Pictures, Revelations And Nightmares

"Mr. Shibuya, I think it's time for us to talk. There is some very important information we should discuss. Maybe the others should come too, this does concern them as well." Said Akihiro in an urgent manner. Tokigawa had a very bad feeling about what he was about to hear. He was already stressed about the just recently experienced ordeal, and now there seemed to be more to it than just monsters and spirits. Will this hell ever end? Just one hour inside that damn place and you lose the meaning of time entirely.

"Lin, stay with Miss Hara for a while, she should not be left alone and I need John for this. Mai, Monk, and Miss Matsuzaki, also come along with us." Naru declared in a serious manner. He already had an idea of what was coming up, but didn't know exactly what to expect. Mai was definitely the center of this new important information, he was sure, but he hoped whatever Akihiro's findings were, they weren't as bad as he imagined.

This monster wasn't exactly a shy one, they already had it on video from Akihiro's cameras before Lin and he came to the place. The thing likes to show up just when night hits, yet never before has the thing displayed such power and control over the trapped spirits, not even when he first came. For it to show up in such rare way, it meant it really wanted what it was seeking. The thing had said so itself. It was coming to get someone from inside the base. Why, he can only guess. Who, he was already certain of the choice. What can be done to prevent it, was still in the making. Where it was hiding and all the victims it took including Ryoko, was a mystery he was set to uncover no matter what.

They followed Akihiro toward their base and sat where Katsumi indicated, right in front of the monitors. Ayako and Mai sat close to each other almost touching shoulders, both of them were still a little frightened from before and women were sure targets in that mansion, so they kind of felt an affinity for each other. With Masako out of the picture, what was left to come and for who? Mai asked to herself internally.

She was the one who always attracted danger so she was really worried for her safety at that point. At the very least, Naru sat by her other side and in a way, it gave her a little reassurance. He did try to protect her before and was unexpectedly kind in the worst moment of her life. That alone did count for huge amounts of gratitude toward the usually cold hearted, ungrateful jerk. Who would have imagined he had it in him? Miracles sure exist, after all. He hadn't asked for tea either, maybe the world was going to end very soon.

"What I'm about to show you is some footage that was taken when you entered the mansion the first time. Our equipment has a different purpose than the ones you usually have. We do use night vision cameras to record temperatures and the activity inside houses, but we or more like I have a specialty. Ever since I was a little kid I could see not only ghost or spirits, I could also clearly see others peoples aura just by concentrating a bit on any person. This camera records the aura of every person who enters. What I will show you will certainly surprise you all, I myself have never encountered something of this extent. Now, watch closely and you will understand what happened an hour ago." Akihiro said and they all focused on the monitors.

The first image that showed up was that of Naru. His figure was cover by light and colors. Anyone could see him covered mostly in orange yellow, orange red, dark red and a little bit of bright royal blue. What they meant, it was something Mai didn't know, yet she couldn't see what was so remarkable about it. Yes, he had bright colors but not in a way that caught your eyes in shock. Maybe she just didn't understand the meaning and for the others it was something more impressive.

"As you can see, this is Mr. Shibuya's aura. You may have noticed that there is absolutely nothing outstanding about it, just a few colors mixing around him. The colors themselves show his personality. He has a scientific mind, is a perfectionists, holds great power, has over standing confidence, has a taste for details, very realistic, has a strong will power, is self-sufficient and has clairvoyant abilities. The reason I'm showing you his aura is because you all know how much energy he holds. Then let me ask, why do you think his aura is relatively weak in comparison to his outstanding energy? Auras are essentially the energy or electromagnetic fields that cover the human body. So how is his aura a little bit less bright than normal?" Akihiro asked to the group.

"Because he hides it, right?" Asked Tokigawa already guessing the answer. It made sense.

"Yes, that is correct. Normal people tend to have brighter auras because they don't need to hide anything, but most of the people involved in the spirit world receive training at some point or teach themselves with experience. There are some people who can even transcend higher planes while meditating, like high level monks for example. Most of you have learned how to hide your spiritual power in order to protect yourselves from ghosts. This process is mostly done unconsciously just like breathing." He said and a series of images were shown. Lin, Masako, Monk, Ayako, and John one by one a little too fast for Mai's liking. She wanted to see them properly especially Lin's. Would his shiki show up in his picture? She wanted to see them. She was curious about what kind of spirits they were.

