The Living Stone Temptation


At the time Hermione and Draco entered the dark room, both of them instinctively flinched when they felt it was harder to breathe inside than outside. Hermione was even forced to grab Draco's jacket, to steady herself, while feeling a little dizzy. She had never felt anything so oppressive, so horrible and loaded with some kind of... malice. She knew that dark magic was dangerous, but she had never imagined how wicked and destructive it really could become.

Just then, as she held Draco for support, she was quite sure that the dark magic she had witnessed so far was only the most basic, the least murky, since what she could feel in that place was definitely a hundred times worse than any curse and that was saying something. Why people felt the need to create such vile things was beyond her understanding, as well as why someone in their right mind would want to bring them all together in one place.

"Hermione, are you okay?" Draco asked with worry, as he used his wand to light the torches that were placed all over the huge room. Hermione looked to the left and to the right and found that the place was not as full as she expected, only half covered with all sorts of odd, twisted and crazy things, but there was enough dark magic inside the multiple objects she saw, to feel like every space was covered with something. She felt sick and turned pale in seconds, trembling a little, because the room just give her the creeps.

"Maybe it will be better if you wait outside while I do this on my own..." He added, as he saw how affected she was with the magic, but Hermione could tell she was not the only one who felt like throwing up, he also seemed equally affected or probably even more, since it was the twisted legacy of his family what they were watching. In fact, he seemed... torn, broken or tormented, as if being there reminded him of his past, of the times he did terrible things, himself. She felt sad for him, knowing he would always regret his past actions, even if he had begun anew.

"No... I... I'll be fine in a minute... don't worry about me." She whispered and let him bring her closer to him, because she certainly needed to give him something to hold on to, something that would help him heal his broken life, something that would help him experience true happiness.

"You're something else, Hermione, did you know that? Still... it's okay to give in sometimes and I know this place is... disturbing and intense." He whispered in her ear.

"It's awful. I can even hear whispers coming from somewhere inside this... chamber." She agreed and was relieved when he gently began to rub her back with his good hand, which made her feel much better almost instantly.

"Yes, it's awful alright and what is worse, it's a part of me." He said and sighed with both regret and resignation and even if she was not looking at him, she could tell that he was crumbling down. "I only hope you will continue to feel something for me, after seeing this, after witnessing the darkness of which I am part, of the things that are bound to me by blood." He kissed the crown of her head and Hermione buried her face in his chest, putting her hands around his waist, as if she wanted to merge with him.

"You're wrong about that Draco. You may have a Malfoy's blood in your veins, but this will never be a part of you, not even before you changed. Your father even confirmed it by saying that you can't bear to be in here for more than a few minutes, even back then. You were a lot of things in the past Draco, and I will not lie to you, I hated you enough precisely for your cruelty, but I can also tell you, that you were never as bad as this. You never got too deep into this crap. I think that's why you failed at the many things you were supposed to do, when you became a Death Eater, including your failure to kill Dumbledore. Yes, you did many wrongs, but also many goods, like saving me and Harry, the hundreds of students in your house, like becoming a friend of your house elves and free them from their slavery, so they now respect you deeply, like rescuing Luna, Mr. Lovegood, Mr. Olivander, Ginny and the rest of the Weasley's, for example. Even Dumbledore never stopped you, when aware of what you were trying to do. He didn't believe that you were capable of falling to the same level as the rest of the Death Eaters, who were completely indulged in the ambition and malice of Vol... de... mort." By now, he was beyond words and quite in the border of tears. He had been so lost, alone, and so eager to redeem himself that hearing her say that he had finally done something good, was more than he deserved, but he desperately needed it. However... it was not over yet, she hadn't yet finished with him.

"Even I have to admit that deep down, you could never be as bad as them. Now I know how scared you were for your life and that of your family, and how trapped you were in the mess your parents created for you. I can understand that and that's precisely the reason why we are embracing each other this way right now, because I could see the part of you that was hidden within the many layers of prejudice that they imposed on you. Kragkor told me recently how you really were when a child, before you became a copy of your parents and believe it or not, I am very glad that part of you, never ceased to exist completely... because I have come to love it, against all odds." Oh God... this woman had just... he was too overwhelmed to describe it and as his vision begin to blur by the coming tears, he gently pushed her away, so he could look at her.

