Money, Money....Money?

I had money.

Everything I had known about life was different now. My wife and I didn't stress the electric bill anymore. We didn't stress our grocery list, or how our children would have clothes. I was able to put Simone back in school within six months after the first deposits started coming in. We fixed our credit, including any personal debts. If people were still hounding us about lost movies, or loans I didn't argue I sent a check.

Life seemed so good now, I had no idea what to do with myself anymore. I spent my days with the kids, living in a beautiful new condo I bought when it was at its lowest price. I was still a business man, and I wasn't about to just blow through everything the lawsuit had gotten us. My nights I spent loving my wife, who was always tired from her studies, but still somehow found time to love me. She was my rock.

"Babe come lay down" she said quietly from our new soft bed. The pillows were so big I could barely see her face when I turned to look.

She hadn't changed in years. Her eyes still held the glow of the wild untamed young women who had fell so in love with me. Years hadn't changed the intensity of the look she gave me, and I couldn't help myself from laying down next to her. I put my head in her lap, where she rubbed me fondly, touching and itching all the right spots. It felt like I was winning the lawsuit all over again.

"What are you going to do about henry?" she asked. Henry was our dog, but he had recently been hit by a drunk driver a week ago when the children had forgotten to lock the security gate. He was holding up well, but he moaned when he moved too quickly. The vet said might be a sign of long-lasting issues, but with my kids right next to me the only option I had was to bring him back home.

"Ill give him another day or so, and him back if he isn't better," I replied, my gut telling me he didn't have long left. I was too negative about things, at least that's what people told me. So, in situations like this I tended to just keep my mouth shut about my feelings.

"can I ask a question?" she said after a moment.

"of course, baby" I replied.

"Are you still happy with me?" She said quietly which was usual.

I had made mistakes in my past that I wasn't proud of. Details were something I spent most of my time trying to forget. However, I couldn't ignore the insecurities they caused in Simone now and then when she was in her thoughts for too long.

"Schnooky" my nickname for her, "c'mon. You know how happy I've been with you. There isn't a moment that goes by where I wish my life was being spent with somebody else. I love you more than life." I finished, staring her hard in her eyes so she could see the truth.

"I know" she said, pouting now "I just need to hear it sometimes that's all."

"Well just remember I'm rich now and I have options" I said jokingly. The punch she threw my way was playful, even expected. I knew just how to get her out of these moods. She had spent too much time in her thoughts, and not enough time. A good play fight always brought her back to me.

She was giggling again and was trying to push me off the bed when we heard the new bell ring at the house. We both shared a confused look, and I moved to get the door. Simone was fast on my steps.

I loved the walk down our spiral balcony, it felt like royalty. There were small statues on the handles at each place where stairs changed direction. The steps themselves had a beautiful long rug, which seemed seamless. It stretched all the was from the floor we were on down to the front door. As I looked at the front door I saw an envelope shoved through the mail slot, just lying on the floor.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt pressure and heat building in my chest. I had not forgotten that little girl, not even for a moment. My soul kept crying out that something was wrong with that situation, but my brain refused to acknowledge it. Until now.

"It's just mail" I said to my wife "can you go check on the babies though? I will bring it up." I didn't want her to see the envelope, or any envelope for that matter.

My heart beating so hard in my chest, I descended the stairs and lifted my nightmare.

"I'm so proud of you! Love Mom" it said, at which point I was able to let out a deep sigh of relief. There was no way anyone could have known how far I had moved, or where. No little girls were going to come tramping up my lawn with another weird note and scaring the life out of me. I told myself how silly I was for being anxious and turned around to go back upstairs.

The door bell rang again.