Set 273

There was this fly that was hovering over a lake, a fish seen this fly and said "you know if that fly would just drop 6 more inches i could get that fly"

In the woods nearby a bear seen what was going on and he said "you know if that fly would just drop 6 more

inches that fish could get that fly, and i could get that fish"

In the same woods there was a hunter sitting on a log eating his sandwich, and he seen what was going on, and he said "you know if that fly would just drop 6 more inches, that fish could get that fly, that bear could get that fish, and i could get that bear"

Peeking from behind a tree was this mouse, and it seen what was going on, and the mouse said "you know if that fly would just drop 6 more inches that fish could get that fly, that bear could get that fish, that hunter could get that bear, and i could get that sandwich"

Sneaking up thru the grass was a cat, and it seen what was going on, and the cat said "you know if that fly would just drop 6 more inches that fish could get that fly, that bear could get that fish, that hunter could get that bear, that mouse could get the sandwich, and i could get that mouse"

All of a sudden that fly dropped 6 inches and "bam" everything happened at once, just as planned, except when the cat went to pounce on the mouse it was running so fast that it over shot the log, and wound up in the lake.

The moral of this story is: ?

Every time a fly drops six inches a pussy gets wet!!!


Baking Love / Making Cake !


4 Laughing eyes

4 Well-shaped legs

4 Loving arms

2 Firm milk containers

2 Nuts

1 Fur-lined mixing bowl

1 Firm banana


1. Look into laughing eyes.

2. Spread well-shaped legs with loving arms.

3. Squeeze and massage milk containers very gently.

4. Gently add firm banana to mixing bowl, working in and out until well creamed. For best results. Continue to knead milk containers.

5. As heat rises, plunge banana deep into mixing bowl and cover with

nuts, leave to soak (preferably NOT overnight).

6. The cake is done when banana is soft. If banana does not soften,

repeat steps 3-5 or change mixing bowls.


1. If you are in an unfamiliar kitchen, wash utensils carefully before

and after use.

2. Do not lick mixing bowl after use.

3. If cake rises, leave town.