Life 11: Chitauri Invasion

After our fight against Everwraith-and his possessed body Sunfire we were done for the day as this was the task he was called in for.

Ken'ichirou Yashida called Logan as he couldn't handle the revenant and with me saving the day all went back to normal.

Once we'd boarded the plane courtesy of the Yashida Clan our flight soon began as the two of us resigned ourselves to simply sleep.

We were up in the air but in the middle, a switcheroo occurred as we had to swap planes.

Nonetheless exiting our seats we headed to the ground as inside was a small mall of sorts with numerous things to eat and buy etc.

But one thing caught my eye the most I could sense a dark Ki surrounding another passenger as he entered the bathroom.

And he'd have to be quick as we'd have only ten more minutes to our flight home.

After the man had gotten out it seemed that his eyes were glazed over and his previous nervousness was off.

Talking to his neighbour the man was assured that no harm would be done in this case.

And told the now named George to calm down- he wasn't going to die so he should just chillax.

Agreeing slightly the man entered the plane as he took his seat whilst I was perceiving each and every action of his.

However, after I let it be- I noticed that the old man named George was seemingly asleep yet no Ki was emitted from him meaning he's already dead.

Hurrying out of my seat I moved towards the bathroom located just behind my seat as there I entered.

Quickly I used my powers and sensed that the new user if that dark crippling Ki was in the pilot's room.

Rushing there with such speed that I became invisible to the outside world.

I broke into the room with swift soles that no one noticed a thing.

And there I saw it the pilot flying the damn plane was using that detestable crippling dark Ki.

He was the phantom alright.

Quickly he turned noting my presence as he lunged at me causing me to dodge effortlessly- before I formed a small blast of Ki destroying his phantom within.

However, it seemed the phantom knew I was going to do such a thing as he broke the controls and then he was destroyed.

However, as soon as I did so the host body died as well and with nothing, I could do I erased his body.

No- now we faced even more problems as the controls were destroyed and with my incredible speed whilst standing and moving the cameras couldn't detect me.

But the plane was now doomed to be destroyed midway through its flight unless I did something about it!

Quickly I formed a small gap in the glass pane in front and through it, I moved from the plane and into the air.

Looking down at the very countries and seas that fell below me.

I knew the only thing I could reasonably do was well- guide the plane down myself into the landing or a field.

-1x Custom Armour and Cape- (Regeneration Included on Clothes.)-

Immediately I remembered the reward I got a while back and using that I donned on the armour as my body seemed to have contact with a type of Klyntar.

Immediately a blue symbiotic like goo spread on me as it fitted itself to my muscles and bones- before a cape emerged on the back.

And with another thought, a blue stylish and both protective and defence boosted armour appeared on my body and then my cake lengthened as it turned red.

Finally, my eyes glowed gold as my hair stood up in all its black glory. I'd gone Ikari Grade 2 the form after Grade 1, Grade 2 spiked the hair up while 1 gave golden eyes and 2 improved strength to about 20x base.

And another thought formed my emblem- a childhood memento if you will of Suppa-Man not the Superman but the character in Arale-chan.

A parody of the hero but a lovable one at that.

I melded both universe's together as I became Superman- finally, I'd donned the damn costume I'd imagined for almost five years.

Not to mention it being regenerative as well even better!

Doing exactly just that I flew towards the bottom of the plane as I enveloped it in my Ki causing an aura to be present which meant the people and plane would remain pristine.

And with that activation of Ki, I then soared through the skies with the plane in my hands- feeling like a someone.

I revved forwards as I approached a few landmasses going over Micronesia and Hawaii.

Whilst finally I made my landing down in a silent clearing in the mainland US.

And with another thought, I used telepathy as I called out to the local authorities of such an incident happening.

However, it seemed that my landing and figure had been caught on camera as soon as I stepped into the States Domain.

Immediately satellite after satellite picked up my form whilst Shield became alerted of such a fast being right after they'd just had Thor.

"Hill- explain to me who this guy is and how strong he is, research any background found and check out for some bad behaviour...

I don't know who he is- but he better not be an enemy..."

Hearing this Mariah bit her lip as the surrounding agents immediately began looking through each nations databases looking for a person of similar looks.

Family, education and the lot.

