Viagra (one more use)
A man was on a holiday in the Caribbean and, liking the warm tropical weather, settled down for a day's sunbathing. He fell asleep, and after a whole day, his legs became sunburned beyond belief. He could hardly stand the pain and decided to go to the doctor for treatment.
The doctor looked at his lobster-colored legs and shook his head. "You must realize that this is only a small village clinic," he explained. "I've really got nothing at all to help you. However, try taking this just before bedtime..."
The doctor gave him one tablet of Viagra. Puzzled, the man said, "I've got acute sunburn. What's a Viagra tablet going to do?"
"Nothing at all for the sunburn," the doctor replied, "but it will keep the sheets off your legs.
The Only One
On their wedding night, Bruce displays his member to his new virgin bride and tells her it's the only one in the world. She, of course, believes him.
He's gone for a conference for a couple of weeks. He returns, only to be questioned by his new wife.
"Bruce," she says, "I thought you said you had the only one in the world. But Harry
at the drug store has one too."
"Well, er," Bruce flusters, "Harry and I were in the war together, I had two, so I gave him one of mine."
"Oh. Well, why did you give him the better one?"