First Level

It's been five minutes since the second trial started and everyone had entered the door and are heading towards the doors of the first level. Konstantin group consisted of Him, Olenna, Abrat, Lyssia, Wanda, Emelia, Emelia's father Morgan and Alex, Alexia, and Nolan, and Saya.

All eleven of them are in the same group as Konstantin and Abrat are running first to protect the front while Lyssia, Alex, and Wanda are running in the back to protect them from any surprise attack.

Olenna is right in the middle to cast a spell in case any side attacks come while also protecting the other together with Nolan. Alex who started accelerating a little bit Asked a question.

Alex: "So how are we going to do when we reach the doors?".

Konstantin: "It's easy. We just choose a door and whatever trial we face, we will win and go to the next level".


Olenna: "Are you an idiot? Didn't you hear what Hu Zhao said? He said that there are tests that need to have a lot of participants which means that if they fail, all of them will die and lose. Most probably, all the first level doors will lead to tests who need more than one participant".

Emelia: "Wait, how are we going to choose the door then?".

Olenna: "If what I'm thinking is true then it doesn't matter which door. We just need to choose a door that will give us the chance to pass all together as a team".

Everyone nodded as they understood what she meant but then Konstantin saw ahead and noticed that a lot of people have already stopped and are just standing there.

Konstantin: "It seems like we reached the doors. I wonder what the test's gonna be like".

After almost running half a kilometer, they finally reached the first fifty doors and stood in front of them. The doors looked normal and didn't even seem that magical. What everyone noticed is that all doors were red and had a number from one to fifty.

No one yet has tried to open the doors as they didn't want to be the ones to start first. Konstantin who saw that looked back at Olenna as he wanted her opinion.

Konstantin: "What do you think we should do Olenna? It doesn't seem like anyone is going to try because they're just standing there".

Olenna: "Let's just wait for five more minutes. If no one doesn't enter, we will go and be the ones to clear the first level".

Alex who was behind was now at the front of the group and looked at the red doors and then turned again and saw the group but then turned back at the group and said, "We are all waiting for someone to be the lamb that will go and try those doors but I don't think that a lamb will show up".

Lyssia became puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?".

Suddenly, when lyssia asked the sound of someone walking came as they saw a young man with wolf ears slowly walking while everyone instinctively avoiding him as they felt how the aura around him made him look terrifying.

Alex smiled and said, "While try being content with the lamb when the wolf will be the one to test it for us".

Seath just walked towards door number eight and didn't speak or talk with anyone as he didn't want to do that and just went directly to his goal. When he reached the door and was about to open it, he turned and looked at everyone whole smirking.

Seath: "Seems like all of you are scaredy-cats after all".


The moment Seath opened the door, a huge attraction force came out and pulled the wolf inside it. Seath didn't try to fight it as he let it take him in and while being sucked in he smiled and said, "Wait for me Aiden. I will slice you apart".


After Seath disappeared, the red door number eight also vanished and what appeared was a floating golden number one in its place. People understood that the trial Seath chose must only need one person.

After a moment, even the floating number disappeared and only forty-nine doors remained. Everyone looked at each other and then immediately fighting and running towards the doors trying to choose a good one.

Konstantin who saw that sighed and looked at Olenna and the others and said, "So what door we choose?".

Lyssia: "How about door number fifty?".

Everyone who heard Lyssia proposition looked at the door at the end of the line and noticed that it was opened but still didn't disappear. they all nodded and Konstantin said, "Well it's door fifty then".

Olenna: "Run towards it".

*Swoosh* *swoosh*

All eleven of them run towards the door and passed the huge crowd. Konstantin and Abrat were the first to reach it and feel the attraction force. They immediately got sucked and didn't try to resist.

After that, Nolan and Alexia both jumped at the same time together with Wanda but right after that the door vanished and the others weren't able to go through. this time, the number 12 appeared signifying that twelve people already entered.

Olenna: "Damn it. Those idiots jumped without thinking".

Lyssia: "Not again. We got separated and won't be able to meet unless we take the same test in the next level".

Morgan(Emelia's father): "I suggest going through another door which isn't opened yet so that we don't get separated".

Olenna also agreed and then looked at door forty-two and said, "Go now. Door forty-two isn't opened yet".

"Yes", everyone said yes and run again but this time in a short time because it was nearer. Alex was the first one to reach it and immediately opened it but didn't jump and resisted the attraction force to keep the door open for the others.

Alex: "Lyssia goes first and then the others follow her so that we can be safe".

Lyssia noded and immediately jumped into the door and it didn't disappear. Emelia and Morgan immediately went after her followed by Saya and Olenna. Alex was the last one to let go of the doorknob and then get sucked into the door.

Alex: "At least we got separated into two groups and not more".


After Alex disappeared, the door still didn't vanish and when people saw that, they also jumped into it took a certain time for it to vanish. After reaching a certain number, the door vanished and a certain floating number appeared.

When people saw the number, they became very surprised at the huge number. Some of them stopped each time besides the number to make sure they didn't imagine it.

After some time the number vanished and people are still trying to get into other doors while making a note in their mind about door number forty-two.

One man who was beside his friend searching for a good door said, "I wonder what is the test that requires that many people".

The friend who was beside him answered, "Well it has to be a difficult quest to require that many participants. Good thing we didn't enter that door or we probably could've died instantly".

"Yeah, I know".


[On the other side of door forty-two]

"Lex....lex....Alex....Alex, do you hear me?".

Alex who heard his name suddenly opened his eyes as stared at the blue sky and found Olenna standing beside him while he was lying on the ground. He then tried to get up but couldn't as he felt a little bit unbalanced and also kept hearing a humming sound in his head that made him a little bit annoyed.

Alex: "What is this sound? and where are we?".

Olenna pointed her finger at him and then he felt being carried by something that made him get up easily. He then looked behind him and noticed a little wood Vine that was growing and helping him stand up.

Alex: "Thank you".

Olenna: "No problem. Everyone has already woke up a few seconds ago and they're with Lyssia right now. The humming sound is just an after-effect from being taken here with the teleportation magic formation as for where are we...well look for yourself".

Olenna pointed behind him and Alex felt puzzled about what she meant but when he looked behind him, his jaw dropped as he looked at the big sculpture in front of him and also how is that many people are right now all looking at it.

Alex: "God, how did many people enter this place. I remember being the last one to jump and now I see almost a thousand people here".

Olenna: "It's nine hundred and two right now and I think when it reaches one thousand, the sculpture will start to move and we will have to fight it".

Alex: "....You gotta be shitting me!".

Olenna: "You should be excited. If we win this, we will have a chance to tell a great story of how we killed a Wyvern".

Alex: "Sigh, we're going to fight a Wyvern".