"Good Lord... you just... hell, I... I love you too, Hermione Granger. There's no better way to let you know how much this means to me. Thank you." And then he kissed her. Oh, and how he kissed her, as he even thought he was giving her, his very soul in the process. Tears fell down his cheeks, but he didn't care, they were not tears of pain and frustration, but of gratitude and happiness. That girl had just made him whole again and he owed her his entire life for that.

"Hum... Hermione..." He whispered against her lips a minute or two later, but it was hard to stop when he wanted to kiss her for an eternity and she wasn't making it much easier either, when kissing him back with equal or even more passion than him. Only the lingering pain in his left hand (in where he had cut himself) reminded him of his task and how his chances of being trapped inside the stone had increased exponentially by kissing her that way.

He was sure that after having confessed to each other, the temptation would be much easier now and the risk of failure, enormous. Hermione Granger was now his greatest temptation and the stone would know the moment he used it. Even so, he needed to try, because many lives were depending of it and they didn't really have the time to enjoy the moment to the fullest.

"Granger... this will... be… tough... temped... the stone..." She froze at the moment her mind managed to fully register his words and what they meant, pushing him away. Curiously, she didn't blush this time, as she seemed to be half-terrified by the possible consequences of their sudden out-of-control actions.

"I... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have ..." She begins.

"No, don't be sorry, it was me who started it and we kissed just for a minute, no harm done."

"Oh, no, Draco. This is really serious. You said that stone can read minds, right? Well, I'm sure at this point, your mind is not completely focused on finding Hercruxes. You may say otherwise, but there is a bigger chance for you to fail after we kiss and since it just happened, it will be very fresh in your mind, so it will be easier to find by the stone. Draco, it's almost certain that you'll be tempted, probably for something the thing will show you about us. I don't think you should use the stone... it is not safe for you now, more than before." She disagrees.

"It has to be done. Don't worry... I still have something that will keep me conscious and tied to my reality," he said as he showed her his bloody hand. She wasn't aware of it, but when he yielded to the passion they shared a few seconds ago, he had unintentionally stained her clothes with some of his blood and it hurt enough to remind himself why they were there.

"There was a reason behind cutting my hand more than what was required to enter, it was because I needed the pain. You see, physical pain was the only reason I could remember why we came here, when we were too immersed in our feelings... " He smiled with a kind of charm that Hermione loved. He should smile more often like that, because it made him look gorgeous. Oh, dear God, no. No, Hermione, that's not the sort of thing you should be thinking when Draco is already trying to maintain, limited our miraculous bond. She scolded and force herself to focus on what was really important.

"Even so... everything may go wrong." She insisted, fearing he would not come back to her.

"No, I will not fail. Trust me, Hermione, I'm a bit stronger that you think. This is a war I have no intention of losing, we have no room for failure and we have people probably eagerly waiting for our return. Somehow, it has to work. I'll make sure of that." He said and took her hand with his good one.

"Come on, it's a bit further, over that way..." He pointed and pulled her gently to walk with him and when Hermione let herself be dragged, she could not help, but notice that the place reminded her of a museum. There was a large space between the objects and she wondered why.

"Draco... why are they so far apart from each other? This in a huge room, but..."

"A lot of powerful magic that has a certain amount of self-will, cannot be placed close to another, or something really bad is destined to happen. In this room, there are only eighty-nine objects in total, with twenty-one dark self-conscious magic. However, as you felt it when you first come, it feels like there are a few hundred instead. Having these many objects at the same time, while it makes this huge room look seemingly empty, in fact, it's already too crowded."

"You know... you sounded like a Professor, have you ever thought about becoming one?" She asked curiously and he looked back to give her an even more charming smile.

"You want a lesson, Granger? I may not be as dedicated to studies as you are, but I can certainly teach you some things..." She laughed.

"Of course, we have a pending date, remember? Although, that would be something worth seeing... Me, the muggle born and the number one student of our year, being taught by the former Death Eater, Draco Malfoy, no less. It would scare people." She teased.

"Well, we can have private lessons and you'll even have permission to seduce me between spells... I would be more than willing to consent to such request." She laughed even more, although she blushed a little, this time.

"You wish, Malfoy… I'm sure you'd be more than willing, but unfortunately for you, Professor, a good student like me, would never do that, even when having a teacher, as handsome as you." This time he laughed.