"None of you stand out at a closer look. Like I said, hiding your spiritual power is essential for ghost hunting and auras do resemble the body energy. The more you control your power, whether strong or weak, the less you will stand out for those who seek that very same energy. There is, however, a problem when someone untrained and without proper protection gets involved in the paranormal world at a later age." And another image was shown.

"Oh my Lord…" John gasped at the incredible image he was shown. Takigawa passed his fingers through his hair in a nervous manner and stood up, Ayako was speechless, unconsciously covering her mouth with her hand, and Naru closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. Mai simply stared at the image of the girl who was immersed in an almost blinding cloud of various yellows, whites, light blue and a little bit of gold. Was that really her? How can she shine that much? It had to be a mistake.

"This… this can't be right. I mean I really don't have all that much power… it can't really be me. There's just no way it's me…" She said almost in panic and was about to get up when Naru held her hand to keep her there.

"Calm down, Mai. This problem can be fixed temporally until you receive proper training. Lin can make you a talisman to hide your spiritual power, so can Akihiro and Miss Matsuzaki, as an extra precaution. Make some tea, John and Mr. Davis go with her and make sure she doesn't run off anywhere alone. Monk, stay with Miss Matsuzaki while she makes the charm, you can both rest after that. There is no need to watch base tonight. I don't think there will be another display of paranormal activity until tomorrow night. Now go." Ayako stood up in a hurry and left the room with Tokigawa hot on her heels, while John gave Mai a helping hand and a reassuring smile that she gladly accepted. She certainly needed it now more than ever.

"Akihiro, the golden color in Mai's aura, what does it mean?" He asked when the others left. He already had an idea of the meaning, but he still needed to ask.

"I'm sure she already has a spiritual guide. A blue spirit orb was seen near her as well, which means her powers have already developed to that extent. The only explanation I can give you about her overwhelming brilliance, is her recent awakening as a medium. Sometimes, power gathers while dormant in a psychic, or is block by bad experience from childhood, and is released in waves once it manifests for the first time or reawakens. If that's the case, her abilities will flare up in an unstable way until she is properly trained or her power depletes to her normal level." The man said while Naru seemed deep in thought.

"Can she lose her ability in this sudden flare of power, once it's stabilized?" He asked trying to cover all possibilities.

"It's a possibility if her abilities are only the product of the gathering energy. If the abilities where simply dormant or recently reawakened then she may experience the abilities for the rest of her life. Of course, her power can stabilize and even grow with the proper training." Naru finally stood up, feeling completely exhausted, yet there was so much to do. He felt kind of emotionally drained.

Taking the case and hoping to find any possible clues about Gene certainly backfired on him big time. Now he had exposed Mai unknowingly to a dangerous entity and put her life closer to a death road. Damn it all. First, Ryoko went missing without a trace and now Mai's probably on her way of following her steps. Just what the hell possessed me when I involved others on a case of personal affairs? That was the last thing that crossed his mind before returning to his own base.


Fear was beginning to get a hold on her. While she was making Naru his precious tea, she was thinking about how she was going to survive the next few days. It was obvious that the monster had called her. It was definitely her, after all that energy she was releasing in waves, there was no doubt about it. No wonder she always got in trouble one way or another. Monk was right in calling her a danger magnet, no spirit will ever resist a source of warm energy walking left and right on her own.

It was a miracle that Urado chose Masako instead of her on that case or maybe it was because Masako had been alone at that time. Whatever the reason, she was still lucky. Now she needed to be more careful and stop wandering on her own until she could properly defend herself.

Leaving the S.P.R. was out of the question. Thanks to that she had managed to regain a new family that she wasn't willing to abandon for any reason. She had been on her own for far too long and now she sought out the company of the new members. Monk was pretty much like the older brother she never had and Ayako was like a motherly figure. Even if Ayako will never take her own mother's place, she didn't mind having someone she could count on or talk with when problems arose or with sorting out unreasonable feelings, like the ones she held for the idiot scientist—Naru.

John was also like a very warm brother for which she was very grateful to have. He cares for her in equal terms and will do whatever she need without asking why. Masako was a kind of friendly rival she didn't really mind to have close. They may get in each other's head from time to time, but they share the same goal in a way. Competition wasn't always bad, even if she was the one losing ground almost every time.

