A Test For The Brave Hearts Part Two


Harry found himself following the doe in the darkness of the forest and although he had his wand with him, the bright light from the doe and the moon rays that infiltrate between the trees were enough for him to see his way trough the woods. It was better for him not to use Lumus, as he had left on his own without giving Hermione or Malfoy a word of what he was doing and he needed to be careful, just in case it was all a trap. While he follows the delicate translucent figure, he wonders who was the owner of the patronus and what was his purpose. He had look right and left as he carefully walked behind the doe, but saw nothing other than dark woods everywhere.

There was snow on the ground making the walk a little slippery, perhaps it had fall while they were in the Malfoy's manor and maybe there was more coming as the air was freezing cold, but they could move again if necessary once he finds out what the one who cast the patronus wanted to show him. He had the feeling whoever use the patronus to guide him somewhere didn't want to harm him or the ones he had left behind and for all their sake, it was better he was right, otherwise he will be putting all of them in great danger.

Soon after, the doe stopped in the middle of a natural pool of water that had been cover with a layer of ice and Harry waited to see what it was going to do, but the doe simply vanish there. He looked at the water in confusion wondering just why the doe had stopped there when there was nothing to be seen. Had he been hallucinating from the start? Had he somehow fall asleep and was dreaming at that moment? Just why the chase ended there so suddenly?

"Well, there is only one way to find out..." Harry whispers to himself, holding his wand ready just in case of an unexpected attack and leave his hidden place, getting closer to where the doe have disappeared. This time, he risks a little light but as no one try to capture him yet, he relaxed and put one foot over the layer of ice to see if it could hold his weight. As the ice didn't break, he dare to move forward to the exact point where the doe had disappeared, right in the middle of the pool.

He illuminates the ice below him and saw nothing at first, but soon after something reflected deep inside the water. Giving the metallic reflection a better look, he came to realize it was a sword, but not just any sword, he was certain it was none other than the Gryffindor sword. Just why the sword was there? He asked himself with suspicion, but there was no one there to be suspicious off.

"Accio Sword!" He tries first, but nothing happen. "Great, I guess someone just wants me to freeze to death." He whispers while taking off his jersey pant and shirt with trembling fingers for the cold. He uses magic to make a hole in the ice, big enough for him to jump in and once again try the Accio spell, but it fails again. Taking a deep breath and before he could think it twice, he submerges inside the freezing cold water to take back the so needed sword.

Yet as he came closer to the sword, something unexpected happen and he found himself struggling for dear life with the locket he didn't dare to let it behind with the rest of his cloths. The thing perhaps sensed the coming destruction and was trying its best to strangle him under the water and for a second he wonders if that was his moment of truth. The day where he was meant to die by the hands of Voldemort or in that case by a piece of his soul.

"Harry!" He hears someone yelling his name, but soon everything begins to fade.


"What happen to mother when I left? Is she in danger? Did Bellatrix or any other Death Eater dare to do anything to her?" Malfoy asked in worry, not really minding Granger's presence behind him. For some reason she had followed him and Kragkor outside the tent and was showing interest in whatever happen at his house or at least that's what he thought.

Maybe she was confused for the things that took place withing Lord Voldemort's inner circle or perhaps she was simply trying to decipher whatever or not he was trust worthy, but if that was the case, then she was wasting her time. He was no longer the same coward he was months ago and no matter how many flaws she wanted to find in his newly reborn life, she will not find traces of what he was before. No matter what, she will find out sooner or later that he wasn't going to betray them to Voldemort and if necessary, he will save her again and again until her future no longer carries an early death.

Still, he had to admit that having her close was distracting at the very least, but not unpleasant in any way. If he was truthful with himself, having her close was proving to be precisely the opposite and as of late it reminds him of the real reason he had singled her out as a mudblood from the beginning. It was commonly known that in Hogwarts many students were muggle born just like her, but to him only her status matter because deep inside him and almost from the beginning, he had come like her.

He had even admitted such thing to his mother once back when he was in his first year at Hogwarts and his mother had laughed at him for been silly. That had been just one of the reasons he keeps hurting Granger at any possible occasion, so he could create a barrier of mutual hatred instead of some stupid crush he didn't want nor desire. He keeps reminding her of her mudblood status so he could also remember it himself. Back then it had worked somehow, but now he just wonder what barrier could be left to keep him for liking her again.