"That's true... Oh, well, my loss then..." He said with good humor, until he saw the stone, and then he became very serious. "That's the one, Hermione. That shiny black stone, right in front of us, is the one we're looking for." He squeezed her hand a little to give her some reassurance. Her hand was quite cold, just like the rest of the room, and he felt her body tensing behind him.

"Draco, I still think this is a bad idea…"

"I will not back down Hermione, I'll do this no matter the consequences. I don't remember what happened to my body when my mind was pulled into the stone, but just to be on the safe side, no matter what happens to me, do not touch the stone, nor my body. Do you understand? This time you will have to believe that I am strong enough to find my answers, while aware that everything I see is not yet my reality." She didn't like it one bit, but she knew better than to discourage him. He was determined to find a way to end the war in one way or another.

"Please come back to me, Draco, I'll be waiting..."

"I'll see you soon, I promise..." He bent to give her another kiss, but she put her finger on his lip, stopping him halfway.

"No more tempting fate, Draco, we had already done that more than we should have. Just come back safe."

"I will, I love you..."

"I will say it back when you return."

"We have another deal." He said, as he tried to hide the sudden panic that was building up inside him. He wasn't stupid, nor the kind of man who laughed at death or danger. He was just the typical Slytherin guy who wasn't too talented in the bravery department (despite what she thought). However, he forced himself to ignore his fears and advanced, extending his right hand a few inches over the stone. He intentionally pressed his left hand with force, making it bleed and another wave of pain ran through his body.

"I will not fail this time ..." He whispered to himself and touched the stone, while everything else disappeared from his sight.


Just like when he was nine, he was alone in a dark void, but to his surprise, this time he heard laughter instead of a question. He panicked for a moment, his heart racing faster than ever, making her, laugh even more.

"Haahaa... this is so amusing. You've come back boy... and a little restless this time." A female voice said.

"I can't say that I'm glad you are amused, but you already know what I want, right? Let's just skip the questioning and go straight to the point." Draco said, trying to empty his mind of all things that could be used against him.

"You didn't have much that you wanted last time, but now… Oh, you want quite a lot kid…"

"I have new priorities and ambitions…"

"Yes, that you have and you are in love too…" He froze and she laughed some more. "Oh, how cute, it seems that you don't find her disgusting anymore."

"Indeed." He said trying to sound indifferent.

"No Draco, indifference will not work this time. I have already read your heart, now you are mine."

"Let's put that to the test. Give me what I want and then try to keep me here by all means. If you tempt me enough for me not to want to leave, you win, if you don't, I go out with what I need." He said as he prepared mentally for the coming battle of wills.

"It has been a while since I had some fun, so I'm going indulge you this time, Draco Malfoy or should I call you, Silver Star?" He frowned at that, for he had no idea what she meant by calling him that.

"Whatever amuse you, Isobel Austin." She stopped laughing.

"I have not heard my name in centuries. I'm surprised that you know it, not many remember me, before I was turned into a living stone."

"You were not 'turned' into a living stone, you make yourself a living stone."

"Haaahaaaa… that's true, I had forgotten about that. I see you know my story quite well."

"Of course, my family may have a twist taste for dark magic, but they had enough sanity to know the stories behind what they brought home. You were a great seer once, but an unfortunate, insane one."

"I like you, boy. We shall have fun in the coming years."

"Not if I can help it. Try me and we'll find out who wins... "

"As you wish, Silver Star, it's always my pleasure to mess up with you…" And after that, everything changed, revealing him, all the things he wanted to know, including where to find the Horcrux and Voldemort's snake. One by one all that was destine to happen was reveled to him in flashes as if they were future memories, until he found himself lying on a bed, half dressed and covered by silk sheets.

"So, this is where my temptation begins… good luck with that." Draco smiled. At last, he had the answers he was looking for and he knew exactly what was needed to be done to end the war, all that was left was to get out of the stone before finally forgetting what was real.

"Draco? Are you awake yet?" A female voice he had come to love said by his side and he turned to look at an older version of Hermione, lying in bed by his side. She was even more beautiful than the present one and he saw her extending her hand to pull him closer. In a way, he wasn't expecting for her to actually do it, as he thought it will go through him, like an illusion, but he felt her warm body by his side just the same way he had felt it a bit ago.

"What? Did you have another nightmare? Why do you look so surprise? Happy anniversary, by the way…" She said and kissed him on the mouth.