Yasuhara was a funny friend she had gotten accustomed to having nearby. He did make her days when in the office. The way he could get on Naru's nerves was hilarious as well as the pranks he made on Monk. Her life would be a lot grimmer if the guy wasn't there to keep the never ending boredom she felt when both Naru and Lin immersed head on into their respective nests. No, she would never leave her new friends for any amount of danger. If death was what awaits her at the end of that road, she would at the very least live to the fullest until then.

"Don't worry too much Mai, we are going to take good care of you. I don't think Naru will take any chances guarding you, neither will we, I promise." John said trying to make her feel better and Mai smiled at him.

"You are right, I trust you all. Sorry I worried you, John. Should we head back? The tea is ready." She said putting the cups on a tray.

"Can I ask you something, Miss Taniyama?" Ethan asked while helping her with the tea cups. It was a good thing they all knew about Noll's weakness to tea and had prepared a small area for it's making inside the base. Otherwise, the angry narcissist would not have had a way to relieve his already bottled up stress and they all would have to face low temperatures all night.

"Sure, Mr. Davis. Whatever you wish to know. It's such a pleasure knowing someone close to the famous Oliver Davis, Monk sure does idolize him. Oh, sorry… I shouldn't said that, right?" She asked smiling in a remorseful way. The man should be recognized for his own worth, not for others she didn't even know.

"Don't worry about that, although it is kind of funny… I mean the Monk admiring him. I'm sure Oliver will find it troublesome. He thinks that's pure nonsense. Well, can you tell me what kind of spirit is your guide, I'm kind of curious…" Ethan said while both Mai and John looked at him in confusion.

"Hum…what you mean by that, Mr. Davis? I don't have a guide of any kind, at least none that I'm aware off." She said in a serious manner, this time it was Ethan's turn to look confused.

"But you should have someone guiding you, it's on your aura as clear as a day." He said while receiving a cup of hot tea from her.

"Well, I just have dreams that hold meaning while I astral project. To be honest… sometimes…hum, well I kind of have…well I sometimes get visited by…hummm… I call him Dream Naru, because he looks just like him, only that he smiles sometimes." She said in embarrassment going bright red. In that instant however, Ethan paled and let the cup falls to the floor in genuine shock while he whispered 'Gene' very lowly, neither Mai, nor John managed to hear him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry it was hotter than I expected. Are you ok? Did you get burned?" Mai asked, but the man simply held her by her shoulders and looked at her, still pale.

"Since when have you been seeing this Dream Naru in your dreams?" He asked with a kind of urgency Mai didn't understood.

"Ever since the case in my school when I met Naru for the first time almost a year ago." She said kind of scared at that point.

"Mr. Davis, please release Mai. You are scaring her." John intervened at once. Ethan did as he was told and released her. Fate was sure cruel in many ways, he thought. Noll had spent almost an entire year looking for his dead brother while he was in contact with his assistant the whole time.

"Please forgive me I didn't mean to scare you. Leave the cleaning to me, I was the one who drop the cup. It would be better if you take Mr. Shibuya his indispensable tea." Soon enough both of them left him in his own agonizing world. Just what in the world is he going to say to Noll?

Monk And Ayako

"I never would have imagined Mai was giving that much energy away. How she had managed to survive this long while on dangerous cases is beyond me. She is a walking sun, by all means. This whole thing is pure madness. Poor Mai, how did we not notice she was having that much effect on spirits before? I feel like I failed her in some way…" Said Ayako almost panicking.

"Calm down Ayako, no one had any idea of the way spirits see her. Hell I'm as surprised as you are. Just make sure your charm hides her energy as much as possible. This is really important, so don't mess up, ok?" He said nervously. Things were developing in an unexpected and more dangerous way.

That thing will certainly try to take her away and it will get a lot more difficult to prevent it. The monster sure has enough power to give them hell for it. Damn Naru, for bring her here. Smack! Ayako sure had an irritating way of getting his attention. Every time she hit him on the back of his head he swore he lost a few brain cells.

"Like I will fail Mai in such a way, you stupid Monk. Don't jinx me before I begin." She said while preparing the ink for the charm.

"Sorry, my bad. Just make sure it is properly done and I will be very happy. I love that kid like a sister and I will be damned if I let that monster take her away." He said rubbing his head.

"So do I. She is a special one to me too. Hey Monk, don't you think there is something strange about Naru? I mean, when the other team was introduced to us it was kind of weird, right? The temperature just dropped when the Davis guy mentioned Oliver and Naru was kind of angry with Mai for even talking about it. Not to mention the guy almost froze under Naru's pressure. What do you think, am I wrong?" She asked the monk and looked at him in a curious way.

