Lyssia and Alex

Back at group 25, After Alex and Lyssia Split up to search for their corresponding number, Alex decided to go east while Lyssia went west.

Since that, a day has almost passed and both of them got some numbers but not the one they were searching for. Of course, the way they gathered the numbers was by threatening people. While some tried to fight them and failed, most of the others couldn't do anything to them and just gave up their numbers without fighting.

Lyssia is already an advanced Rank-2 master warrior and so she can deal with most of the people present in this group. In fact, Lyssia is more of a speed and agility type and focuses on movements and dexterity more than strength. It's with her high speed and short blades that she gives her enemies deadly injuries.

Alex, on the other hand, is a dual swordsman who uses swords technique in close combat fights. Alex is just 39 years old and yet, he's already at the same level as lyssia which makes him a talented Genius level even in powerful empires.

In just one day, both of them took almost 500 people each which make them earn the term of true monsters compared to most the people present here but even after taking a thousand people in the group, they still couldn't find their own corresponding numbers.

Right now, over thirteen hundred people have been teleported back to the Canyon because they lost their numbers which means that only about half of the group remained. It was the second day of trial and Alex and Saya returned to their meeting point as they each looked at each other and Lyssia started to speak first.

Lyssia: "So, did you find my number?".

Alex sighed and then raised his hand and said, "Release".

After he said that, his hand started emitting a little bit of light and then many balls of lights containing different numbers appeared floating in the air.

Lyssia was a little surprised that Alex got this many numbers but then she also thought about how she also got many numbers and then raised her hand the same way as Alex. She then smiled and said, "Release".

Just like Alex, Lyssia left hand shined a little bit and then different balls of lights appeared floating in the sky having different numbers. Unfortunately, neither of their numbers appeared to be among the thousands of ball of lights.

Alex: "Sigh, we have almost a thousand numbers here and yet we couldn't find either our number or yours. Well, it is pretty hard to find two numbers among over twenty-five hundred people".

Lyssia who heard him say that immediately clenched her hands and raised them as she said, "We must not give up. We need to find our numbers to qualify for the next trial".

After that, Alex and Lyssia both said, "Return" as the ball of lights all disappeared and went back to their hands. Alex then looked at his number for a second and then said as he gave a sly smile, "hmm, You know, It's not necessary to find our numbers to qualify".

Lyssia who heard that looked at him and raised her eyebrow and said, "Eh, what do you mean? I thought you needed your number to enter the next trial".

Alex: "Well, he said that this trial will end after 5 days which means that if 5 days pass and only five hundred people remain, you will automatically qualify without having a pairing number. Finding the number task is for weak people to secure their place. If you're strong enough and took down most of the people, you won't need to find your number at all".

Lyssia heard that and thought about it but then she looked at him again and said, "Then why did you tell me to search for our numbers in the first place? We could've just took down two thousand people and just end this".

Alex then raised his head and stared at the sky and said, "I don't wanna. It's too tiring".

"Wait...what?". The fact that he said that made Lyssia jaw drop as she couldn't think that Alex can be this lazy.

Alex: "It's too much work to do. I mean going after and everyone until only a small number of challengers remain"

Lyssia who heard that had veins appear on her forehead as she heard more of that and then started yelling, "Do you know how much easier it is to take down all people than finding stupid numbers!!! It means if you don't wanna search then just take down as many people as you can and we will win. It will be much more efficient than searching aimlessly".

Alex didn't say anything and just sighed as he looked at her and then he just jumped at the tree and lied down on one of the branches and then said, "Okay, we will go with your plan but we will start tomorrow. Right now, I'm tired and I need to rest because I fought for a whole day".

Lyssia hmphed and then said to him, "You can't imagine how much I wanna hit you right now. Like you ever need to rest. You're just too lazy to even go and do one thing".


It's been a while since the sunset and Lyssia and Alex are in front of a fire camp as Alex is cooking some meat barbecue for both of them. This meat is the meat from magic beasts and they're really delicious and nutritious.

It even has huge benefits for warriors because of the remaining mana inside it which gives it a delicious taste. Mages who also eat this meat can make their mana core stronger and in some cases have a great breakthrough.

For warriors, it can make their body stronger and able to channel mana through all their body to gain strength and speed. It's a known fact that Magic beasts are separated into 12 levels. Each level is separated into 5 stages, Low, middle, and high, peak, perfect.

The higher the level of the magic beast, the higher the benefits you can take from their meat and also the materials you can get from them. Even magic beasts themselves eat other magic beasts to get stronger.