"She is fine Sir. Greyback wasn't supposed to be in your room in the first place and they all know that the werewolf was unpredictable, so they believe your mother story that he was trying to look for something valuable and when she caught him, he tried to bite her, giving her no other choice but to defend herself. Bellatrix was beyond rage and she herself had locked the werewolf away where he will no longer try to bite more than he could shew." The house elf said, giving Malfoy a huge relief.

"That's good. Still, keep an eye on her just in case something comes off. The manor holds many enemies inside now and if things looks wrong, go ahead and take both of them out and then lock then manor as soon as you can. Make sure not a single unwanted guess is left behind." Malfoy said with a kind of security that Hermione didn't know he possesses. She had followed him mostly to thank him for saving her, but at that moment, watching him give instructions to his house elf to secure his family and home, he looked completely different at the cowardly ferret she thought she knew. She just couldn't imagine just how much pain it had takes to change him to that extent and she hoped she would never have to find it out for herself.

"Of course, Master. We will make sure they are safe." The elf said with respect, which also make Hermione wonder what kind of deal the house elf's of the Malfoy's manor have with the young Master. She was very curious now of how Malfoy had even considered house elf's on whatever his plans were.

"Just one more thing, do you happen to know what plans she has for the girls father? Is he still at his home or was he also taken as a hostage, like his daughter?" Malfoy asked, tiredly sitting on a nearby rock passing one hand over his blond hair. He was definitely tired, which worries him. He had been unable fully rest for while now and the more tired he gets, the most probable was for him to experience the nightmares that had been hunting him ever since he was repeatedly tortured.

"I believe he is still at his house, Sir. Nurnott hear them talking about forcing Mr. Lovegood to call them the moment Harry Potter shows up. Please be careful Master if you are set to take the man with you. She will be summon among others the moment Harry Potter cross the front door." Well, that wasn't unexpected. He already knew something like that was going to happen.

"Sir… isn't that Harry Potter?" Kragkor asked while pointing at something in the forest and both Hermione and him looked in surprise at the retreating figure of Harry just getting inside the near woods.

"What the hell is he doing? Why is he..." Malfoy asked while standing up, but before he could finish, Granger has moved pass him and was now going in Harry's direction.

"Granger, wait… seriously, what's wrong with them both?" He asks to himself while going after the girl.

"Harry! Harry!" She called, but Potter was too far to hear her and soon it was a chase after him. He had stayed close to her looking for any signs of danger. Just a while ago they had come from the manor and it was not entirely unthinkable that somehow they had been followed by any of the Death Eaters in his house.

Hermione tried to hurry up to keep up with Harry pace, but the ground was cover with a layer of snow that make it slippery and she finds herself tripping in the darkness in her haste. Once, Malfoy had caught her before she could completely fall face down and after that she hasn't mind holding hands with him for steadiness as they chase Harry inside the woods. They could see a patronus just ahead of Harry and Malfoy was relived to see it was no other than Snape doe. If Snape had felt the need to show Potter something, then it has to be important and he will make sure Potter sees it done.

"Slow down Granger, I think this is something Potter needs to do on his own." Malfoy said pulling her back and holding her hard gaze on him. The pale light of the moon just make her look mysterious and beautiful at the same time and unconsciously his heart skipped a bit once again. If things keeps heading the way they were currently, he was in for some more pain but this time for a broken heart. He may come to like or even love Hermione Granger, the brightest witch their age in a near future, but hell will probably freeze over before she likes him back. He was fully aware she loved Weasley and even if their path had split for the time being, they will probably end up together at the end.

"What that's suppose to mean, Malfoy?" Granger asked him in furry.

"The patronus… I know the owner. Potter is not in danger, he is been tested. I think..." He said letting go of her hand.

"A test of what exactly?" She asked back, although with less ire in her voice.

"I'm not sure. The doe belongs to Snape and if he got out of Hogwarts, then its most be important." Yeah, bad words… Snape and out of Hogwarts was all that was needed to make her dash even faster after Potter. Luckily for him she tripped on a root and falls a few meters away from him.

"Granger I know it's hard to believe Snape is on your side, but that doesn't make it less truthful. He is probably trying to pass Potter the sword of Gryffindor. That was one of the things Dumbledore wanted him to do before he was killed." Malfoy said helping her up again and just after that she pushed him away.

"No matter what you or even Dumbledore said, I just don't trust Snape." She said beginning to walk toward the direction they saw Potter once again.