"You are not wrong. The other team seems to know him from more than just a day or two and that Akihiro man talks to Naru like he holds him in a high regard. Putting the meaning of his aura colors aside, he knew first hand Naru's capability, I just know it and they do whatever he said, no questions asked. Besides, we all witnessed his power and now he is a clairvoyant too? Doesn't everything sound kind of familiar to you?" He asked while realizing the meaning of his own words for the first time.

"Familiar, how?" She asked, now giving the Monk her full attention.

"Like he resembles Dr. Oliver Davis…or maybe it will be more accurate to say, he is Oliver Davis." Said the Monk now certain of it.

"You have to be kidding, right? I know he is quite powerful and all, but isn't Oliver Davis an old man?" She asked rather shocked.

"To be honest I only assumed him to be old. I know his work and reputation, but neither his book, nor the video that truly impacted me had shown his face. I don't really know what Oliver Davis really looks like, but in a way it makes sense. He hates the media, he takes a case to prove a fake Oliver Davis was in town and all that black mailing Masako is giving him could be because she knows his true identity. I mean, she is a celebrity on the field even outside our country, she should know what he looks like." He said standing up and pacing left and right.

"Just think about it Ayako. All the books in his nest/office are in English and all Lin's typing notes from any case are too. His father was supposed to be a professor and Martin Davis is also a renowned paranormal researcher. He doesn't understand kanji, even when living in Japan for almost a year. His power equals that of Oliver Davis and he is supposed to be a clairvoyant now. Even Lin being his body guard makes sense when he can't use his own energy to save himself. Oh man, I feel like an idiot for not realizing this before. He takes this case even when a monster was clearly involved because he is related to the owner. Allen Davis would be his uncle and the Ethan guy his cousin! He can't precisely refuse family, right?" He asked while Ayako opened her eyes wide. He was right, the possibility of Naru being Oliver Davis had just sky rocketed.

"That little handsome devil… did he fool us all this time? Why would he hide his own identity? I just don't get it." She said in disbelief. Who would have imagined, the real thing was by their side this whole time…

"That I don't know, but he should have his reasons for it. Now the real question will be, why he is in Japan? I can't imagine our country being so paranormally infected to keep him from his home for so long. What do you think his reason is?" He asked her. She simply stared at the floor in wonder. Just what was Oliver Davis, the internationally famous paranormal researcher, seeking in Japan?

"Who knows…time will tell us eventually. I need to focus on making Mai's charm for now. The answer can wait until this case if finished and everyone is safe."

Shibuya Base

"Here is your tea, Naru." Mai said entering base with John following her. The narcissist however didn't looked at her. He seemed deep in thought and barely aware of their presence.

"Hey Naru! We are back with your tea." She said again louder this time.

"There is no need to yell, Mai. I can hear you just fine." He said facing her.

"Yeah, right…as if he heard me the first time, the jerk." She whispered to herself and gave the grumpy man his precious tea. Behind Mai, John smiled a little at the two. It was a shame Naru was so focused on work. Both of them where perfect for each other in his mind. A shame indeed.

"Should we watch the base, then? I know you said there was no need, but…" Mai began but was interrupted by John.

"I think you both should rest. So many things have happened in such a short time, it must be tiring. If Lin stays with Masako I can watch the base on my own and maybe take a better look at the monster activities. The more we know, the better for our preparations. Hunting a monster will certainly take a lot of that and more." Said John seriously looking at Naru with determination.

"If you want to see the videos, go ahead and take a look, they are all yours. Mai and I, however, will sleep here tonight." Naru said finishing his tea in record time.

"Here? But Naru, there is nothing here to…" She began to protest.

"There is a couch just behind you with your name written on it. I will not take any chances. I will watch over you while you sleep, if the need arises for me to settle down, I will simply join you. There is enough space for two…" He looked at her and almost smiled when she went all red in an instant.

"No, you will not! I swear Naru, if you even try it, I will kick you out in a painful way!" She said blushing even more.

"We were going to share a room anyway, don't be childish." He said ignoring her protest. At the very least he should take a little pleasure teasing the girl to refresh his tired mind.

"Well, look at you love birds… can you wait a little for your public exposition? I have what you requested." Ayako said from the open door of her room. Takigawa was laughing at her back like a mad man which made Mai blush even harder if that was possible.

"Good, then. Mai, make sure you always have it with you. Do you understand?" He asked a little more energized now.

