
[Channel 9 News]

[Channel 7 News]

[Channel 10 News]

[ABC News]

"See the shocking interview police have released, between them, and the first man to face death penalty here in Australia, since 1967! Warning, some viewers may find this content to be disturbing."

On the news a video of police officers interviewing a youth, about 18 years old could be seen.

"How? How could you kill over a hundred people and not even feel the smallest bit of remorse!?" A police officer said to the youth.

"People like that don't deserve remorse. They don't deserve to live. There's no reason for those wastes to even be kept around. I did the whole world a favour if you think about it."

"What do you mean by that? The people you killed, they had families. Mothers, Fathers, Siblings. You stole them from their families. How can you say that is right?"

"After a war ends, do you shame veterans because the people they killed had families? Everyone has a family. Even hermits have family members, even orphans do in some way. Most serial killers have families. Do you frown upon their death? What about people killed in self defence?"

"Tsk. Don't try to use some type of ethical dilemma. These people you killed, ranged from politicians to small time business men! How can you justify something like that?"


"*Beep* What do you mean by that? You keep saying 'revenge' but why do you never explain what you mean by that?"

"Revenge, the action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands."

"*Beep* Get this kid out of my face!"

After that, the news finished broadcasting the interview.

The next day an announcement was made. He was to be put to death in exactly one week from now.

{One week later}

"Come on kid move it!" A prison guard yelled loudly.

The inmate could be seen placing a book down before standing and walking out behind the prison guard.

The room that he came to had a mirror (one way glass) and a bench with all the necessary head rests, arm rests and leg rests, as well as some straps.

Without anyone telling him to, he instantly laid down and strapped himself in as much as he could.

"Last words?" A doctor asked him.

"If I killed people publicly known as the bad guys, would I instead be considered a hero?"

After he finished talking, a needle was taken to his arm, and he passed away shortly after with a smile on his face.

The world went dark. It all became quiet. The never-ending sense of nothingness took him over. How long had be been like this? Seconds? Hours? Days? Maybe even years? Who knows. All there was, was nothing.

However, out of the blue, after there being complete nothingness, a sound was heard.

{Ding! System booting... Congratulations to host for transmigrating!}