The New Case

It was curious how fast a day goes by when you have your mind lost deep in thoughts. For Mai Taniyama, a high school student who ended up working for the Shibuya Psychic Research Company by chance almost a year ago, this day had flown by so fast that it surprised her to see the sun beginning to hide behind the mountains. Soon enough the night will fall, and even if she wasn't particularly afraid of the darkness, she couldn't help but feel restless for the new case. Everything that Kazuya Shibuya (head investigator and better known as Naru to all his co-workers) said the day before was still fresh on her mind.

"I have accepted a new case. This case will involve an old haunted mansion in an isolated area. This mansion has been abandoned for more than a decade after the strange death of it's previous owner. There have been numerous rumors from the local town people of this mansion being haunted by devils since it's construction. It is also said that the rich feudal lord that constructed it was a crazy man with an odd taste for dark things. It was well known among the people of the area that young women used to disappear after being seen near the mansion. Even after the death of the lord, strange things continued to happen inside that mansion for generations to after. The last heir abandoned it until the day someone else offer to buy it."

"Allen Davis, an English architect who has recently moved to Japan, saw an internet post of the mansion. It was on sale, and he quickly took an interest in buying it with the intention to restore it as a last project before retiring from the business. It seemed to him like a good deal, and since he didn't have financial problems, he ended up buying the property with all the land that was included. He convinced the workers he had contracted from a previous work in Tokyo to come and begin the restoration of the mansion. At first the renovations went according to plan, without major problems. Soon after, though, strange things began happening inside the mansion like moving objects, voices coming from the walls, screaming, change of temperature, etc. After a couple of workers got seriously injured from unknown accidents, no one wanted to get near the mansion, fearing it to be cursed or haunted."

"Mr. Davis decided to contact a group of parapsychologists to help him figure out if the house was really hunted, after he heard the local rumors about the mansion and the strange events that surround it. It was then that things went from bad to worst. Five paranormal researchers took the case and two of them are currently on a hospital bed at this moment seriously injured. Another one, a woman who was the spiritualist medium of the team, went missing and the police were never able to find her, even after a week of intense searching inside and out of the house. At that point, the remaining team called other teams, seeking some help with the case without success until one of them contacted Madoka, who happened to be an old friend. So that's how the case came to me."

"As you can see, this case involves a high risk to anyone who works on it. The location of the mansion also increases the danger. There is nothing near the house for miles, so if someone were to get seriously hurt, help may not come in time. There is neither a clinic nor hospital near and even if we have a doctor on location, your safety can't be guaranteed. That's why I called you all to be here so early in the morning today. I know that most of you would say that you are professionals who take cases whether there is potential danger or not. I myself have never shared too many details of a case for you to make a choice, but this time I want you to consider all the facts before jumping to accept. Even with the help we can get from the two remaining members of the first team, it will prove to be more dangerous than any previous case we have taken so far. So… I will only accept your collaboration when you all consider the facts and risks of the case."

"However, I can't give you much time to decide. Like I said before, the location of this mansion will take Lin and I a good part of today's day since I plan to be there as soon as possible. You will have until tomorrow morning to decide if you want to go too. I will contact Mai later on and give her the directions needed if you want to join me. Of course, Mai… you are free to refuse as well. Your work as my assistant has nothing to do with the decisions I make. You can always stay in the office until I finish the case. There is no need for you to risk your life because your boss makes you participate on a dangerous job when you can stay safe here. After all, you are still new to all of this. I promise there will be no repercussions; you will still be my assistant whatever you decide. Well… that is all, you are dismissed."

Those were his words, Mai thought still looking through the car window. He had somehow changed in the last few weeks after that last case that almost kill him. Naru had always been a very talented ghost hunter despite his young age. He was only a year older than her, but he was cold most of the time, dead serious, genius level smart, and very handsome. It was hard to tell just by his look alone how mature Naru was, since he acted more like an experienced adult instead of a normal seventeen year old brat. Until now he was arrogant, pushy, narcissist and selfish, but it seemed that he was starting to warm up lately. The fact that he forced them to a briefing of the case to make a decision—to accept or refuse—was proof enough for her of this new side of him.

