

Yashamaru had truly done a great job with the money and plans I left him... Thanks to his efforts, I was finally able to relax, albeit just a little.

Once our crop production reached huge scales, we'd be able to not only provide for the village but also export to other villages... Money was not something to worry about anymore.

The goal was to make a self-sufficient village that did not require a Daimyō to operate... No longer would we need a budget from them.

But that was all for the future... There was no use thinking about it now...

In relatively high spirits, I headed over to the village's hospital.

Once inside, the same receptionist from the last time was waiting. With a smile, she led the way to the higher floors.

When we reached our destination, she took me to a specific room and departed. Opening the door, I was greeted by the sight of multiple medical-nin, all wearing suits.

A man with a scruffy beard walked up to me, extending his hand.

"Good day, Gaara-dono. Are you ready for the eye-transplant? We'll take good care of you!"

Smiling, I shook his hand.

"Yes doctor, please go ahead. Oh... By the way, could you preserve my original eyes and give them to me later?"


"Sure... But why?"

"Personal reasons."

Deciding not to pry, the doctor made me sit on a special chair... He wore a mask and gloves before taking a syringe from his assistant's hands.

"We'll use a mild muscle-relaxants and pain-relievers for your comfort. Is that all right?"

Nodding my head, I allowed them to perform the surgery.


After thirty minutes, we were finally done.

Because of the medicine, I didn't even feel a thing... It was a bit traumatizing to lose my eyes though.

Since these were top-notch medical-nin, they easily performed the transplant. I mean, if Rin could do it for Kakashi, how easy would it be for these guys?

My vision didn't change... In fact, it got a little better. After all, they had specifically transplanted eyes with 20/20 vision. After removing all the medicine they had used, the pain was severe.

Suppressing it, I thanked the doctors and left the hospital with a jug of fluid containing my eyes; Not wasting any time, I headed straight for the lab my father had given me.

It was located underground and boasted a pretty big size... The facilities were also top-notch for the era.

Before doing anything, I covered the entrance with soundproof and perception-blocking seals calculated by the system...

'With this, not even Rasa should be able to peek in here.'

Finally feeling safe, I headed to the main table and placed down all the materials I had gathered on the trip... It was quite the haul...

A pair of three-tomoe Sharingan, an arm made of Hashirama cells, and chunks of flesh from both Naruto and Sasuke themselves.

Looking at everything, I couldn't help but feel excited.

"With this... I should be able to create... Wait, before that..."

'System, is there a way to seal a clone, so it doesn't disappear?'


Suddenly, the interface appeared before me and generated a seal for this purpose exactly. It would seal the chakra of the clone so it would not disappear under any circumstances.

'Perfect… now let's see... The Shadow-Clone jutsu...'

Using knowledge from my previous life, I spent a few minutes trying to create a Shadow-clone.

After a few attempts, I finally got the ratio right. Suddenly, a clone appeared next to me with a puff of smoke.

"You know what to do right?"

The clone nodded and removed its clothes, laying naked on the autopsy table. With the help of the system, I started engraving seals on its body.


The markings glowed red and the clone closed its eyes... It was now dormant. He wouldn't disappear, even if I tried to dispel the jutsu.

'Well, now on to the difficult part... System, can I fuse eyes?"


After a short while, the UI reappeared in front of me, showing me the possible ways of achieving such a thing.

'Hmm... I see... If done in this manner, perfect cell fusion can be achieved... Interesting...'

Basically, the system demonstrated how my seals could do what even a doctor like Tsunade would be incapable of doing.

By using certain seals, I'd be able to completely fuse my original eyeballs with the Sharingan. It was as if I turned my own eyes into the red Dōjutsu.

The reason for which this would be beneficial... Was because I'd transplant those eyes into my dormant clone.

Then, with more help from the system, I'd fuse the arm made of Hashirama cells with the clone itself. Furthermore, as if that wasn't enough, I'd also make the clone assimilate both Naruto's and Sasuke's flesh.

By combining Uchiha and Senju DNA, I wouldn't have enough to achieve my purpose...

To awaken those 'eyes', I'd also require both Indra and Ashura's chakra, in order to create the six-paths energy.

The reason for which I went through the trouble of making a permanent clone was that in the anime, Madara stated that 'Only the original owner of a Dōjutsu can fully utilize its potential'.

Therefore, I came up with this crafty little trick. By fusing the Sharingan into my own eyes, they were technically mine... Therefore, if they turned into the Rinnegan, I would be the original owner!

This was just an experiment, but I had high hopes for it. Using my knowledge and the system's computing abilities, I was already miles ahead of Madara and Orochimaru.

"Well, here goes I guess... Let's start this thing."


(AN: There are currently THREE advanced chapters available!

If any of you want to support me and get early access chapters, check out my p.atreon. at toxinfraser. Just type p.atreon.com/toxinfraser Link in the comments!

If we reach the goal, I'll increase my release rate!

Thank you for reading/supporting this fic.)