The next day William took Nile,Dew and Anne with him to the market to purchase goods like flowers and perfumes and all other stuff.Anne tried to pursuade him to buy lots of glitters to decorate them on her way.He refused.Anne could only hear them speak and watch them buy stuffs.Then near a big shop they stopped and Nile dragged Anne's by hand to the shop that was famous for earrings.They were followed by the young lads.Everyone greeted them.Some even started whispering about why they were there.Some thought that it was the last day of the owner,Prince William would kill him. Some talked about Anne's attractive black hair. Nile picked up a beautiful pearl earring and asked Anne to choose one.Anne choosed almost 1cm long earring.She liked it and put it aside and looked for others if there was anything more attractive then that.Finally after almost twenty minutes Nile and Anne choosed a pair of earrings for each.Nile looked at Anne's earrings and led out a breathy laugh.It was simple also the price was low and didn't have any shine.Anne liked it because it was simple.Dew looked at William and said,"Girls matter, they took so long to choose a pair...a pair huh! I could have had a good nap in this time", William was still looking at Anne's earrings. Just when they were about to pay William took Anne's earrings from her and asked the shopkeeper,"Show me the best earrings you have and don't take out any of these now(pointing to the earrings in his hand)".Anne said to him,"Why do you need earrings now, are you planning to gift them to Areana or planning to wear them in your own marriage".Nile couldn't stop laughing and Dew thought that she did have courage to fight with him. He didn't know other than the queen, if there was anyone who could make fun of William.William ignored her question and tried choosing a beautiful pair of earrings.

He finally choosed a gold earring with pieces of sapphires.He bought it and was almost three times the price of Nile's earrings.Dew went out of the shop followed by Nile, then William was about to leave when Anne went near the shopkeeper and asked ,"Can you give me back the caught her hands and dragged her to the carriage)... my..earrings....wait...Will...wait".He said,"I already bought it.Here".Her jaw dropped. Isn't this the same guy who used to play pranks on her, isn't this the same guy who called her a bitch? why was he doing this now, buying her earrings.She stared at him.He handed it to her and said,"If you like it, keep it,if you don't, throw it".She uttered ,"uh....uh yeah okay".

They then stopped in a hotel.They went insid and asked for the eating stuffs available.The Waiter gave them the list Anne first spoke,"A plate of roasted beef sticks, a plate of bread, a plate of cooked spicy chicken, a bowl of soup,and uh....bring salad , I think that will do for me", and all this time they were thinking it was for all of them.William said,"Three bowls of vegetable broth and big piece of bread".After the waiter went Anne gave them a stare and said,"Why don't you guys try the meat, it's a lot better then your palace kitchen". William said,"No thanks".(Anne:F* you)