Meanwhile, Fury internally thought- 'Damn it I'm getting too old for this sh*t honestly how many more Asgardians do I need to deal with now- first that Thor guy with them scientists and now this one...

Just how many more caped invincible beings does this small rock even need- I swear Carol just when are you coming down to Earth again!'


After we had arrived from our few days of vacation- we were now back in school with the threat of Lord Blaze and his army looming over our heads life only got weirder for me.

The reason being so was my Saiyan DNA which seemed to make me feel an irrational adrenaline surge.

It made my mind seemingly stop working as all my body was focused on was battle.

I'd fought everyone I could rope my tail around-

And yet I still couldn't do away with this excitement and overdose of serotonin within my blood that seemed to increase ever so slightly.

The thought of fighting a space emperor as well as his army not to mention fighting Loki and his own reinforcements caused me to feel overjoyed.

And so with each jab, I took my mouth began to turn into a grin, with a dim glow in my eyes as my eyes flickered ever so slightly.

"Bro- aren't you going to eat anything?!"

A voice alerted me out of my trance as I turned back noticing the long red hair and the dainty features that my sister possessed.

Grabbing a towel from the desk near me I cleaned myself up as I headed towards her.

"What are you doing here Hope?"

Was what came out of my mouth as I began to walk in tow with her.

Hearing my answer she carried on walking as we headed to the dining hall.

Or so I thought.

Instead, Hope led me to the garden outside that Ororo prided as her joy.

"Kaka- we need to talk now..."

Hearing this I was confused why would we need to talk? What was the reason?

I couldn't comprehend it and so I wondered exactly what she really meant by it.

"Why talk? What's up? Are you okay!"

All of a sudden a spasm of words were vomited out by me as I looked at my sister in worry.

Had something happened to her? Had she been hurt, was she in trouble.

All of a sudden a bunch of things came up as I looked at her with worry.

"Ahh- Kaka!"

Hearing her sigh I wondered exactly what the problem was however I never got an answer.

"Kaka- don't you get it! What's wrong with you, the way you've been acting recently has been weird it's as if you're always on some other planet."

And like a waterfall, all her emotions fell apart in front of me.

But I didn't get it- why was she upset I hadn't hurt her at all.

And as this thought made way my face turned indifferent.

"There it is- again why are you so indifferent, as if the world we live in is just a game to you- it's worrying me so much Kaka."


-2 Weeks Later:-

'What's Wrong? - Indifferent- A Game To You?!'

Constantly these words chewed at my mind as I didn't understand, but now I knew.

I was acting so complacent, so indifferent to life here that I'd regarded this as something to pass my time with.

As a sandbox game, but I was wrong this was my life and no one else's.

This was no sandbox game- and I had to snap out of my complacency.

Or else it would be the thing that causes my own death.

However this thought was embedded in my mind- I just couldn't let go of that feeling.

This was a life that I wanted to utilise correctly but for some reason I couldn't.

But as I thought of this within my room I looked out of my window as the sun's rays of light fell through the curtains.

Illuminating my dark room in light as then something else caused my eyes to flinch.

A fire of sorts had started and looking out further I found that the entire suburban area was now full of smoke and fire.

But why's that- was it a bushfire?

No it couldn't be it was a little cold for that but as soon as I spoke those words out of nowhere a huge blast of energy smashed into my room.

Breaking away the windows as my bed was smashed into pieces whilst my desk collapsed.

My eyes turned upwards as I noticed that outside within the civilian population was a massive space ship overhead.

Quickly I grabbed my phone from my pocket- and date shocked me.

"It's the 4th of May 2012!"

Yes wasn't this the Chitauri Invasion and knowing that Lord Blaze is arriving-

'His armada is working with the Chitauri!'

With that thought I immediately rushed out of the room as I headed to the main room where all the kids were.

Whilst our teachers stood there trying to keep us all calm however the frantic and rabid noises drowned out their precautions.

But this all ended as Mother immediately used her Telepathy and silenced us all.

Finally the children had shut up and with that Mother began to arrange all of us in case of emergency.

"Scott- take Jean, Hank, Kitty and Kane with you- and get suited up pronto-

The civilian population is currently experiencing a disaster that none in this lifetime could ever hope to replicate.

Logan- take Storm, Angel, Colossus, Hope and Rogue with you- Your task is to help the civilian population.

