You? You're hardly a threat. You're just a flea that annoys me

After Diss told Aiden about the noble causing troubles, he decided to go and see what does this noble want to do. Since Aiden came here, It was his first time hearing about a noble causing trouble around here so he deduced that the guy might be a noble from a nearby kingdom.

He descended to the foot of the hill with Diss and the others and they started walking towards the south shore of the lake because the entrance of the whole property was from the south and all people came from there.

While Walking Aiden started asking Diss more about this noble, "How did this all start? tell me Diss".

Diss: "You see young master, the man proclaimed himself as the older brother of the king of Lefia kingdom favored Concubine. He then stated that he didn't want to queue up for his turn to take the water from the lake. I refused at first but he started talking about him being a duke and that he can easily order his guards to destroy this place so I immediately came to tell you".

"Hoooo, some noble is already came here to this place to cause problems here. Seems like you were right Nolan. just three days and people are already starting to get here".

Nolan nodded and said, "Yes. If he's really a duke from Lefia kingdom then we might other strong people starting to come here".

Aiden started thinking about it and then remembered something and said while smiling, "You know, I always wanted to see the legendary scene where a young master of a wealthy clan or a wealthy background will abuse his power and try to do some foolish thing".

Everyone who heard that felt puzzled about Aiden's words meaning. Lyssia then asked him, "What do you mean?"

Aiden just looked at them and smiled, "You will see what I mean shortly. just make sure to enjoy the show that I will give you. you will have the first seats to the play, ".

Everyone gave up asking Aiden since he wanted to surprise them. Finally, when they almost reached the south shore, they could hear an irritating voice coming from there. It seemed like one of the guards who was a former member of Diss Gang was talking with that person.

Once they reached the gathering place of the people, they saw a very fat man with fancy clothes and jewelry all over his body. he wears an expensive green fur robe with a white shirt and golden lines and a brown pants and hat.

The man was yelling at the guard as with each word coming of his mouth, spit also came out, "Do you know who am I? I am the great Duke Anthony Sung. I am one of the 3 dukes of Lefia kingdom and my little sister is also the favored concubine of the king. I am also the second prince uncle and you filthy civilian wants me to wait for my turn? my position is something that neither you nor your master could ever reach. I can crush you whenever I want".

The guard didn't answer him and he just looked at him like he was looking at a mad man. He felt that the revolution that happened 30 years and made all the nobles leave the city was an amazing thing.

"I don't care about who you are or if your sister is the favored woman of the king. Know that you're in a self-governed state, the Moxi island. If you want to use your noble rank, just return to your kingdom".

"You!!! fucking peasant. Do you know who you're talking to? let me show you. Guard, take his hand for me".

Suddenly, one of the guards who seemed to be a knight started walking towards that guard. The knight wasn't wearing a shining armor but just a leather armor and had a long sword on his back.

The man seemed a little fat but not as much as Anthony. he was 1.80 m tall and also seemed very strong compared to your average adventurer.

The average level of an adventurer in Alcos city is between the 8th stage rank2 warrior and 4th stage rank3 warrior. For mages, it was also the same thing because the ranks and stages name names are the same.

There are also a high number of warrior adventurers than Mage adventurers because of two main reasons. the first one is compared to becoming a Mage, it's easier to become a warrior and most of the warriors are experts of close combats so they have more chance to experience battle and breakthrough levels during their quests.

The second reason is that mages need a huge amount of money and resources to get spells and also gave a good master that can teach them.

The knight inspected him up down, he just smirked and said to him, "Your power is only a 4th stage Rank 2 warrior while I am a 3rd stage Rank 3 warrior. You have no chance to defeat me. If you want to blame anyone, just blame your luck".

The man immediately took his sword from his back and unsheathed it. He then swung it instantly as he went for the guard's left arm. The guard tried to dodge and escape but he wasn't fast enough because of their level gap.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Boom*

The civilians and all the people who have been looking the whole time at the exchange between the guard and the knight ran away because of the slash that destroyed the ground and made a huge cut near the lake.

After dew seconds, people stopped and turned to see if the knight really took the guard's arm but because of the previous attack and the cloud of dust that covered the whole area, nobody was able to see what was happening.


Suddenly, they heard someone screaming and it seemed that the voice came from the direction of where the guard and the knight were standing previously. the civilians sighed because they knew that the one who was yelling must be the guard.

civilian A: "Sigh, even though we took down the nobles 30 years ago, they still abuse their power and use it to bully us".

Civilian B: "Such a fine young man has lost his arm just because he wanted to stop the injustice committed by those nobles and their guards".

Anthony, on the other hand, is very glad as he felt that the young man deserved it because he disrespected him as noble and dared to talk back to him with an unpleasant tone.

He even started laughed and said with a loud voice, "Hahahaha. For daring to talk to me and trying to bring justice to you bunch of civilians, this is what you deserve".

but when all the dust cleared, they saw something unbelievable. The guard was completely alright and seemed very fine as he didn't lose an arm at all. No even a drop of blood or dust was on his clothes and he was fine just like before.

On the contrary, it was the knight who was on knees and had both sword and whole right arm missing as his shoulder has a clean-cut and his bones of his shoulder showing up.

The knight was as pale as toilet paper because of the blood continuing to come out as he felt only pain and didn't understand what happened.

He looked a little ahead and noticed his missing right arm and his right hand still holding onto the big sword. He tried to get up and go to the place where his arm is but couldn't even move because of all the blood he lost.

What is more shocking is that behind the knight, there is something else aside from the crowd of people. It's a giant golden Axe that seemed very beautiful and at the same time looked very dangerous and very threatening.

Some civilians started talking about the Axe as they knew who it belonged to.

"Look at that Axe. doesn't it seem familiar?".

"Are you an idiot or what. don't you know who that Axe belongs to? It's the weapon that The mansion owner uses".

"Do you mean?..."

"Yes, It's the weapon that the strongest man uses, Aiden".

Suddenly, people heard a voice coming from the direction of the lake as a man who was walking ahead with a bunch of people came and has a confident but cocky smile all over his face

He has black hair and green eyes with a little orange in the middle. It was none other than Aiden who seemed calm as he walked towards the noble and his guard.

"You said that my subordinate was trying to bring justice. Are you trying to say that there was some injustice? let me tell you something. Fighting against injustice means that something must be uneven in front of me. do you think that a flea like you can do that?".

His proud tone that made his words look like divine truth could only make the people feel huge amounts of respect for him and also awe and magnificence.

"I could squeeze millions of fleas like you at once. Is it injustice if a flea does it? You're are holding yourself too high if you think that you can cause injustice, right?".

Just by saying those words, Aiden made the Anthony look very tiny in front of Him. He even reduced him and all the people with him into tiny fleas.

"And let me add something. As my guard said, you're not in your kingdom. You're in front of me here and I am the one to decide things here".