She smiled to herself unconsciously, very pleased with this new Naru, but she quickly stopped smiling when she realized that Masako Hara was staring at her in something very close to anger. They usually didn't travel together, but this time they were all in Housho Takigawa's car. Takigawa was a former Buddhist monk from a monastery on mount Koya. His family runs a shrine that he was supposed to attend to later on, but he ended up leaving his monk life and decided to work on exorcising spirits when he joined a pop band playing the bass. He said that in that business, there were so many curses that he's taken the exorcist job seriously ever sense.

He, of course, was driving the car and by his side was Ayako Matsuzaki, a self-style shrine priestess who performs Shinto incantations that lures away spirits. She has been in contact with spirits since childhood and has a special link with tree spirits that sometimes help her clean bad ghosts. In the back seat was John Brown, a nineteen year old Father from the Catholic Church whose specialty was in the old art of exorcism. He was just recently sent to Japan from Australia, but he has helped S.P.R. many times in the last few months. He even contacted Naru for a case on his local Church. By his side was Masako Hara, a renowned spiritualist medium that works on TV shows. Masako was very talented, and Mai was hoping to someday be just as good as her, even her own powers were already improving.

There were two others that also helped Naru on his cases, but neither Osamu Yasuhara nor Madoka Mori were invited as far as she knew. They usually conducted a background research of the locations or clients in search for clues that could help solve a case. And as for Lin Koujo, he was Naru's right hand and a Chinese master onmyouji. Lin had a long history with Naru's family, but she only knew that he was contracted to protect Naru and to teach him to control his powers to prevent him from hurting himself. It was now common knowledge that Naru has very strong psychic powers and that if he uses them in full, it could cost him his life since his body can't bare the strain.

"Well, what are your thoughts people? It's gloomy in here with so many of us and no one talking," The monk said in an effort to break the icy atmosphere inside the car. It was making him nervous.

"There is a lot to think about, Monk. I'm still not sure this was the right choice, with so many things uncertain," Ayako said sighing.

"I had a feeling you would say something like that. Geez Ayako, you are such a scaredy cat. I'm surprised that you actually accepted Naru's offer instead of seeing to our funerals."

"Oh, shut up Monk. It's not funny."

"Well, don't blame me. We all chose a dangerous job of our own free will, no matter the reason. Dealing with spirits always has a great deal of uncertain things, but that didn't stop you from becoming a priestess did it?"

"Of course not."

"There you have it. Besides, even a simple case could end up badly anyway. I mean Mai seems to always find danger wherever she goes, right? Such a danger magnet even in…"

"Monk! That's plain rude, I'm not a danger magnet…"

"Come on Mai, we all know you have fallen far too many times from somewhere high and unexpected, and the spirits do seem to target you more than the rest. At least this time we are fully aware that the case is a very nasty one from the beginning, and it will not take us by surprise. I bet Naru and Lin already covered the mansion with charms or something. Now that I think about it, Naru was even nice enough to give us a vote here. I swear that damn smart, cold headed kid is finally exploring his human side. For havens sake, he even let Mai decide." He said smiling.

"Come on Monk, he just gave me the same opportunity he gave to the rest of you. No big deal there." She was aware that Masako was far too sensible these days and that she was jealous of every little thing Naru asked or said to her.

"Whatever you say Mai. What about you John… Masako? He really has warmed up a little, right?" He asked looking at both of them from his front mirror.

"Well, he apologized to us when he woke up in the hospital two weeks ago," John replied.

"Oh yeah…that's right. I almost forgot. That was certainly something unexpected." Ayako said still amazed.