Right now, Alex and Lyssia are eating a third level magic beast so the effects are minimal on them but the taste is still delicious. Lyssia is enjoying her food around the fire and chats with Alex.

Lyssia who was eating the food smiled and looked at Alex and said to him, "I really didn't expect one of the strongest Great Kingdom knight to be someone who can cook delicious food".

Alex: "Well, I had to learn back when I was a fugitive. I lived in the elf forest for a year and I couldn't die because of hunger or that would be really stupid".

Lyssia: "Oh yeah. Now that you're talking about it, I finally remembered it. There were some rumors that said that you died in the snow region 2 years ago. Some people said that you were traveling there and never came back".

Alex who heard that laughed and said, "Hahaha. Well,....the rumors didn't lie and I allegedly died in the snow region".

Lyssia who heard that felt a little bit excited as she had a little glimmer in her eyes and said, "Dude, You have balls. To go to one of the forbidden regions is something even a Saint won't dare to do. I always wanted to go to one of these places and see what is in there.

Alex who saw her like that rolled his eyes and said, "I had no choice you know. I was being chased by someone for almost 3 years so I didn't find any place to run to except for that".

Lyssia who heard that tilted her head and said, "Eh....what do you mean by that? who had the time to chase someone like you for three years and not get bored?".

Alex: "It's really a long story so let's just eat".

Lyssia: "Oh come on. We have all night and we're around a fire camp and even have a lot of meat to eat so why don't you tell me".

Lyssia continued to pester him to tell her the story as she didn't have anything to do until Alex yielded and said to her, " Okay, I will tell you but really you're a drag, you know that".

[AN: And you're taking Shikamaru catchphrase, you know that huh!!!!].

Lyssia: "Yep. now, just tell me how was it there".

Alex: "Well, it wasn't anything but cold and white there. snowstorms, Huge mountains made of pure ice and monsters that can be found anywhere".

Lyssia: "How and why did you go there?"

Alex looked at her and then asked, "you must be familiar with the Daitu battle, right?".

Lyssia: "Of course. The Daitu battle is one of the most famous battles in recent years. It happened 6 years ago and It was also the battle that made you famous and known as the strongest Great kingdom knight because you killed an Intermediate Rank-2 master warrior while being just an Intermediate Rank-1 Master warrior. Isn't that right?".

Alex: "Yes. It's exactly like you said. It's known that this battle happened between the kederawem kingdom, Dwarfs kingdom, Tullaris empire, and finally Lamang empire. All these powerhouses battled over the Daitu city that borders all the 4 powers".

Lyssia who heard that also nodded and continued speaking, "I know about this too. I also know that it was because of the discovered inheritance of a Saint from fifty thousand years ago in an underground city under Daitu city".

Alex who heard her say that sighed as he remembered about something and then said, "It was also a massacre where almost two million people entered and only five hundred people got out. Can you imagine that?".

Lyssia: "...What!".

Alex: " I bet they didn't dare to say that in public because it was terrifying. Unlike these trials here who are super easy, the first trial in that place was to go against a horde of a million magic beasts. In the end, after five hell like trials, only five hundred people survived and we discovered that the inheritance was that of a Dark Saint".

Lyssia: "A Drak Saint? what is that?"

Alex: "Yes, he was warrior Saint and unlike Charles, he used a special evil immortal level meditation technique to get stronger and only one person was able to get that technique. I, on the other hand, got a profound meditation technique and these swords".

AN: [].

Alex then showed her his twin swords. These swords had a brown blade center and silver edge. It has a dark brown handle and a guard on the shape of W.

What is interesting though is that both the swords have a gem just like Hu Zhao katana. These gems are both red and just in the middle of the guard of the words and have the number 35.

Lyssia who saw the gems thought about something and then gasped as she remembered what it meant and said, "wait, these swords! and that gem! don't tell me that it's one of..."

Alex gave a sly smile and said, "Yes, it's one of the swords created by the legendary Blacksmith Saint, Luthor Guillory from the dwarf race. It's his thirty-fifth creation".

Lyssia: "Wow, that's one of the legendary weapons created by the Saint blacksmith. I heard that out of all his creations, he only gave numbers to a hundred of them because they're the best that he ever created and you have one that is above the fifties. No wonder that you were chased. So whose the one who chased you?".

Alex scratched the back of his head and said, "Well, maybe you're right. After all, it's the weapon used by the evil saint fifty thousand years ago. As for the one who chased me...Sigh, It was the snake Saint from the Agung empire. He heard about the swords and chased me for 3 years".

"A SAINT!!!!"