And also taking down any of those pesky ships but if done do with safety as a single mistake can leads to the deaths of millions!"

And this all happened in front of me do fast and so efficiently, yet my mind was elsewhere.

I wondered whether we could deal with the Chitauri and Lord Blazes Armada with efficiency cause it felt like we were gonna lose.

But who knew.

'Come on- Kane, get your head in the game! This could lead to millions of corpses all on your hands now focus!'


Letting out a little sigh indicated my readiness as my lazy, sleepy eyes became sharp in an instant as I was already suited up in an instant.



[Name: Kakarot (Kane) Xavier

[Title: Gamer

[Age: 11]

[Level: 32 ]

[Experience Points: 0,056/3,200]

[Overall Battle Power: 4,441.3]

(This is a mix of Vitality+Strength+Endurance)

[Strength: 965.6]

[Endurance: 1,544.7]

[Vitality: 1,931]

[Mind: 6/20 (6/20 is considered above average, 10/20 is genius level, 15/20 unrealistic to body, 20/20 scientist supreme.]

Overall Battle Power Ranking: 5-A - You are able to destroy planets with the swipe of your fingers, able to tank and output power greater than Planets - you are still far from Star Level- but you'll get there. You are a casual planet buster.

[5 on each stat is an average human ability while 6 is above average and 7 is athlete level ability- 10 is superhuman.]

[Traits: Activated]

[Sparkling Summon: The True Legendary Super Saiyan Kakarot- That appears once in a millennia, unfathomable is his power and unfathomable is his skills, he is the perfect Saiyan Warrior with both mind Body and even Soul in synch, able to control his Infinite Rage as easy as Pie- he is the Legendary Super Saiyan that appeared in Timeline 12207.]

[Perks: Activated]

[Saiyajin Soul Cleanser: This perk allows you to appear as pure hearted and good natured to all, causing some to slip up in your presence due to the active perk doing its work, this allows you to gain affection, trust and loyalty between others much faster than usual- Great For Converting Baddies Into Not So Baddies.]


[Wrathful Form - LV MAX

This is the form one gains after mastering their Saiyan side, after mastering their Oozaru Power and is a 10x multiplier to a base form.]

[Perceive - LV MAX

it displays to host the target's max HP, max MP, and a short summary, it also shows the remaining HP, weaknesses and and any energy types used by host or a target.]

[Telekinesis - LV MAX

The ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other non-physical means.]

[Telepathy - LV MAX

The ability to cause mental communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses. And being able to implant ideas within another's mind.]

[Laser Eye Beams (Kosengan) - LV MAX

The user shoots laser-like beams from both eyes- Causing great pain to a foe and can kill anyone who stands in Kakarot's Way.]

[Fist Of Four Bodies (Shishin No Ken) - LV 3

The user splits himself into four identical copies, with all the same power- once perfected fully to the final level as demonstrated by Tenshinhan- however before you are able to create tangible clones that have your same power- you will have to Level up and master this technique.]

[Four Witches Technique – LV 3

The user temporarily grows two extra arms from the back, seemingly under the shoulder blades. This allows the user to attack with twice the intensity that they would normally be capable of.]

[Tribeam Cannon - LV 3

The Tribeam Cannon also known as the Kikoho is an ability that destroys everything in its wake through the use of a prism formed by ones fingers- however this isn't needed and can be used anyhow- it's an extremely powerful technique that should be used only in a precarious situation as it drains the user of his life force- meaning it's a means of salvation and existential crisis.]

[Solar Flare - LV MAX

The Solar Flare or Taiyo-Ken is a white light that the user fires out and it blinds everything except the user, since they are projecting the light.]

[Dodon Ray - LV MAX

The Dodon Ray or Dodon-Pa is a superheated beam of Ki shot from the finger- and is more stronger than the average Kamehameha and requires much less charge time- it is also very good at piercing through flesh and the sort.]

[Four Witches Type Solar Kikoho Ultimate Attack - LV 1

This move is the amalgamation of the Four Witches Technique, The Solar Flare and the Kikoho- and when put together the User is granted four arms in total as it amps his power by 4, then the Solar Flare amps his power by 2 and lastly the Kikoho- amps ones power by 2,000- altogether having a multiplier of 16,000!]