Set 246

He tried me on the sofa, He tried me on the chair, He tried me on the windowsill But he could not get it there.

He tried me on the couch, I stood against the wall, I even lay upon the floor But it would not work at all ....

He tried his best to do it, In front and in the rear, But no matter how I tried to help His things got out of gear ....

He tried it this way and that way, I really had a laugh, To see how many times he tried To
















(What were you thinking!)


Human Tastes!

Human tastes change as people mature, Little girls like dolls and little boys like balls.

However, when they grow up, girls like balls and boys like dolls.


One More


Teacher: Why are you rubbing oil on your head while I am teaching?

Boy: Last night I heard my mum tell my dad, rub oil on the head if it's not going in!