hear? Did Gaara just treat me somewhat nicely...?')

Kankurō looked like an enormous weight had been lifted off of his shoulders as he walked away. Still leaning against the wall, I took a good look at the people still left.

'Naruto, Sasuke, Shira, and Shikamaru… They were all formidable Genin, to have made it this far.'

We were all rookies, all of us having earned our headbands a few months earlier… Talk about talent. All of us were either the heir to our clan or sons of Kages… Or both.

This made me think… Did Konoha orchestrate this matter? For all of the heirs of the noble clans in the village to be born around the same time, and to be in the same class… This could not be a coincidence.

Choosing not to brood over it, I fixated my gaze on the arena.


**(AN: Third-person POV)**

Genma went through the usual routine and called Sasuke and Shira down to the arena. Facing each other, the tension increased.

"Shira… right? I recommend that you take off those weights before we start."

Sasuke smirked, getting into a provoking stance.

Shira just smiled, not falling for the taunt. Even so, he removed all his weights.

"Thank you, Sasuke-san. I've heard that you're from the infamous Uchiha clan?"

"… So you must know about my eyes."

"Absolutely. I've been anxiously waiting for this… To test my abilities against the eyes that can see through all forms of Taijutsu."

"Heh… I'll show you. Sharingan!"

Sasuke's pupils spun, turning a deep red. Shira knew better and started looking at his feet instead of his eyes like Gara told him.

Raising his arm, Genma interrupted their little conversation.


Immediately, both fighters disappeared from their previous spot, clashing in the middle of the arena. Sasuke was a little faster than Lee making the fight very equal.

After some sparring and testing each other out, Shira immediately coated his body with chakra feathers and got on the offensive. Seeing this through his eyes, Sasuke became alert.

'I have to be careful with him… If he blocks my Tenketsu, it's over.'

The second round of sparring was very similar to the first, albeit more technical than powerful. Both individuals had a high understanding of martial arts, with Sasuke using the Uchiha's Taijutsu and Shira using the silent fist.

After exchanging more blows, both of them retreated and drew some distance.

"You're the first to read my silent fist's attacks."

"Heh! You've seen nothing. Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!"

Sasuke's chest increased in size as he released a massive fireball from his mouth. The fire flew towards Shira, burning all the grass in its way.

Seeing it coming, Shira dodged the fire easily. Suddenly, he noticed a slight disturbance in the air.

While Shira was still in motion from the dodge, Sasuke flickered behind him and kicked his back with incredible strength, sending him flying like Temari before him.

He then performed more hand-seals, sending three fireballs his way.


Shira got managed to balance himself, only to realize that three gigantic masses of fire were drawing closer by the second. Unable to dodge, he decided to force his way through.

"Daini-Kassei! Direct opening!" (Second Activation! Direct opening!)

Shira's blood flow accelerated as the yellow aura and blank eyes made a second appearance… Getting into a stance, he used the aura around him to blast through the fireballs but had to close his eyes.

When Shira opened his eyes back up, Sasuke was right in front of him.

His hand was covered in electricity, making loud chirping-like noises.



Shira screamed in pain as he felt his shoulder's flesh being dug in. Sasuke's Sharingan flashed as he let the electricity tear through the muscle tissue.

The yellow aura disappeared, and Shira's eyes returned to normal… He looked at Sasuke, full of disbelief.

He had made use of the smallest opening when Shira got through the fireballs with his eyes closed. His speed and precision were unlike anything he had ever seen before.

Sasuke smirked, grabbing Shira by the throat and yanking his arm out of the former's shoulder.

He hadn't made it all the way through, but it was enough.

"You… Your muscles are harder than steel… My Chidori can blow boulders to pieces yet I did not even make it all the way through your chest."

"I… Thanks…"

Saying his last words, Shira fainted. He had lost way too much blood. Sasuke saw this and threw him on the ground.

Genma flickered next to Shira and confirmed that he had fainted.

"Uchiha Sasuke passes on to the third round!"


(AN: There are currently THREE advanced chapters available!

If any of you want to support me and get early access chapters, check out my p.a.t.r.e.o.n. at toxinfraser. Just type p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/toxinfraser

If we reach the goal, I'll increase my release rate!

Thank you for reading/supporting this fic.)