
Uchiha. Part 2


Sasuke screamed in pain as his curse mark started flaring up. Purple torrents of chakra started enveloping him, corroding my iron sand.

'If I let the curse mark overtake him... System memory! What's the best way to stop his curse mark?'

Looking up, I noticed Kakashi's doubtful expression... It was as if he was unsure whether to interfere or not.

I really had no idea how to approach this situation. I didn't want to kill Sasuke, so if there was a way to solve this peacefully, I'd rather take it.


After a short time, the system's interface appeared before me. To my surprise, It showed me an altered version of the enclosing seal technique.

Its effect was sealing chakra.

'What? Does this mean that the system can rework techniques? That's new!'

Not wasting any time, I applied the theory as I molded chakra.

Using the finger-carving seal with my sand, I carved a few characters around Sasuke's curse mark.


When I finished, they glowed bright red and spread across Sasuke's body, overpowering the curse mark.

I then noticed as the black markings started fading; The curse mark flashed a little and went dormant.

'It worked!'

Pleasantly surprised, I asked myself why this happened.

Back in Sunagakure, Rasa said that my seals were of a better 'quality' than the ones used by everyone else... It was like a different language.

Through my studies, I learned that seals were like programming... They were strings of 'coding' that made chakra work in certain ways, to achieve desired purposes.

Although I never coded in my previous life, it was like comparing an old programming language to one of the new ones. My sealing techniques were more... Optimized.

Therefore, it was safe to assume that my seal overpowered Orochimaru's, and locked away the chakra. If Kakashi could do it, there was no way that I couldn't.

Retrieving my sand, I watched on as Sasuke fainted from exhaustion... Making sure no one noticed, I also took some of his flesh that was on the ground...

I had my reasons...

Slipping it through my sand coat, I silently sealed it inside the bandages wrapping my arm. I had previously prepared an enclosing seal just for this...

Suddenly, Kakashi flickered next to Sasuke and took him on his back. Ignoring Genma, he immediately disappeared.

Left with no choice, he announced the winner for everyone.

"... Gaara goes on to the next round...!"

Ignoring the crowd's cheers, I slowly made my way back to the stands. Looking directly in Baki's direction, I saw him nodding.

Sighing, I looked at the two last contestants left. Shikamaru had a complicated expression, and Naruto looked at me fiercely.

It was 'that' expression Naruto made... When he was about to destroy someone.

Clenching his fists, Naruto spoke in a low tone.

"Shikamaru... It's not personal, but I will not hold back against you."

"Sigh... What a drag..."

Ignoring both of their antics, I laid back on the wall like usual, awaiting my next opponent.

Suddenly, Genma's words interrupted our little standoff.

"Uzumaki Naruto vs Shikamaru Nara!"

"Ahh... I wish I was a cloud... I really do..."

Shikamaru massaged his neck as he lazily followed Naruto to the arena. Placing both hands in his pockets, he looked straight at Naruto.

"I guess I'll give it a shot..."


Hearing Genma's words, Naruto jumped away, getting himself out of range.

I watched as he did his signature hand seal.

"Tajū-Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

The arena trembled as countless clones filled it. There had to be at least fifty of them.

'Gaara... I can feel the Fox's chakra... My blood is boiling! Let me out!'

Shukaku's excited voice resounded in my head. Smiling, I got closer to the handrail.

"Yeah, I noticed... I kinda feel bad for Shikamaru..."

Down in the arena, Shikamaru laid back and watched the clouds as he sighed. His face clearly indicated that he did not sign up for this.

Raising his hand, he spoke in a lazy manner.

"I give up!"


"The winner is Uzumaki Naruto!"

With a loud shout from Genma, Naruto made his clones disappear.

With anger on his face, he aimed his fist towards me.

"Come and get it... I'm waiting!"


I guess it's time to switch off.

"Shukaku. It's your turn... But make sure you don't kill him. If you do, you'll never come out again, I swear."

Suddenly, my eyes spun, turning yellow. My pupils deformed, taking on the shape of a Kunai as four dots appeared around them.

My canines grew exponentially, and blue markings appeared on my skin. My expression distorted viciously, as a look of madness covered my face.



(AN: There are currently THREE advanced chapters available!

If any of you want to support me and get early access chapters, check out my p.a.t.r.e.o.n. at toxinfraser. Just type p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/toxinfraser

If we reach the goal, I'll increase my release rate!

Thank you for reading/supporting this fic.)