The Supreme Archmage Charles

The golden Scorpion standing in front of Aiden right now is very huge. His size was almost as big as a truck as he was over 12m long.

He also has 6 legs. two small at the front and four big behind. they seemed like golden iron thorns that could stab anything. He also had surprisingly 3 heads and seemed like a hydra more than a scorpion. One attached to his pointy carcass and the other two as two long snakeheads.

The Scorpion was intelligent as the moment he saw Aiden, he spoke with him with an angry voice, "Human, what do you think you're doing here? You killed all my brethren and you even came to challenge me. Don't think about escaping from here. These ruins will be your burial place".

Aiden raised his eyebrow and then came down and stood in front of the scorpion, "hmmm, seems like you misunderstood something. I killed your brethren because they tried to injure. It wasn't me who started this".

"You invaded our place!!".

"I just came to inspect and not invade. It's you who assumed that".

"Argghhhh, I will kill you, human".


One of the heads moved fast as he went directly towards Aiden and tried to swallow him whole. Aiden also noticed that the guy seemed to have some control over sand and could move easily in it like a shark in the sea.

Aiden who saw that thought about something, 'It seems like he has a power of a Peak 8th level. He also uses mana to control the sand around him'.

Aiden looked at the demon then said, "To be honest, I thought that this island is nothing more than a beginner village that I can beat anyone in but it seems I underestimated the risk around here".

Aiden didn't wait for the beast's answer as he took the Axe from his back and be then started shining as a sudden power engulfed Aiden's body and orange almost sun-like Aura came from him.

"Shall we start the battle now?"


Aiden moved fast to the right side to evade the head coming from the left. the beast noticed that and sent the second head but then Aiden smiled and did something unexpected.

He swung his Axe and sent a terrifying big slash towards the coming head. He used huge amounts of mana to cover Rhitta's blade and sent a huge magic slash.

"Take this. Fire Slash!".

a huge red fire Slash went and immediately cut his head. the head fell to the ground and even the scorpion felt the injury where the head was cut burning like hell's fire.


The scorpion felt immense pain but his Rahe was also taking over as he ignored the pain and let the rage fuel him. Aiden on the other hand continued showing his cockiness in front of the scorpion as he gave a disdaining smile and said to him.

"Hey, scorpion. To give you a chance, I will let you have the chance to attack b....."

*Swoosh* *Booom*

AN: [the sound of a huge crater being made is boom? right?].

The scorpion didn't let Aiden continue his talk as he immediately attacked him with his tail. He used a surprise attack to try stabbing and poisoning him. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

The tail attack created a huge crater and the dust that came covered the area so Aiden wasn't seen anywhere.

"Human, You're nothing more than a puny human that can't do anything and I can take you down whenever I want. I will find where you're hiding and give you the cruelest death"

The beast was really angry and started manipulating sand around him using mana. The beast wanted to use the sandy terrain around the ruins to trap Aiden.

Suddenly, the scorpion felt something on his tailback. he felt something holding it and he couldn't move it at all. He tried to free it but the more he tried, the more he felt pressure around it.

"Spare me your false bravado. your nothing a but a little arachnid so just let me pass and I will spare you. frankly, I'm disappointed, I really thought I'd find a Saint-level Demon beast and see my limits but seems like I only found you".

As the whole area cleared from the dust, The scorpion could see Aiden holding his tail with one hand looking completely unharmed and not even a scratch appeared on him.

The scorpion really felt surprised as he didn't expect the human who didn't seem strong suddenly to be able to hold his tail and evade the attack.

"Are you really a human?".

"Hmph, what is the meaning of this question? of course, I am human. I am known as the strongest human. the peak of everything humanity can give".

When the Demon beast heard that, he felt that the human wasn't taking him seriously at all and he's right because Aiden didn't think that the scorpion is a problem at all. In fact, he wanted to go what is inside the Alter at the center of the ruins.

The sole reason that the scorpion is still alive is that Aiden wants to test his power and see if he can deal with him without using all his power.

The scorpion started feeling angry as he never expected the human brat to be this annoying. When he was about to try and fire the poison inside his tail, Aiden released his tail and said to him.

"Now then. Since you interrupted me. I will say it again. I will give you one chance to attack me with all your power and don't hold back cause I want to see the limits of the legendary demon beasts".

The moment he said that the scorpion became more enraged than before and started manipulating the Sand and formed huge amounts of big sand storms that went and encircled Aiden.

"HUMAN!! I will show you the Pride that we, the demonic beasts hold. Behold my strongest magic attack. Sand Tornado".

The Massive Tornados started moving fast and even Aiden became a little reserved against such a powerful magic attack. He prepared for the attack to hit at any moment.

Aiden started feeling himself floating as the wind started nearing him but then suddenly started glowing orange again as the magic stabilized his balance.