"You don't trust Snape, granted, but what about trusting me for once? I think that I have proved to you that I'm at your side now." He impulsively said and was expecting another slap or something worse, but instead she just stared at him with mixed feelings writing all over her face.

"That's different, you did save me but..."

"Look, lets just watch him for now and only if he is in real danger we interfere, okay?" He asked offering his hand again, which she reluctantly took it a second later.

"We'll see… I won't make any promises." She said and they moved watching Harry close but not calling for his attention. They saw Harry halt on his advance when the doe stopped in the middle of a wide natural pool of water. It was a strange place come to a stop and just like Harry they waited in their hiding place to see what the doe was going to do next but to their surprise, it just vanish.

"Huh? Why did it disappear there?" Granger asked moving a little closer.

"To be honest I don't know." Malfoy admitted following her but Granger stopped on her track fastly turning with an intense blush on her face and Malfoy almost laughed at her shyness. Just a little farther away, Potter was stripping his clothes off probably to jump inside the pool to look for whatever was inside the freezing cold water.

"Is he mad? Why will he want to go inside frozen water?" Granger asked still not daring to look down at the almost naked friend, but her question was soon answer by Potter yelling Accio Sword just before he jumped inside.

"Wait, did he just jump inside the water with the locket still on his neck?" Malfoy asked noticing the small detail and both of them rushed to the hole in the ice, in where Potter had disappeared.

"Harry!" Granger yelled and was going to jump inside the water too when Malfoy stopped her.

"No, you will not go inside that freezing water." Malfoy begins, but she manege to free herself from his hold.

"Draco Malfoy, I'm not some damsel in distress. I'm a proud member of the Gryffindor House and the one below us is my best friend, you better stay away." She said with anger but before she could attempt to jump, Malfoy stop her again.

"Yes Granger Gryffindor's bravery's are legendary, still I won't let you jump inside. Just stay back, I will do it myself." He said taking off his black jacket for better mobility under the water and jumping in after Potter. The cold got to him the instant his skin was in contact with the freezing liquid but he ignored it, focusing on finding Potter. He looked down and saw him trying to take off the locket that was pretty much strangling him, but failing. Wasting no time, he grabbed Potter by an arm and pull him out of the water.

"Harry…" Granger gasped while helping Malfoy to get him completely out of the water and once they were both out, Malfoy took the chain of the locket with trembling fingers and pull it off his neck, which give Potter the chance to breathe again. The chain felt hot in his hands, so he let it fall on the ice by Granger's side.

"Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked as Harry throw up the water he swallows, shaking with cold.

"The sword…. I need to get the sword." Potter said with a hoarse voice and Malfoy was going to dive in again in search for the sword, when Harry stop him.

"Wait! It has to be me." Harry said seriously looking at the pale soaking wet blond, who was also shivering with the intense cold.

"Are you mad? You almost drown in there!" Malfoy protest, but Harry simply shook his head.

"This is my test, I just know it." He said standing up.

"Harry please, I will do it..."

"Hermione, this is something I need to do. I will be fine now that I don't have the locket. Just wait here, I will be back soon." He said jumping in once again before Malfoy or Hermione could stop him.

"Idiot. That's why I rather stay a Slythering for life." Malfoy said holding himself in an effort to bring some warm to his shivering body. He was really freezing to death now.

"That's funny, you just face two former enemies to change their destinies, a werewolf who wanted to kill you, save me in the process, rescue someone you don't even know and save Harry tonight. I wonder just how many Sytherings will do even one of them." Granger said and he open his mouth to argue, but in that moment Potter came up with the sword securely on his right hand.

"Time to finish what we started." Potter said while they help him out of the hole. Granger had taken the locket when Malfoy had thrown it by her side. The last thing they wanted was to lose the thing now that they have a way to destroy it.

"Potter, I think it will be best for you to put on some clothes first, for more than one reason..." Malfoy said looking at Granger. She wasn't blushing at the moment but he knew that eventually it will make her uncomfortable and Potter need as much warm as he could. His cloth at least were dry, not like his that were completely soaked.

"Oh, sorry..." Potter said rushing to put them on again. Granger had glare at him at this but he simply smirked back at her. With all honesty, been with the pair was more demanding and crazy than he first thought, but sometimes it was also fun too.

"Okay, let's find a better place and be done with this." Potter said and they leave in search for a place with no water below them and they moved just a little farther inside the woods.

