Set 217

Final Exam !

Government planed to implement Sex Education in school. School authority wanted to send our Santa Singh's wife Preeto for special training course in Sex Education.

Preeto: "No Sir..! I don't want to take part in that course."

Principal: "No..! But why ..?!"

Preeto: "Somebody told me yesterday..the Final Exam will be Oral!"


Broken glasses !

An Indian Army Jawan went to see the Medical Captain for a new pair of glasses.

The Captain looked in his book of record and said, "But you just got a new pair last month!"

"Yes sir, b.. bu.. but I got them b.. broken in an accident," stammered the Jawan.

"Accident, what kind of an accident?" The Captain looked in his book of Accident definitions and glossaries, "Road-march accident, Firing Range accident, PT accident, drill accident?"

"No, no nothing of those," said the Jawan.

"Well then, what is it?"

"I'd rather not tell you sir..."

"Well, no satisfactory explanations, no new glasses," said the medical officer, ready to stand up.

"I've to see my patients now."

"No, no sir wait, I broke them when I was kissing my girlfriend," blurted the Jawan.

"Don't be daft man, how could you break your glasses kissing a girl?"

"You see she crossed her legs...."