"I believe he changed somehow in his own way, at least in the last few weeks. Although I don't think it will last much longer." Masako said obviously not to please with Naru's sudden change. For her, it all means that he was getting closer to Mai instead of her.

"Well, at least something good came from that disaster. Two people died on the last case and we have our share of danger. I mean with Naru sedated to prevent the spirit possessing his body to gain full control over him, the family members also got possessed and began attacking us. It's a miracle we are still alive. It's a miracle Naru is still alive after destroying that yebasu with such strength. Who would have thought he was so powerful after all this time. It's not like he was useless before, he is after all a master mind, but I never thought he also possessed psychic powers of such level. Man, that kid is simply out of this world. Truly amazing." The monk said with high spirit.

"Well, look at you Monk. Have you already changed your undying admiration for the famous Dr. Oliver Davis for Naru?"

"What? Come on Ayako, I was just saying the kid is…"

"So you have, huh? I bet Naru can do the aluminum block thing too." She said laughing at the monk.

"Well if you ask me, he can definitely put Dr. Davis to shame if he truly wants to. With such power and that arrogant smart brain of his, he can be equally famous or even more so, right? I mean, the kid is already the head of his company and he's only seventeen years old. I wonder how he managed to stay in such a low profile for so long."

"Monk, you should know he hates publicity most of all. He even fakes his own identity for that matter, right?" Mai said in her own reflection.

"Yeah, that's right. Even so… he should be at the very top of this business, working on high profile cases making himself, at the very least, locally known. So why do you think he only takes cases that interest him? If he gets famous like Dr. Davis, it would improve both his research and the business income, right? Then why does he hate publicity so much?"

"You know, that's a good question. I wonder too. Did he have something dirty he didn't want to be reveal? He certainly keeps secrets from us, but just how much is he hiding and why? Can anyone guess?" Ayako asked and the question certainly got to the rest of the team. Mai gave Masako a quick glance in wonder of what the other girl knew that the rest of them didn't. Did she truly know Naru's deepest secrets?

Masako, on the other hand just prayed no one else came to find out the only thing she had an advantage on from the others, especially Mai. She didn't really have anything against her, just some childish jealousy, but still her feelings for him where strong, and having an upper hand over Mai was always fun at the very least. And so the journey was silent while the team was lost on their own thoughts, until…

"Well, I guess this is it. If I really followed Naru's directions well, the mansion should be up this road. Although, I have to admit this place gives me the creeps. Such a narrow road, there's barely any pavement and that forest on both sides looks dangerous. I can see how easily anyone can get lost here." Monk said in a serious tone, driving up the small road.

"It's also cold. The trees here are indeed gloomy. They feel alive to me, but they are also angry, almost oppressing or perhaps it's something else… I can't really tell. A lot of bad things have happened here, that's the feeling I get just by looking at them." Ayako said holding herself tighter.

"Any impression for the young ladies back there? Can you sense any spirits Masako? We should be close to the mansion by now, just at the end of this road."

"I can't see any spirits, but can I hear female screaming coming from those woods. It's faded, like they are screaming from a faraway place. I can also sense a lot of anger, although I don't know if it's coming from the trees or something else entirely." Masako said looking out the window nervously.

"And you Mai? I know your specialty is dream visions, but..."

"All I feel is fear Monk…just looking out and I want to go back home as soon as possible. Honestly, why would anyone want to live in such a creepy place? It should be far worse in the mansion, right?"

"Well, if your animal instincts are telling you to run away, I guess we really are in for a nasty case. Are you ready John? Given the fact that whatever haunts this place seems to be after women, it's up to us to clean the place, huh?"

"I'm always ready, but maybe it's not a good idea for the girls to be here. I mean… it's dangerous and with Mai being a danger magnet and all..."

"John, I'm not a danger magnet…"

"Yes you are kiddo. Once in location, none of you females are to be alone, especially you Mai. I can already imagine Naru's speech. Since he has been a little more sensitive lately, it wouldn't surprise me if he put you under protection with one of Lin's shiki's."

