The Wishes (1)

"Fate changing Fragments?".

Aiden didn't understand what Greil meant but this item must be very important for them to kill Lara so that they can get it.

"Yes. the fate Changing Fragments are special items made from the fate energy. It can only be created inside the fate dimension. When Master entered this place by chance and learned about Fate energy, she tried to master it and gain control over it. Finally, she made a great success and created something that can literally change the Fate itself, Fate changing fragment".

"What can it do exactly?".

"Change fate. the fragment affects your own fate and bends it to make it as you will. In a simpler way, It can grant you your wish".

"Oh, so it's like Shenlong?".

"Shenlong? isn't that a dragon? what are you talking about?".

"Nothing just something I thought about".

"Okay then, as I said before. These fragments can change fate and in a way, it can grant you your wishes but don't be too excited. It's not something that can grant you any wish you think about".

"Seems like it has some kind of price, right?".

"Of course. Everything has a price but fortunately for you, that can be passed because right now, we're in the fate dimension. you see, each one has a finite amount of Fate energy that he can resist. For example, if you try and wish for ultimate power, your body won't be able to resist the huge fate energy needed for such task and before it gives you that power, you will explode".

"Then it depends mainly on the wish".

"Yes. You must wish very wisely. Also, you can't wish for immortality, eternal youth, or any kind of power that prolongs your life directly cause it takes really a lot of fate energy to go against the laws created by God himself, especially the laws of life and death".

Aiden just smiled and then said with a little tone of joking, "It's pretty funny when your own wish can kill you...but I understand, I will be careful".

"It's good that you understand. Now, for the number of fragments, I only have 4 because the master kept only four in this dimension. Normally, upon using the fragment something horrific will always happen because that's the price for going against fate but because you're inside the dimension of fate itself, you can use it without paying any price".

"Wow, that's really a lot".

"Sigh, In reality, Master was able to create 7 fragments. Unfortunately, because of that incident, the two that Master always kept with her have been taken by those three. The other one was hidden by Master in someplace in the Sarna world but I don't know exactly where".

"Wait a minute, why didn't you use the fragments to revive yourself since you're saying that you could wish for everything? Why also didn't you try to revive your Master using the fragments? I mean in the first place why didn't she bring all the fragments and hid them somewhere??".

"Good question. Let me tell you something. When someone dies, his Fate ends and He doesn't have a fate anymore. That's why dead can't control Fate energy. Did you see my illusion earlier, that was the Mana I get from the Sarna world using a little hole in this space".

"So you couldn't revive your Master because you have been already dead when you reached this dimension. hmmm".

"There is also another reason, in reality, these fragments can't revive people for the very same reason as me not being able to use the fragments. Aiden, you must know that once you're dead, it's the end of the adventure for you. You must make sure to choose your power wisely".

Aiden nodded and looked at Greil's serious expression.

"There is also the fate fragment inability to enter the worlds. you see, the Sarna world is only able to have 3 fate fragments enter. Because of the immense amount of Fate energy inside them, the world can barely resist more than 3. There is also a very huge price to pay if you use it outside the fate dimension".

"Is it dangerous that much??".

"Yes, very dangerous".

Aiden understood what Greil meant and he also started thinking about a way to get more benefits from these fragments. After some time of thinking, Aiden got an idea about his first wish as he smiled and then said, "Okay, I know what is my first wish".

Greil then replied, "Then I will give you the 1st fragment".


With a snap of his fingers, a sudden light appeared around Greil and it then formed into 4 little rainbow-colored stones. Aiden felt very big pressure coming from it. He felt like he was in front of a huge wall and that wall was right above him that can crush him at any moment.

"So, What is your first wish, Aiden".

The moment Greil said that one of the stones got near him and he then handed it to Aiden. then Greil went back to his seat and looked at Aiden waiting to see his wish. Aiden said then

"What I need is the ultimate power and since I can't have it directly, I will go with it and cheat. without risk, you can't get the best. I am an otaku and ultimate power is my goal. Escanor I am coming".

"What!?? Aiden wait..."

Greil tried stopping Aiden but it was too late. Aiden immediately called his wish.

"I wish for my body to be changed to the supreme body that can be the perfect vessel and able to resist the Sunshine Grace from Nanatsu no taizai and use it without dying".

"What are you doing. What is this nanatsu...."

Before Greil could say anything more, a huge rainbow light pillar appeared around Aiden and broke Greil's illusion. the huge amount of pressure coming from the pillar of light made the room crack and then shatter like glass.

They immediately then returned to the white space as Aiden started changing. What was terrifying is that you could hear a scream coming from the pillar.

"Arrgghhh. This is so painful".

Greil became a little angry as he yelled at him, "You idiot, didn't I tell you if you try to wish for ultimate power, you will die".

"Argggghhhhhh. If I die trying to be the best than staying mediocre my whole life then it's the perfect life for me".

Greil couldn't help it and said with a low voice, "tsk, an idiot indeed".

this continued for a few hours until Greil finally noticed that Aiden was absorbing the pillar of light started entering his body and all the power of Fate energy also entered his body.

Finally, all the light disappeared and everything returned to normal. Greil looked at Aiden who didn't change that much. His hair is normal and his whole body is normal. You could only notice something weird and that in his green eyes.

you could notice now that he has in the center of his green eyes a little color of orange in the middle and for a moment Greil noticed that his eyes turned into a golden triskele for a moment then disappeared immediately.

A/N: [Resembels the eyes of angels from nanatsu no taizai].

"Hahaha. I did it, I changed my body to become the perfect vessel for Sunshine hahaha but damn it, I almost died".

"Your brain must have something wrong. To wish for Such an immense thing without considering the risks, you're really crazy. You even wished for a supreme body and you survived".

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. I wished for the supreme body that can be the perfect vessel for Sunshine and not a supreme body that has immense strength. the only one to have such a thing is Mael and the Supreme deity herself which means that to the least, I have Mael's body but what is weird is...why am I still a human and not an angel?".

Greil: "What do you mean? I can feel immense magic coming from you and you say that you wanted to be an angel. Even the angels can't have this much power?? How were you able to wish for such a power?".

"The only ones known to be able to hold the Sunshine grace are Mael, the strongest archangel and the supreme deity, the one who created Sunshine itself".

Greil gave Aiden a weird look and then said to him with a pondering look.

"Now that you say it, what do you mean by the archangels and graces. Who is the supreme deity and Mael? What do you mean by Grace Sunshine?".

Aiden: "Ah, well, it's the power from.... 0_0 wait you don't know about Sunshine?? Nanatsu no taizai??".

Greil shook his head and gave Aiden a surprised look as he waited for him to explain more about Sunshine. He then said to him, "Don't you know about our world literacy works? science or anything?".

Greil started thinking for a moment and then replied, "Well, I only observed how you battled and not anything else. I never thought that you have also magic like our world even without Mana. I am truly shocked".

"Well, our world really doesn't have Magic. What I wished for is power from a fictional world in my world. It's from Manga".

"Ohhh, you need to explain to me what all of this means so I can understand what you meant".

"Okay then. Hear me well..."


[After an hour of explanation].

Greil: "Oh, so you wished for something not related to ultimate power or strength but a way to control and use that strength".

"Exactly, you said it yourself. If my body is able to handle ultimate power then I can easily wish for it. I told you, all I need is to get with my words".

"You're really something Aiden. Perhaps this explains why you are able to resist the power of Fate. Well then, what are the remaining wishes".

Aiden smiled as he looked at Greil and said to him with a confident tone.

"Now that I have the body, You see.....".