Fight Part 3

Hollow World

In this world, only the stronger survives. The weak ones are eaten by the most powerful.

The powerless only have a choice: To hunt as a team to eat and survive.

If they are unable to eat, they would return to the form of Menos losing their chance to evolve again into a stronger physique.

A cruel world…


In an area on the deepest part of Hollow World where a gloomy air is everywhere and darkness reigns…

A fight is taking place, the sound of blows and explosions accompanied by cries of pain, fear and madness are heard.


The impact of the clash of two creatures, one humanoid and the other with the form of a giant spider, generate powerful sounds that are heard at a great distance. Both creatures have turned this place into a war zone.

The humanoid form 20 feet tall, a monstrous giant body with prominent muscles, purple in color. His has the shape of a bear's skull. A tail about two meters long moves around his body as if it had a life of its own.

The other creature has a spider form. Only his body is of a spider with eight visible legs, four in each side. His body is completely white, giving him a creepier look. His head has the appearance of a fish skull.

Let's call them Bear and Fish.

"Dammit! Let me eat you, you can't evolve. If you could, you would have already done it. I know that I can! Let's become a single powerful body!" – Fish says to Bear in a cunning way trying to sound convincing.

"Ha! Do you really think I would let myself be eaten by you? You would never be able to do it!" – The husky voice of bear sounds louder than ever.

Fish: "Dammit…"- He realized that eating Bear won't be as easy as he had thought. Their subordinates are fighting against each other, following the order of their respective leader. Fish cannot stand this view anymore, his anger is taking over him… He starts releasing his Reiatsu.

Fish:" I wanted to give you the honor of becoming part of my body, but you have rejected my offer! Now you will be humiliated by my power and at the end, I will eat you!"


The Reiatsu of Fish increased at rapid rates reaching the sky in seconds. A white color illuminated all around him and the vibration of his power has made everything trembled.

"HaHa! Finally, you decided to show all your power… I was getting bored and annoyed for so much waiting!" – Bear can hide his excitement while he starts releasing his Reiatsu rising up to the sky.

You can see how the Reiatsu, yellow in color, starts reaching the sky at the same high than the Reiatsu of Fish. It's evidence that both creatures have a similar level of power, their Reiatsu possess the same intense energy.

The subordinates of different sides who were fighting trying to devour each other stop their fight to witness a fight between their leaders who became serious.

Because they know that the winner would not only eat the Leader, but the whole gang would become the prey…

"Let's…" Before Fish could finish that sentence…

Every subordinate present in this area could feel abnormal powerful energy that makes them trembled in fear…

The subordinates don't know what it's happening. The grains of sand start to elevate in different directions clouding their view. A few meters away from where they are, a formidable energy could be felt, resonating all around them.

The subordinates turn around almost immediately after feeling this power. They look in the direction where the source of this incredible energy comes from.

They are surprised by what they see… An Adjucha of humanoid form is standing still. His presence alone is frightening. He came here without making any sound. They realize he is someone with extraordinary skills.

"Who is him?"- says with trembling voice one of the subordinates.

"I don't know..."- Before he notices, Adjucha appears in front of him and in seconds…

His body falls to the ground split in half. His head was nowhere near to be found.

All the others subordinates witness his attack, but Adjucha is so fast that they can barely follow his movements. They don't know where he is now…

And then all of sudden, Adjucha is front of them holding a head that belongs to the subordinate attacked. Adjucha starts eating the head, taking his time to devour him without paying attention to the eyes that are looking at him in fear.

Fish and Bear were just about to start their fight when they felt a strange presence. Fierce energy that made their bodies feel heavy. When they looked at the place where this immense power came from, the could only see an irregular spot that moved at a high speed, not even the wind could feel his movements. The humanoid creature finally landed without making any noise.

Fish and Bear decided to be vigilant and in alert around this powerful creature that they have never met before.

They also witnessed how he moved so fast towards one of Bear subordinate and eliminated him in seconds.

They could see how Adjucha used the larger claw of his right hand to split his body in two and with the claw of his left hand he cut his head.

Fish and Bear were watching his movements with close attention… After witnessed how he attacked the subordinate in an instant, they realized that this creature is just as stronger as they are…

Fish and Bear make eye contact and without words, they seem to reach an agreement. An unexpected mutual understanding is shown between these two beasts… They stop their fight and turn their head to look at him directly.

"Hey you Little one, Don't you know the rules? You cannot get in the middle of a fight. You broke that rule when you killed my subordinate, but because I have never seen you before and I don't want another enemy, I let it slide. Now get out of my sight!" – Says Bear. His croaky voice has never sounded so arrogant before.

"Just leave, I have never seen you before, I can be sure about that. It's better for you to leave now that you can. As you can see, we are in the middle of a fight. If you don't want to get involved, leave right now." – Says Fish in his usual hoarse voice looking at him in a hostile way.

After Fish and Bear said everything they wanted to say, Adjucha remains in silence and keeps enjoying his food…