This one’s mine

(Jacobs POV)

One more day till dating day. I arrive at school seeing Cookie talking to Jasmine, I lean on the lockers talking to Tyler.


Well there's the bell, I finishing talking to Tyler and I walk to my first period class.


(Nikki's POV)

I hate Peter, he took my first kiss yesterday, today he's been trying to talk to me but I just ignore him and he gives up. Anyways I am walking to the cafeteria where I feel someone pull me into a dark room. I shake looking around saying, "Who's there." I then feel a hand go on my cheek, I blush feeling licks on my neck, it travels to my spot and I moan. I then feel it stop and I hear a whisper by my ear say, "Skip with me Cookie" Cookie? I then smile knowing exactly who it is so I nod saying, "Ok Jason" I feel him smile before kissing my cheek making me blush. I then feel him grab my hand leading me outside, but I then stop him hearing him say, "What's wrong Cookie why you stopped" I then say, "I gotta tell Jasmine where I'm going" he smiles and let's me go and I go to the cafeteria seeing Jasmine eating alone. I go to her and I hear her say, "Girl where you've been" I say, "I've been out and now I'm going to eat out" I see her smirk saying, "With Jason." I blush nodding before I see her stand up and push me saying, "Then go I want Nikson to happen" I roll my eyes saying, "Nikson really" she nods and I head out. I go to the door seeing Jason on his phone, I walk up to him poking his cheek saying, "Okie I'm ready" I see him smile saying, "Ok let's go Cookie." He grabs my hand and we go to his Mercedes bens and we then start driving. I stare at our connected hands hearing him say, "Where you wanna go Cookie" I shrug saying, "I don't know you pick" he smirks and nods. I then blush taking his hand and drawing weird shapes on it hearing him say, "Why do you work at my hospital" I look up and I say, "I work there duh" I hear him laugh saying, "Why." I look down and I explain, "Well when I was 11 my dad left me and my mom so since then at the age of 12 I started working so I can help around the house and pay the bills my mom can't afford. So at the age of 12 I begged my boss to give me 10 bucks an hour, then it continued over the years and then I worked at the hospital. I work with one kid specifically his name is Tony and I basically raised him, anyways yeah that's it." He looks at me shocked at what I said and his eyes soften and he asks, "How many hours" I say, "Depends I can choose" he then says, "How many do you usually work" I say, "5 or 8 but mostly 8" he looks at me shocked. He then says, "No wonder you get no sleep" I nod. I then feel the car stop and I get out seeing where at Central Park, I smile running in the entrance of the park.

(Jason's POV)

I smile at her childish behavior as she runs in the park but I can't believe Cookie works 8 hours a day mostly. But I'm glad I met her because I'll make sure she sleeps at night but anyways I close and lock the car and I go after her seeing her look at the trees. I smile walking to her and I wrap my arms around her waist hearing her say, "There so beautiful." I smile nodding saying, "Yep they are but you know who's more beautiful" she turns around and looks at me saying, "Who" I kiss her cheek saying, "You." I see her blush punching my chest saying, "Perv!" I laugh before taking her hand and I walk with her around the park hearing her say, "So what you gonna do" I turn to her saying, "What you mean" I hear her say, "How are you gonna show me you love me and to prove to me your worth my trust" I smirk going closer saying, "How about you give me 10 or even 5 minutes to prove to you, or for you to say you love me" she blushes and nods saying, "You sure" I nod. I then grab her hand and I walk to the back of the rest room house in Central Park, I see her blush before I pin her on the wall and I kiss her. I first feel her resist and she then enjoys the kiss, I smile before I move onto her neck hearing her small moans vibrating in my ear. I then hit her spot and I hear her moan louder, I then hear her say, "I-Idiot you made me moan m-meanie" I chuckle before I continue and I whisper, "Say you love me and I'll stop" I see her pout before I continue. A few minutes go bye and I hear her say, "I-I love you Jason" I smile before I kiss her neck, Nose and lips saying, "Now that's a good thing Cookie" I see her blush before saying, "I-If I agree to be your girlfriend w-will you not cheat on me" My eyes widen at the words and then soften and I touch both of her cheeks and I say, "Never in my life I will Cookie" I see her smile blush before I hear her say, "Thank you...Jason" I smile and I pick her up having her wrap her legs on my torso and her arms go around my neck. I then see her blush and she says, "Put me down Thief" I play along and I put my hand on my heart saying, "Thief how am I such sort" she says, "You took my heart away Idiot" I smile and I kiss her. I then grab her hand and we walk from behind the Restroom and we walk around the park hearing her say, "What was that Battle about with Peter" I shake my head smirking saying, "It's a battle that I won" I see her cock her head while she continues walking and I say, "Wait no more questions" I see her turn saying, "Nope" I smile.

-This is why I love you-

I then reach for her hand and I walk with her in the park seeing someone, someone that has brown hair and dark red eyes. Someone that is a year above me and always breaks my relationships but not this one. This ones special because this ones mine.