
Intermission『8』Leaves dance and fires burn

『Desert between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire.』

Jiraiya was at a stalemate against Hashirama... Even so, he was at a disadvantage. They were now fighting atop a huge forest that Hashirama had created.

Although both of their strengths were similar, Hashirama wasn't near his full power; The Edo-Tensei had not been perfected by Orochimaru.

Not to mention that Hashirama had infinite chakra and could not be killed.

On the other hand, Rasa was struggling against a weakened Tobirama. He held his own, but Tobirama was just overpowering him through sheer strength and stamina.

As he fought, Rasa let out a rare smile.

'The second Hokage was no joke... To spawn a small ocean in the middle of the desert... Unbelievable.'

Even though they were struggling, Jiraiya and Rasa thrived in battle... Both of them were relishing in the opportunity to face such legendary ninja and were actively trying to learn as much as they could.

"Fukasaku-sama! Shima-sama! Lend me your strength!"

"Senpō: Goemon!"

Jiraiya created a large volume of oil, followed by Fukasaku performing a large Wind Release technique to propel the oil... Shima then performed a large Fire Release technique to ignite it.

Within an instant, the forest Hashirama created was filled with burning oil at temperatures reaching the thousands of degrees celsius.

Hashirama was pushed back, his body burning from the fire.

Suddenly Jiraiya appeared before him, a Gigantic blue ball rotating on his hand.

"Senpō: Ōdama Rasengan!"

With a loud shout, he hit Hashirama at point-blank range, making the latter's body rotate away and almost disintegrate.


Rasa was currently being pushed back by Tobirama, doing his best to block the incoming water-dragons.

"Suiton: Suidanha." (Water Release: Water Severing Wave.)

Suddenly, a ray of high-pressure, steaming water cut through his sand, aiming at his neck.

Reacting quickly, Rasa managed to dodge it before placing both of his hands on the ground.

"Jiton: Sakin Taisō!" (Magnet Release: Gold Dust Imperial Funeral!)

An enormous amount of cold dust erupted from underground. Rasa manipulated it to form a tidal wave that shook the ground on its way to Tobirama.

Retaliating, the second Hokage performed hand seals and sent a massive, spiraling vortex of water that proceeded to explode from the top in the form of a wave.

Using hand movements, Tobirama controlled the direction of the wave and made it clash with the incoming sand.


Suddenly, enormous amounts of gold dust started rising from under Tobirama's feet, engulfing his entire body.

Rasa then compressed the sand, making it form into a pyramid. After doing so, he stuck multiple sealing tags on it.

"Sabaku Sōtaisō Fūin!" (Desert-Layered Imperial Funeral)


Sarutobi was fighting Orochimaru, clearly in the lead. Although his opponent had the Sword of Kusanagi, the adamantine staff was more than a match for it.

Suddenly, Orochimaru stepped in and managed to stab Sarutobi right in the chest.

"Kukuku... Your senses have dulled, old man!"

"Orochimaru... Don't speak so fast!"


"You think I'd let you stab me just like that? Kage-Bunshin no jutsu!"

Two clones appeared behind the Hokage, and immediately flickered next to the recovering Hashirama and the sealed Tobirama.

Sarutobi then placed both of his hands on Orochimaru's neck, holding him in place... Suddenly, a huge demon appeared behind his back, licking a dagger with an ominous smile.

Orochimaru looked up and saw death itself... Now trembling, he was unable to move a muscle.

On the other side of the battlefield, both clones held the Senju brothers, with one hand of the reaper coming out of each of their stomachs.

"Please forgive me, Shodaime-sama! Nidaime-Sama!"

"Shiki Fūjin!" (Dead-Demon consuming seal!)


Orochimaru was unable to do anything as a piece of his soul was cut off... On the other hand, both of the Hokage's souls were gobbled up by the reaper, alongside Sarutobi's.

"What are you doing!"

Orochimaru screamed in pain as Sarutobi held a determined expression.

"This jutsu... In exchange for it to work, you hand over your soul to death... Its a seal you pay for with your life...! That's why I let you stab me... I'll die anyway!"

"Ngh! I won't let you!"

Orochimaru flicked his finger, and the sword of Kusanagi started digging more into Sarutobi's flesh.

"Ugh... I... I guess I don't have enough strength to pull out your entire soul..."

Suddenly, the reaper moved and grabbed hold of Orochimaru's arms, removing that part of his soul and making him unable to push the sword anymore.

'He's pulling out my arms... I can't use ninjutsu!'

Orochimaru sweated coldly as h watched his hands getting sucked away. In his head, he was unable to come up with anything that would save him. Meanwhile, Sarutobi smirked.

"Your ambitions... End here!"

"Kukuku... My ambitions won't end here... You'll die! Do you think the village will survive without you?!"

"Heh... You underestimate the leaf's Shinobi... True strength lies not in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu or Taijutsu... I was unable to teach you this properly."

"True strength... Appears when you are protecting something important... Something dear! That's when a Shinobi's power manifests."

"Kuh... Boring speech."

Sarutobi smiled, coughing out blood.

"Heh... It's ironic. To you, who worships jutsu so much... I'll take away all of your jutsu! GRAAAAAAAH!"

Orochimaru felt like his arms were being torn away... A pain indescribable through words alone.




Orochimaru screamed, looking at his unmoving arms. They were now darkened, clearly sealed.

"Old man! Give me back my arms!"

Sarutobi's blood dripped from his mouth as he looked at his student.

"You're foolish, Orochimaru... My apprentice. We'll meet in another world..."

Orochimaru's face became maniacal, as cold sweat poured out from every pore in his body.

"Your light is blown out old man! All this... All this! My jutsu...!"

Laughing, Sarutobi fell to his knees.

"The place where leaves dance... the fires burn... The fire of the shadow illuminates the village... And so, a new leaf... Sprouts..."


Orochimaru was in disbelief. Now that he had lost his arms, what would he do...?

Suddenly, golden sand rose from beneath his feet, making Orochimaru jump away. Next to him, Kabuto and Kimimaro appeared.

"Orochimaru-sama! your arms..."

"Shut up! perform the reverse summoning!"


As Kabuto readied the summon, Orochimaru looked up at Sarutobi's dead body. Rasa was guarding him while Jiraiya held his master in his hands.

"Orochimaru... What have you done..."

Jiraiya turned to his ex-teammate with sad eyes... Both toads on his shoulders remained silent, clearly feeling the overwhelming sadness in his heart.

"Heh... He had it coming, Jiraiya! The village never understood my purpose!"

Suddenly, Jiraiya released his Senjutsu chakra, covering the entire battlefield. Everyone, including Rasa, felt fear.

'He's gotten better!'

Fukasaku smiled as Jiraiya's killing intent went all over the place. He looked at Orochimaru with deadly eyes.

"Orochimaru... You're not getting away!"

"Tch... Kabuto!"

"Hai! Kuchiyose-no jutsu!"

Before Jiraiya could reach them, Orochimaru and his subordinates disappeared, leaving a trail of dust behind them. Jiraiya looked down, holding back his tears.

"Old man..."

Watching the sage weep in silence, Rasa closed his eyes and sighed. This had been the hardest battle he had ever fought... But thankfully, they won.


(AN: There are currently THREE advanced chapters available!

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