Set 58

Danny was trying real hard to get the best-looking cheerleader in school to go out on a date with him.

She finally agreed, but only on condition that he arrange a date for her best friend too.

That was fine with Danny, but when Friday night came around he hadn't been able to line anyone up so he asked his retarded brother Andy if he would help him out.

"Why sure," said Andy, "but you know, I've never been out with a girl before."

"No problem," said Danny. "Just do everything I do."

Off the four of them go to the drive-in, and when Danny started kissing his date, Andy followed suit.

Soon Danny had the cheerleader's bra undone, so Andy undid his date's.

Next, Danny was feeling inside her panties, but when Andy tried to follow suit, his date told him to quit.

"Why?" asked Andy, anxiously noting that his brother was getting quite a head start in the front seat.

"I have my period," she said.

"Your what?"

"I'm bleeding down there," she explained, blushing.

"This I gotta see," said Andy.

He turned on the headlights, dragged his date out in front of the car, and pulled down her pants.

White-faced, he said, "Hell, I'd be bleeding too, if my dick were chopped off!"


There are at least EIGHT types of ORGASM of a WOMAN.

1. The Optimist - Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes.........

2. The Pessimist - Oh No, Oh No, Oh No...........

3. The Confused - Oh Yes, Oh No, Oh Yes, Oh No......

4. The Traveler - Ahh, I'm coming, I'm coming.......

5. The Religious - Oh God, Oh God.............

6. The Userer - Ahh, More, More, More............

7. The Murderer - Ahh, If you take it out, I'll kill you...

8. The Submariner - Mmm...OHHH...Deeper...Go DEEPER !