The Creator Of the New Eras

"I must say, things have changed quite a bit in the past two hundred years," Hu Zhao remarked as he strolled through Wadya City with Dian Long and Alex. His gaze swept over the bustling streets, where vendors tried to sell their and people moved about with purpose. "It feels like I've been gone for a thousand years. I didn't expect everything to have advanced this much in just two centuries."

Alex, who walked beside him, smirked. "Well, of course, you'd feel the changes. The difference between the Fourth Era and the Fifth Era is significant. It's like night and day."

Dian Long, who had been silent, furrowed his brows in confusion. "Fourth Era? Fifth Era? What are you talking about? I thought people still used the Dragon Calendar. Did something happen?"

Alex raised an eyebrow and gave Dian Long a skeptical look, "You disappeared two hundred years ago, right?" he asked, turning to Hu Zhao. "Shouldn't you have explained the calendar to him while you were on the flying island?".

Hu Zhao, who had been eyeing a nearby stall selling grilled meat, looked back at Alex with a sheepish grin. "Well, I didn't know much myself," he admitted, scratching the back of his head. "I was born in the year 1000 of the Great King Shan Xing, and I never really kept up with the changes. I didn't know anything about a Fourth or Fifth Era."

Alex sighed deeply, clearly frustrated. "You two are like relics from a ancient age," he muttered, shaking his head. "In this era, even the simplest mortal commoner knows what year and era it is."

Dian Long, still puzzled, pressed further. "Then what are these Fourth and Fifth Eras you're talking about? If the Dragon Calendar isn't used anymore, what is?"

Alex, realizing that a proper explanation was needed, decided to explain. "Alright, since it seems I'm stuck with you two relics, let me give you a quick history lesson. But first..." He trailed off, his eyes turning to Hu Zhao, who was now drooling over the sizzling meat at the stall.

Dian Long followed Alex's gaze and saw that Hu Zhao's behavior was drawing the attention of the city's residents. They were staring at him with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

"Let's get him some meat first," Alex suggested, rolling his eyes. "He's attracting too much attention."

The three of them approached the stall, and after purchasing enough food to satisfy Hu Zhao's appetite, they continued on their way through the city. As they walked, Alex began his explanation.

"You see, after a great war between the races that nearly obliterated the Western Continent, everything was left in ruins," Alex began, his tone growing more serious. "The war lasted for thousands of years, and by the time it ended, most of the cities, knowledge, and armies had been wiped out."

Hu Zhao, now munching contentedly on his meat, listened with growing interest. Dian Long, however, seemed to grow more somber as Alex spoke, as if the tale brought back painful memories.

"Everyone thought the war would never end," Alex continued, "until a great man appeared. This man was an Elf mage from the Tullaris Empire. He was so powerful, so wise, that he managed to end the war in just five years."

Dian Long, who had been deep in thought, looked up, his curiosity piqued. "Who was this man? Are there no records of how he ended the war? No books or stories that tell the tale?"

Alex shook his head. "Not really. The information I have was published during the first year of the Fifth Era by the Tullaris Empire. Before that, no one knew much about what really happened. The war was so destructive that it erased much of the history from before."

Hu Zhao nodded, swallowing a mouthful of meat before adding, "Yeah, I spent half my life in the Roshtar Kingdom before I went into hiding, and I've never heard about this war or its ending."

Alex nodded. "After the mage ended the war, he married the daughter of the Tullaris Emperor and eventually became the new emperor himself. He was known as Emperor Antonius Ilnatar, the creator of the First Era. People called his era the Silver Era because of his legendary silver magic."

Both Dian Long and Hu Zhao were taken aback by this revelation. It wasn't often that someone could leave such a profound impact on history, yet Antonius had managed not only to end a war but also to leave behind a legacy that shaped an entire era.

"This is just the First Era, though," Hu Zhao pointed out, his interest clearly piqued. "What about the Second, Third, and Fourth Eras? How did they come to be?"

Just as Alex was about to continue the history of the subsequent eras, they arrived in front of a large red and white building. The sign above the door depicted a red cauldron with a golden dragon carved onto it—the emblem of the Alchemists Guild.

