Set 195

Black Hair

"Miss Jones, we can't employ you as a model," the editor from the men's magazine explained. "It's too obvious that your blonde hair isn't natural, since the hair between your legs is black."

The model picked up a paperweight and slammed it down on the editor's fingers.

"What the hell did you do that for!" he exploded. She smiled sweetly and said, "Look at your fingers. They're turning black, right? And they've only been banged once."


Changing Underwear (the army way)

The men of Charlie Company had been in the field for two weeks when the Sarge announces, "I've got good news and bad news.

First the good news. Today we're going to change our underwear."

The troops start cheering wildly.

"Now the bad news," continues the Sarge. "Smith, you change with Jones. Andrews, you change with Murphy..."


A new generation poetry

Jack & Jill went up the hill,

2 make their sex more hotter....,

Jack fucked Jill & broke her seal,

& they came down with a daughter.