"Goodbye now, Sand Tornado, Rampage".


All the tornados encircled Aiden and hit him at the same time. he couldn't keep his balance anymore flew at a high speed in the air towards a pillar at the edge of the ruin.

The Scorpion didn't let him even fall yet as he continued attacking with the remaining hydra head and he didn't stop at all. He also formed Sand blades that continued to slash Aiden nonstop.

Swoosh boom swoosh boom...

A/N: [Imagine when Boros attacked Saitama so fast and Saitama didn't react at all. it's the same thing but with the hydra head].

the attack continued for 5 minutes where the scorpion didn't give Aiden any chance. Finally, The scorpion sent Aiden flying vertically in the air as opened his mouth and prepared for what seemed his final Attack.

"Take this, Golden Flash".

a golden energy blast launched from the scorpion mouth as it went directly for him. Aiden didn't seem that afraid or anything but more of a disappointment, " Sigh...."

The energy blast continue to live until it reached the surface of the barrier and then a huge explosion in the sky happened, illuminating everything around and making the scorpion unable to see


The whole area has been destroyed as the whole sky became like a sea of fire. The energy blast was stopped by the barrier and even with all the power behind it, it wasn't even able to make a crack on its surface. Even some parts of the ruins were burning.

"hah, hah hah... Finally, I took that human. He was really a big problem, I had to use my two ultimate attacks so I can finish him. I even destroyed the place but it doesn't matter, I won't let anybody take that treasure, its mine after all".

"Oh, what treasure you're talking about?".

"Of course, I am talking about The Supreme Archmage....".


The scorpion didn't continue to talk as he immediately swings his tail to his side and attacks Aiden again.

"It seems like you're not an idiot after all, after hearing my voice you immediately attacked me. I expected a shocked expression when you see me like those characters in novels".

"Arrgghhh, what are you even talking about".

*rip* *rip*

This time Aiden got hold of The scorpion tale and ripped it apart from the body without caring about anything. the scorpion started screaming with a screeching voice that could destroy the eardrums.

The Scorpion then escaped and just continued attacking with frenzy without any thinking or care about around him. It was evident that the scorpion has lost his mind to rage and wrath and his sole reason now is to kill Aiden.

Aiden, on the other hand, started frowning a little as he felt that the battle became a little boring and then said, "Time to end this. You've already abused the handicap I've given you so I believe it's my turn now". Aiden jumped back a little to create some distance and then immediately took a position.

"It took me 2 months to be able to do this so be prepared for this you beast". Aiden didn't wait for the scorpion answer.Hhe draws both his hands back while gathering heat. Suddenly, After taking this position, the orange aura started gathering around him. He then placed the bottom of his palms together and smiled at the scorpion.

"Since you used a beam of energy to attack me. Let me give you back your reward. Final Flash".


The moment Aiden said that a huge heat beam got released and went directly for The scorpion body. The scorpion couldn't dodge as the attack was very big and he immediately felt the immense power coming from the attack.


The attack reached him and completely turned him to ashes. Nothing remained of the demon beast, even the Beast core was completely destroyed. Aiden made the attack go to the sky as he wanted to avoid hitting the ruins and then try to see how the barrier will react.

The barrier just took in all the power behind the magic attack just like the beast previous hit.

"fyuh, it seems I used too much power and can't even now retrieve the Demon core but it doesn't really matter. I must say, this barrier is really weird. well, we'll see later but for now.....Rhitta obey my will".

Suddenly, out of the sand and debris, The Axe came flying back to Aiden's hand. He then started walking back.

He then started walking towards the Alter to see how it looks cause the treasure must be related to that place. He then started climbing the stairs slowly towards the flat top.

When he finally stood at the top and saw what was there, he really felt surprised and then turned towards the city direction and samiled. "Well well, this is getting more and more interesting".


Nolan: "So it was you who made all the city terrified a month ago. Do you know much energy you used at that time? the barrier must have turned all that energy into huge termors that made the whole island shake like really bad. Most importantly, what did you find up there".

Wanda: "So it was Mister Aiden. As expected of him. Even a Peak 8th level Demon beast is nothing to him".

Lyssia: "I must find a way to bring him back to Adratram Empire".

Aiden sighed and said. "Well, I found the Supreme Archmage Charles Legacy".

Amelia: "What kind of legacy?".


Suddenly, a door opened and a man who seemed to be a worker at the guild looked very nervous and even a little afraid.

"Guild Master, a big problem. A very big problem".

Nolan looked very calm and said to him, "don't get nervous. What's the problem? tell me".

"The Big shots of the south-western plains are coming here. They say that There's a trace of the treasure of the Supreme Archmage Charles here".

Aiden looked puzzled as he didn't understand how people knew about the information this fast. As for the others, they stayed silent for a while, and then all of them said at the same time.