"I think I need to open the locket first, then one of you use the sword to strike it. We all know that a piece of him is inside, so expect something to come out. Be ready." Potter said passing the sword to Granger. He hissed something in parseltongue and in the instant the locket was open a huge column of dark smoke rises from the inside, changing shapes as it descend toward Granger. She ready herself for whatever was coming at her and was taken by surprise when the cloud of smoke took the form of no other than Ron.

"What are you to me now, Hermione? First, choosing to stay with Harry over me and then been too friendly with your worse enemy in the instant I walk away! I'm glad I leave you behind, you are nothing more than traitor! You should be ashamed of yourself! Do you like him now too?" The dark version of Ron ask her pointing at Malfoy just behind her and Hermione open her eyes wide in horror. The last thing she expected was seen a twisted version of Ron Weasley yelling at her things that hurt worse than a hundred of knifes cutting her skin.

"Hermione, he is trying to get to you. Just strike it!" Harry yelled, seen her hesitation.

"He is nothing more than a traitor too. Are you sure he will not stab you in the back when it becomes convenient to him? He was a coward before and no matter how much he tries to hide it, he will remain a coward at the end! Save you? Did you believe his words? How low had you fall? He is a Death Eater and you will never be anything more than a mudblood to him! A filthy mudblood not worthy of..." Malfoy had just enough and taking the sword from her shaking hands, he strikes the locket with as much force as he could muster.

"She is not a mudblood and I have come to regret the time I ever call her that, besides the world will end way before she comes to like me." Malfoy said in fury to the now broken piece of Voldemort. "I think we can go now. I need a change of clothes, I'm freezing to death here." He added and begins to walk back to the tent, leaving two stoned teens behind.


An hour later when the events of the night sink in with a wave of tiredness, Harry too had gone to sleep. Thanks to the provisions the house elf's of the Malfoy's manor give them on an enchanted box similar to her hand bag, they had eaten and drink warm tea that was specially made to help them rest better and recover some of their lost energy.

She had tried to get some sleep, but found herself unable to do so. For some reason, the events taken place in the forest were bugging her to no end. The Horcruxes where suppose to look inside people heart and use it to its advantage, but she just keep wondering why it has chosen to accuse her of liking Malfoy. She could understand the thing trying to shake her using Ron and the insecurities that had come between them the last time they fought, but the things the dark Ron said where mostly focus on Malfoy and their nonexistent relationship.

Why? She keeps asking herself. Why would Voldemort read her heart so wrongly? Because there was no way he had been right. It was true that Malfoy had change for the best, he was now more secure of himself, definitely more courageous and with a clear path he wanted to walk without regrets, but that wasn't enough make her have a romantic interest in him. They had just spent a few hours together after all. It was definitely impossible, right?

Then she remembers when he had pulled her to him when he though she may be in danger when the house elf first show up behind her, when they had hold hands in the forest, when he helps her when she falls, when he saves her from being bite by the werewolf, when he touches her looking for injuries, when he had stopped her from jumping inside the water, when he has destroyed the locket in fury for calling her mudblood and she found herself not minding any of those closer contacts they share or the way he had tried to protect her.

"Oh God, this can't be happening now. You can't distract yourself in such times, idiot." She whispers to herself changing sides in her small bed and unconsciously she looked at the bed Malfoy was supposed to be sleeping but didn't find him there. Her heart skipped a bit as she leaves her bed to look for him. Why wasn't he there? Did something happen without her noticing? Where he could have gone at such late hour? Should she have been less trusting and more suspicious like she first intended?

"Oh please, anything but that..." She said to herself getting out of the tent. The night sky was now clear of clouds, making the moon rays fall over all and as she looked fearing for a betrayal, she found Malfoy sat over a nearby stone looking up at the stars. His blond hair almost looked the same pale silver as the moon and she sighed in relief, letting her heart slowing down again.

Unconsciously she stood there for a minute watching him contemplate the night sky and in that moment she understood that maybe, just maybe the Horcrux had read her heart a bit right. His sudden involvement in their lives had probably shaken her a little, but it was probably something that will pass soon. She was sure she didn't love him… yet. No, she loved Ron and that was final. She said to herself getting closer to him.

"Malfoy, why are you up?" She asks him just behind him, making him jump in surprise.

"Granger, don't sneak on people like that. You can give them a heart attack." He said standing up.

"Why are you up so late?" She repeated.

"Someone has to watch for possible danger." He said avoiding her gaze. They had camp near a cliff so the tent would had been visible if it wasn't cover with many layers of protective enchantments.