He could tell she was more experienced than before, when kissing him without restraint and he found himself, unable to push her away. It felt so real, so damned good, that it was hard to believe it was not, at least not yet, as it could become a reality within a few years. She then ran her right hand across his bare chest and he involuntarily moaned and trembled at the same time under her touch. He had been wrong before, this was going to be very difficult to leave behind, as this Hermione was even sexier than the one he loved. Apparently, she knew well how to please him and he may lose himself on her if it wasn't for the insistent pain in his hand. He then remembered, it wasn't real and he tried harder to focus in getting out.

"Hermione…" He whispered, gently pushing her away as he felt a bit of pain coming from his left hand.

"Draco? Are you okay? You look paler than usual. Is it for what Fred gave you last night? I warned you not to drink anything from the twins." So, he had a good relationship with the Weasley's? He wasn't sure if that was good for him or bad, as apparently, they were still the same mischievous pair, as ever.

"I suppose?" He replied, not sure why he even goes along with that.

"Huh?" She looked at him with intensity and his heart skip a beat.

"Hermione, are you happy with me?" He could not help asking his future wife, as he did not fail to notice that they both wore wedding rings on their fingers.

"Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I? Are you really sick?" She asked putting one of her hands over his forehead.

"Then, I'm glad… everything was worth doing." He said, relieved and he was going to concentrate more on returning when...

"DAD, MOM! Scorpius is playing with Kragkor again and he doesn't want me to play with them this time either..." A boy about seven years old, entered their room, a little angry and threw himself on their bed just between the two.

"Lucian, please knock on the door before entering..." Hermione said scolding the angry boy, while giving him a kiss on his curly brown hair, which resembled her so much.

"But Mom... Scorpius and Kragkor..." The boy continued, but he was too absorbed in looking at his son that he could not grasp what mother and son were saying to each other. His heart almost stopped at that moment, when a huge wave of happiness rushed through his body. He felt something change inside of him, as he watched his son so much like Hermione pouting like most children his age do and he was so happy... Oh, so intensely happy to not have one, but apparently two kids with her.

"Dad, I'm sorry... please do not cry... I'll go back to my room, okay?" The boy said, bringing him out of his personal world. Draco then touched his own cheek and found out that his son was right, he was crying without realizing it and he simply drew his son to him, to hug him, before he could disappear from his sight. The boy was a piece of them, of the love they shared for each other in a future and he didn't want to leave them.

"Draco? Seriously, what's wrong with you?" Hermione asked at his side, but at that moment another boy came in, causing Draco to look at him for the first time. This one was older, about nine years old and he was unquestionably a smaller copy of him, with his same white blond hair and blue-gray eyes that looked at him with wide eyes.

"Scorpius... come here." He said without thinking and while his eldest son came to him, as he was instructed, Draco smiled like never before.

"Dad, I'll let him play with us... I was not really trying to..." But Draco didn't care about their little dispute, he pulled Scorpius to him and hugged him the same way he had done with Lucian and enjoyed the feeling of being a father for a moment. He was in heaven, that was his family and a happy one at that. More tears streamed down his cheek as he knew that for that heaven to become real, he needed to return to his reality, to his Hermione.

"I love you all and we'll see each other again someday..." He whispered to his family while half of him wanted to stay there, enjoying that moment for a long time. However, it was decided. "Isobel, this is really hard to leave behind, but I still want to go back to where she is waiting for me. I want to leave, now." And a moment later he returned to the dark void, once more.

"You cheated… that hand…"

"Yes, pain can bring any man to his knees or to reality for that matter… still, your tempting was quite good."

"It seems it wasn't good enough to keep you here for an eternity, Silver Star."

"Why you keep calling me that?"

"Because it is what you will be, she and her two friends will be called the Golden Trio, while you will be called the Silver Star. I really liked you, even when a child… you remained me of my own son, before his murder made me go crazy. I guess I go easy on you… Let's not see each other again."

"Deal. Bring me back, Isobel."

"Goodbye, Draco it was fun... although I did steal a bit of your life anyways." She confessed while laughing a bit and after that, he found himself looking at his younger Hermione, who threw herself at him in a tight embrace, just the moment he opened his eyes.

"Welcome back, Draco... I love you." She said and kissed him and half a minute after, they left the room to disappear back to his mansion where Harry and the others were eagerly waiting for them, to end a war.

AN: Buuuahaha! Sorry, no plan revealing in this chapter, it will spoil the fun of trying to figure out what it will be. LOL.