"I'm not as dumb as you take me for. Give it to me, I'm going to take a nap. Alone!" She said almost ripping it from Ayako's hand and then throwing herself on the couch. The nerve of the jerk! As if she could stand being that close to him. Her heart would probably be heard all the way to the nearest town if she let it happened.

At this display Monk laughed even harder and so did Ayako and John. Lin curiously showed at the open door of Masako's room. Why everyone was laughing in such situation was beyond him. He guessed it had to be something concerning the almost melting girl on the couch. Seriously, do those people know nothing of restrain? Masako was unconsciously lying there, while they laughed like crazy people. Idiots. Lin whispered to himself and went inside again.

Hours Later

Darkness was the only thing Mai could see at first, then little by little orbs of light began to flow up around her. Yes, she was dreaming and on the astral plane. That meant she needed to pay attention to every detail she could manage to gather. Looking everywhere for Dream Naru, she suddenly stumbled into a room or what she assumed was a room.

It was dark, but she could distinguish things here and there. It's smelled like a closed up, musty space even though she couldn't see walls. Drops of water could be heard in the distance and so she walked, a little bit frightened of what kinds of things could be hiding in the darkness. Do charms work on the astral plane? Was she shining like a blaze in the night? Was she even on the astral plane?

"Oh, man… Naru will kill me if I leave my body after warning me not to wonder alone…" She said to herself, now seriously frightened of what could happen if the monster found her.

"Naru… Naru, where are you?" She asked in a whisper to her helper, but nothing came. She was definitely alone in an unknown place and without any idea of what to do there. What kind of information can she gather in just darkness?

"Mai, what are you doing here, go back, this place is dangerous." A voice said behind her and she turned to face Dream Naru looking at her with a little bit of anger.

"I just wake up here…" She said, but he took her hand and almost dragged her to who knows where. She simply let him guide her without protest.

"You are just too reckless. I swear, that idiot scientist and you are just…" And then he went quiet. Whispers could be heard in the distance and Dream Naru cursed.

"They will be here soon, you need to wake up, now." He said with urgency.

"Where are we? Is this the place where the people who disappear are taken?" She asked while following him.

"In a way… there are many souls wandering down here and he feeds on this ground." Said Dream Naru, hastening her.

"Feeds?" She asked more frightened than ever.

"Yes, he drains the energy of the living, especially those of women with spiritual powers. It increases his. He has been trying to consume Ryoko, but she is still partially protected and in deep meditation. He can't take that much from her. That's why he wants you badly enough to display his strength. Tell Noll, Ryoko is still alive although, just barely. She is weak, very weak. He needs to hurry, now go!" He said raising his hand to touch her forehead, but just in that moment Mai was grabbed by her ankles and dragged across the floor with force.

"Mai!" Gene screamed and ran after her.

Back in base, Mai's screaming could be heard loud and clear. Naru, who had decide to take a nap next to her, fell off the couch in surprise. Immediately, he tried to hold the shaking girl while the others showed up at the screaming.

"Mai!" Yelled Ayako and Monk kneeling next to Naru and trying to help him hold her the best he could.

"Wake up, Mai. Wake up!" Naru screamed back at her. Whatever was happening to her on the other side was real. Scratching could be seen on the exposed flesh that her cloths didn't cover. "Damn it Mai, wake up, you idiot!" True fear rushed through his veins and he slapped her in a desperate attempt to bring her back. To his immense relief, she opened her eyes throwing herself at him.

"Mai, are you ok?" The Monk asked, yet she only cried on Naru's chest. Then, another piercing scream resounded across the whole mansion. The monster was angry and soon enough the dark energy gathered outside the barrier just like before. This time, however, it did hit the barrier itself, which shined like a moon ray with just this one hit. Then another and another.

"Lin send all your shiki at once, Monk, John and Ayako, make your prayers now!" Said Naru holding Mai closer. After a few minutes of hellish wails from the sudden combined attack including that of the other base, the thing left and the team sighed in relief.

"She is alive…" Mai managed to whisper between sobs. "Ryoko… is still alive." She repeated again before darkness overtook her, just like Masako.

AN: I think the whole story will take forever by the looks of it. So many events and information, yet only a few hours pass in the story, and still so much coming up. This characters sure do whatever they please with me. Damn Naru for choosing a complicated case. Sorry if it seems a little slow or rushed in some parts, it's all their fault, I swear!