The bala is an exclusive Hollow technique using as an alternative to Zero, being somewhat weaker than the latter but twenty times faster. The user is able to condense his spiritual pressure and throw it from his fist, or from some other part of the body as if it were a bullet.
Cero is the basic attack of every Menos, and a technique that use Visored . It consists of the release of a very powerful energy discharge, usually crimson red, capable of disintegrating the target.
Sonido is an exclusive technique of Hollow and equivalent to Shunpo of the Shinigami, the Hirenkyaku of Quincy and the Bringer Light of Fullbringers. which allows you to move at great speeds, making your movements barely be sight.
Pesquisa is a skill that allows the Arrancar to feel the power of the Reiatsu effectively thus determining its level of force and intensity.
Gonzui is a complementary technique used by devouring as many souls as possible in a wide radius to significantly increase its size, power, strength and spiritual power.
Instant Regeneration:
It is an additional skill that many hollows possess, as well as some Shinigami that have undergone Hollowlification. High-speed regeneration allows Hollows to recover from the damage they suffered, causing a cure at a higher rate, cicatrizing wounds on their body and recovering lost limbs.
It is a skill employed by Gillian to rescue their allies. It is a narrow rectangular prism of light that surrounds the target and takes it to the dimension where the user of the technique is, making it totally impossible to attack him in this state.
It is gap between 2-dimensional portal through which Arrancar and Hollow are able to leave or enter World Hollow.
It is a unique technique of Hollow which consists of condense spiritual energy used over the skin, creating protection with great resistance such that it is able to block even the attack of a Zanpaku-tō. Depending on the level of power of the Hollow, the Iron varies.