Let's Go To The Cave(2)

After the day of the battle between Aiden and Konstantin, the adventurer guild branch leader Nolan announced that the quest for the Supreme Archmage Charles will be updated 2 days later and the location of the treasure will be announced the same day.

Nolan called for Aiden and asked him about the location of the cave. Aiden just told him about it as he didn't care too much. The interesting thing is that Emelia and her father, Morgan also came that day and gave the map that leads to the cave to Nolan.

Nolan was surprised a lot since he didn't expect that the map leading to the cave was with him and he said to him, "I must thank you leader Morgan. With this, We can locate the cave much more easily. I only need to ask you about something. where did you get this map?".

"No problem Guild Master Nolan. The treasure is already beyond us at this point and my daughter and I wanted to contribute more. Of course, I want some benefits in return as for the map origins, it was given to me by a mysterious man. He wears a black robe and his face is completely covered by a black mask and hood".


Emelia who heard that blushed and felt embarrassed about her father's shamelessness but Emelia's Father, Morgan still didn't care about his daughter's expression as he just continued to stare at Nolan waiting for his reply.

Morgan looked like a middle-aged man in his forties. He has short red hair and a red mustache and a little goatee beard. He also has a huge body as he towers over 2m.

AN: [https://pin.it/ljs6r6q5nk5bu3].

He also wears brown pants and his upper body has a special leather armor with two knives tied to the armor at his chest. He also uses a bow as a weapon. You could say that he's your typical hunter.

"Hahaha. No problem, Mister Morgan. I just want you to tell me more about the circumstances surrounding this man and how it lead you to meet him".

Morgan looked with some doubt at Nolan but then didn't think too much about it and said, "Well, frankly It's a mystery even to myself since the guy just entered my office and left the map right there. I just saw a glimpse of him when I entered my office and saw him there. He didn't speak or do anything to me and just left".

Nolan who heard that started thinking about it, 'I smell something fishy about all of this treasure hint. It's like someone wants us to find the inheritance or something. Hmm, I will think about it later'.

Nolan then stopped thinking about it and then smiled and spoke to Morgan again, "Okay then. I will make sure to let you have a certain advantage when we find good treasures and Since your little girl is a friend of Aiden, I will make the rose desert gang be in the first batch that will go to the cave. You must know that Aiden will also go there with all of us".

Nolan's words seemed very reasonable and no one would say it was wrong but Morgan still felt a little angry as he understood Nolan's true words meaning. 'The only reason that I am sending you with the first batch is that your daughter is friends with Aiden and nothing else Hmph'.

This also shows that Nolan didn't put The desert rose gang in his eyes at all. After all, with all the people and big shots coming from all over the continent, how can the little gang in Alcos city get anything. Still, Morgan didn't show his anger at all and only laughed as he showed his so-called happiness.

"Hahaha. then I will gladly accept the guild master generosity. I believe that guild Master still has many things to deal with so you must excuse us".

Emelia who didn't understand what was happening just sighed as she felt that nothing bad happened even with her father Shamelessness. Because she was still young, Emelia didn't understand the world of politics that adult live in.

Morgan then bid goodbye and excused himself. Nolan just nodded and said, "No problem at all. You can leave then. goodbye, and be careful".


"So it will be 2 days later huh!!".

It was dinner time and Aiden was sitting in the dining room eating while drinking wine as well Diss was standing behind him. He also nodded and replied to his young master.

"Yes, young master. Nolan also sent an adventurer who told you to be at the guild in the morning, 2 days later as the first batch will move at 8 am".

Aiden just nodded as he didn't care too much about the treasure. After all, he already has Rhitta and the divine meditation technique which can make him very strong.

Anything else will be useless for him as he already had a path for him to grow and have more strength. Even money or anything else isn't a problem because in this world, with the strength you can have everything else.

Aiden who just finished eating and started wiping his mouth with a handkerchief replied, "Good then. I will take them there and then return back. I don't want to take too much time so I will show them the place where the treasure is and go back".

Diss looked a little surprised with Aiden's statement so he thought for a second and then said, "No problem young master but I am very curious, aren't you interested in the treasure?? I mean it's the treasure of a Supreme Archmage and he must have collected things for warriors. You can find something useful for you".

Aiden smiled and looked at Diss. He then gave a jovial laugh and looked at Diss like he's looking at a little kid, "Hahaha. Oh, Diss. Do you think that an adult will be interested in the toys of a little kid? I, the strongest man don't care about the things of a little mage".

Diss couldn't understand how Aiden thinks as he never expected that he will say that the treasures of a Supreme Archmage will be at the same level as toys for him.

He could see in Aiden's eyes that he was really uninterested in the treasure and this made him have only one thought in his mind, 'Man, he really doesn't care at all'.

Aiden got up and started walking away from the table to the stairs but he then suddenly stopped and turned at Diss, "Oh and by the way Diss, you're wrong about one thing".

Diss raised his eyebrow as he didn't think that he said something wrong but still asked, "Eh, excuse me but what is that?".

Aiden: "The Mage. You're wrong in something about him".

Aiden gave a mysterious smile as he looked at Diss and just continued drinking his wine and thinking about the surprise that he will bring to all the people.


At the same time that Aiden was talking with Diss, In a dark room inside a house in Alcos city, two men are talking about their plans for the treasure hunt two days later.

They are the short man and the tall man that were previously at Aiden's battle with Konstantin. Right now they're discussing their next step. The tall man was the first to talk as he said, "So how are the members doing??".

Short man: "There are already over three hundred thousand members of the alliance coming here. In two days another fifty thousand will come and we will have almost three hundred and fifty thousand which is almost half the people coming to this island".

"Very good. With this and with eight who will come, we will have a bigger chance of taking the treasure in the cave. I am very excited about this".

"Wait, Eight will come!!! Wow, that's very relieving and also very alarming. That guy is dangerous and untamed. He can literally do anything he wants and nobody would talk about it".

"Well, no need to worry about that. It seems that the leader talked with him and he made sure to warn him about the importance of this mission".

"If the leader already thought about this then it's good. I mean I can't cope with that guy madness".

"Don't forget to prepare some people to guard the girl that's with eight. He came directly from the Sardinia empire and so he didn't have time to get the girl back to HQ. They also need to be strong enough to cope with any situation".

"No problem".

"Then it's decided. We will move with the first batch two days later".

"Yea, let's go to the cave".