"We'll continue this history lesson after I take care of some business here," Alex said, turning to his companions. "For now, just follow me inside and try not to cause any trouble."

Hu Zhao, still chewing on his meat, grinned confidently. "Don't worry. With me around, no one's going to mess with us."

Alex sighed again, clearly regretting his decision to bring them along. "What a drag," he muttered under his breath as they entered the guild.


Inside the Alchemists Guild, the trio made their way through the bustling interior. a bih hall that gave the feeling of a grand garden with its green colored roof and red painted walls that looked like the fire of cauldrons. The air was thick with the scent of herbs and magic. Alex led them to the receptionist where he started asking her about few potions to buy and a certain item he needed to retrieve, leaving Hu Zhao and Dian Long to marvel at their surroundings.

"Wow, this place is amazing," Dian Long remarked. Hu Zhao nodded in agreement, "Imagine what kind of Potions they can create here."

Alex returned moments later with a small, intricately designed box. "Alright, let's get out of here before anyone notices us. I have something I need to handle."

As they exited the guild, they noticed how it was already the afternoon and the sun starting to go down slowly over Wadya City. The trio continued their walk, the conversation resuming where it left off.

"So, tell us more about the remaining eras," Hu Zhao prompted, still curious despite his limited understanding.

Alex nodded and started speaking, "Well, After Emperor Antonius ruled for five thousand years, he eventually passed away. His death triggered what would become known as the Blood Era, the Second Era."

"The Blood Era?" Dian Long repeated, a frown creasing his brow. "What happened?"

"Simple, It was ambition. The Akubo Empire, seeing an opportunity with the death of the great Emperor Antonius, declared war on the continent," Alex explained. "Their ambition was to rule the entire Western Continent, and with the Tullaris Empire instable due to their emperor's death, they saw it as the perfect time to strike."

Hu Zhao's eyes narrowed. "And the war that followed?"

Alex nodded, "It wasn't as long as the first war, but it was brutal. The Blood Era lasted a hundred years, with every major empire and kingdom being drawn into the conflict. The Akubo Empire was the main aggressor, but other empires like Sardinia and Agung were also involved. It was a chaotic time, alliances were made and broken, and entire cities were leveled."

Dian Long clenched his jaw, "It's as if the world doesn't get tired of War".

"The Agung Empire," Hu Zhao muttered, recognition dawning in his eyes. "That's where Roshtar Kingdom comes in, doesn't it?"

"Exactly," Alex confirmed. "The Agung Empire suffered heavy losses during the Blood Era, especially after Sardinia sided with Tullaris to fight against Akubo. In the end, Agung lost a significant portion of its territory. To create a buffer zone between the two empires, the Roshtar Kingdom was established."

Hu Zhao nodded slowly, the pieces falling into place. "So my homeland was created as a barrier between the warring empires".

"Yes, and despite the fall of the Akubo Empire, the war's impact was felt long after it ended," Alex continued. "The Akubo Empire itself fell into a civil war, splitting into two new empires: Adratram and Lamang. The Blood Era finally ended with the collapse of Akubo, but the scars it left on the continent were deep. The Third Era, known as the Healing Era, began as the empires focused on recovering from the devastation."

Dian Long, who had been listening intently, finally spoke up. "And what about the Fourth Era?"

"Well, y....", Just as Alex was about to continue, he noticed reached the mansion, their temporary residence. He glanced at the grand structure, feeling the fatigue of the day's events catching up with him. "I'll tell you about the Fourth Era after we've rested," Alex said, yawning. 

Hu Zhao and Dian Long rolled their eyes at Alex but decided to hear the story later. They understood that they already been filled with enough information. They entered the mansion, each one of them going to his room.


As the three friends made their way back to the mansion, Aiden was sitting quietly in his room. Inside, he settled into a meditative position, preparing himself to use his meditation technique, the Divine Sun Technique (DST).

Aiden's completely focused on the technique, began to draw in the mana from his surroundings, feeling its energy swirl and pulse as it gathered around him. Each breath he took was a breath that made him more concentrated as he tried to empty his mind and only feel the mana in the air. 

"Time to raise my power,".