Set 325

Sex during her pregnancy

A pregnant woman and her husband asked the doctor if it was okay to have sex during her pregnancy.

He told them that during the first trimester they could do it normal-style, during the second trimester they should do it dog-style and during the third trimester they were limited to wolf-style.

"Wolf-style?" queried the husband. "What's that?"

"You lie next to the hole and howl," replied the doctor


Who whose

One morning a milkman called on one of his regular customers and was surprised to see a white bed sheet with a hole in the middle hanging up in her living room.

The housewife explained that she'd had a party the night before in which the company played "Who's Whose" - each of

the men had put their equipment through the hole and the women tried to guess their identity.

"Gee, that sounds like fun," said the milkman. "Sure wish I'd been there."

"You should have been," said the housewife. "Your name came up three times.


A swimming instructor at a Los Angeles university was quizzing a group of students on Red Cross life saving and water safety techniques.

They answered all of her questions easily until she posed this one: "Which article of clothing would you remove last if you were catapulted from a boat or dock fully clothed?"

Everyone mentioned something different. It was evident that no one knew the correct answer, so the instructor helped out.

"The blouse," she said, "because the air gets under the blouse and acts like a buoy!"

The subsequent uproar ended the class.