"The enchantments works fine and your elf have added his personal one, no one should be able to see or hear us up here." She said sitting on the rock he had use before.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to take extra precautions." He said looking up again.

"Can't sleep?" Bingo! She thought when she saw his body tense in an instant.

"What about you? You are up too. Couldn't sleep yourself?" He said giving her a penetrating look that could have reach her very soul if he had posses such talent. "Do you still have doubts about me? Do you think that he could be right and I'm just waiting for a perfect opportunity to sale you out to the Dark Lord?" He asked tiredly and she finds herself getting angry with him again.

"I will be lying if I tell you that I didn't think of it before, but I assure you it's not what I want to believe now. You are one of us now and we will trust you, even if you end up betraying us in the end." She said holding his gaze.

"This is all odd to me. I thought I have friends before, but I was very wrong. You guys had share so many things together, save each other life's, laugh and cry together as family would, while I just have followers who care more about a family name than the person who carries it. I'm still learning Granger, but I promise you tonight that I will not betray the two of you for any reason." He said sitting by her side.

"I truly hope so Malfoy." She said looking up at the shining stars, just like he had been doing before. "I had said that I will trust you, but what about you? Do you trust me back?" She asked looking back at him.

"Sure, I will too." He said with a relief.

"Then, why are you still up?" Again he tensed by her side but didn't move away as she expected. He simply sighed before giving her a weak smile.

"Nightmares. They have become a part of me lately." He confessed and expect her to laugh at him.

"How many hours have you sleep in the last week?" She asked with concern. She had thought that he looked different since he shows up on their tent, but she just saw him thinner and less perfect. They all knew he took a good care of his appearance before and he was never seen with a hair out of place, yet the new Malfoy while still looking good was no longer the perfect one. His hair for example was falling free at his sides a little longer than before and without a single drop of gel in sight.

"Less than what it should be considered normal." He admitted.

"Have you tried potions or..."

"They don't help much. I just need to keep adjusting myself until I no longer have them." He said standing up again. "Go back to sleep Granger, it's late. Tomorrow will probably be a very hard day if we are going to rescue Lovegood. I will keep watch for what's left of the night." He said beginning to move away but stopped when she took his hand.

"No, you will not. Come, it's time for you to rest."

"I'm fine Granger, just go back to sleep."

"It's pointless to struggle Malfoy, you will rest tonight even if I had to jinx you." She said pulling him toward the tent.

"Granger, this isn't necessary..."

"Yes it is. You save me tonight… it's the least I can do for you in exchange." She added entering the tent. Since there were no lights on, everything was rather dark.

"Granger, you can't force me to sleep. It just will not happen even if..."

"I will not force you."

"Then what? Do you have a miracle potion I know nothing about?"

"Something better, I think…"

"And what's that? A spell that will prevent me from dreaming?"

"A spell that my mother used on me when I was little and have nightmares." She said while he sat on his bed.

"Your mother? Wasn't she a muggle that could not use any kind of magic?" He said reluctantly laying down after taking his shoes off.

"Yes, still there is more than one kind of magic Malfoy."

"You are not going to tell me stories until I fall asleep like a little kid, right?" He asked trying to look at her in the darkness. He could barely see her silhouette standing in front of him.

"No, that will take too long." She said taking of her own shoes.

"Then what?" He asks her a little worry for what could be next.

"I will hold you until you fall asleep." She said sitting by his side.

"You what? No way in hell Granger..."

"Shhh, don't wake the others and you don't have a choice here."

"Granger I will not…"

"I can repeatedly petrify you instead but that will keep me awake all night too."

"Granger I assure you this will not help me sleep."

"Well, let's find out." She said laying down by his side.

"And I thought you were shy..." He whispers and she ignores his comment resting her head on his chest.

"I'm really tired Malfoy, just shut up and try to sleep." She said closing her eyes. She must had gone crazy or still half asleep for that matter. Damn you Granger, you just doom me for the rest of the night or more like the rest of my life. After this I will definitely fall for you, idiot. He thought and didn't dare to move for a while, but eventually as he felt her warm body by his and while he hears her breathe over his chest, he finds himself giving in to exhaustion and although she will probably try to kill him first thing in the morning when she realizes she just sleep by him, soon after he was graced with the best oblivion he had in his entire life.

AN: Oh my… a little daring at the end but it just wrote itself that way and I don't mind at all. I usually end my stories at 10 chapters (this one may take a little longer), so it's time for a little guilty pleasure. Hope you guys like it too, I had fun writing this.