"Monk, he would never do that!" Mai protested sensing Masako glare at her. Apparently, Naru wasn't the only one with more sensitivity. Masako was almost over the top with unjustified jealousy. She knew there was no way Naru will actually like her in a romantic way, so Masako's jealousy was uncalled for.

"Cut it out you two, I can see the mansion already and wow it's huge…I just hope to be ready for what could come in a place like this." Ayako said while the car stopped in front of the huge mansion, or maybe calling it a mansion wasn't the right word to describe it.

The main structure wasn't all that tall, just three floors up like one little house on top of the other with blue roof tiles and white walls. Connected to the main house where a number of other one floor houses and gardens that made it all magnificent and breathtaking. It was darker with the shadows of the nearby mountains and the restoration works were partially done, but even so it was a beautiful sight. It was just like seeing a smaller scale of an Edo period castle in all their Japanese glory of stone and wood. It was like walking hundreds of years back in time.

"It's beautiful." Monk exclaimed.

"No wonder he didn't leave. It's an impressive piece of work." Ayako said getting out of the car.

"I agree. I haven't visited any of the castles still standing ever since I first came from Australia, but maybe I should make some time to visit at least one." John said.

For Mai though, was a different experience. She felt a chill in the air and there was some kind of force pressing on her. She looked toward Masako just to see if she was experience something and she could tell Masako was about to be sick.

"Hey Masako, are you ok? You went pale suddenly. Is it that bad?" The monk asked and she tried to give him a reassuring smile, but failed miserably. He gave Mai a better look and found her as pale as Masako was. Instinctively he held Mai by the shoulders, the girl was his first priority in their little group, but he also gave Ayako a glance. The woman was no different than before, he didn't know if that was a good sign or a bad one. Seriously, does she truly not feel anything?

"John, grab Masako before she faints, I got Mai."

"I'm ok Monk, it's not that bad…I can walk without help…" Mai began to say, but was interrupted when the front door opened revealing a dead serious, all in black Naru, and an equally serious Lin holding charms in his right hand.

"So you are finally here. Lin, pass them the charms. No one enters this place without one. Monk, Father Brown, Mai and Miss Matsuzaki, take the luggage from the car, it's already getting dark. No one is to wander around this place at night alone, so hurry up." Monk grunted at Naru's orders remembering Masako's words just a few minutes ago. He was back to his usual self already.

"Ok, but Masako doesn't feel well…" The monk said receiving Lin's charm, but was once again interrupted by the now grumpy narcissist.

"The activity in this place is far more intense once night falls, can you handle it, Miss Hara?" Naru asked looking at her a little bit colder than he should have. Mai gave him a reproachable look. Still, if Masako wasn't feeling well enough before entering the mansion, being inside it should make her even sicker, right?

"I'm a professional, Naru. I can handle an active haunted mansion. That's what I do for a living, on national broadcast no less." She replied with dignity, standing a little straighter, covering half her face with her kimono sleeve.

"That's good, what about you Mai? Can you handle it? You are far from been a professional after all…" He said and almost smiled when Monk had to restrain her from getting to him.

"Why you jerk…" Teasing her was always so easy and he needed to know if she would be fine. Given her reaction, she was as good as ever. Now he can fully concentrate on the case. This one was particularly dangerous, especially to his female companions, but he just couldn't refuse the case for more than one reason. There was something he needed to find and the answers could be right there. He just hoped there would be no casualties to his selfish wish.

"You are fine then, now take the luggage and follow us. I will give you a briefing on what has been happening until now inside, as well as our main goal. There are others you will meet there too." And so, they followed Naru and Lin inside. The moment the front door closed behind them, Mai got the feeling that whatever the outcome of the case would be, their fate was already sealed.

AN: Please review and let me know what you think.