
A loud phone call woke Vince up and his tensed roommate who just took a nap minutes ago. He picked up the phone answering the call, while walking outside.

Vince Anderson put the phone into his ears, not letting his roommate hear the confidential talk with the other line on the phone.

There are some conversation that a third party can join, and some that shouldn't. One prime example was the current conversation of Vince and the one talking at the other end of the phone.

Vince just stood on the wall, while listening to a very melodic voice on the other side of the phone. Her voice can make those that are confused, be enlightened, just from how calm and soothing it is for the ears of the listeners. His stoic face, comparable to a very deep tranquil lake change for the second time already, right after hearing the message.

"The Patriarch summons the slumbering Black Consortium. 01… the patriarch specifically ordered thy return after finishing this mission."

Vince answered with a hum, waiting for the next instructions. He knew the other one on the end of the phone, she likes to cliff hang people. And love doing it especially when he was the one answering the phone.

"Ehem… is this 01… or Vince?" An uncertain voice came out from the other end of the line, clearly hesitant of saying something.

Vince took a good twenty second pause before answering: "Vince."

"Okay… then… Vince Anderson. Receive thy mission."

"Hmm." Vince affirmed with a hum, which wasn't new for the one talking on the other side of the phone.

"Vince Anderson, join the new era under the banner of Cloud country's secret organization, Seal."

Vince face changed for a bit before going back to the deadpan expression. "You, first hand knew that how their blood boils upon hearing the Black Covenant's name. You want me to become a soldier for them?"

"Yes! Even though for the past three years, you and 05 smack every operation they made to infiltrate and correct the northern underworld. Doctor Mike from the Western Institute of Pathology, suddenly disappeared within the Kaluwalhatian mountain range. Your mission is to "find" that Doctor dead, and destroy whatever these people are trying to make."

Vince furrowed his brows in dissatisfaction. "I've just told you that I'm Vince Anderson, not 01. I can do the former, as an a new agent of Black Covenant but the latter… it's only for the 0 warriors."

The other line went silent, though it wasn't long before Vince heard a muffled voice of two people arguing about something with each other. Surprisingly he couldn't understand what they were arguing for. It's not new for him though, he knew that some sort of device was right next to every phone used to contact every Agent of Black Covenant. For safety purposes if some hackers tried listening to conversations, it will be known by the system who monitors all phones and also censoring the operators upon not talking to the agents.

Then a rough and serious voice talk to the phone. Clearly different than the first one, the one talking was clearly a very serious person and a certified man.

"01, if you're still dissatisfied and resent us for the death of 010, then we can do nothing about that. But remember… this mission was directly ordered from the Patriarch. The Patriarch said this in the last transmission. Kill every living being that has contact with Mike and 01 within that region, even if it is just an infant. Do this mission cleanly and the reward is vacation until graduation."

Vince replied: "I want to hear the mission directly from the Patriarch himself."

"I know you would say that." The man said before hanging up.

Vince just took a single step when another call went to his phone. He immediately answered, and the seriousness in his face was apparent to anyone who will take a look at him right. This would give those who saw him right now a shock, as finally the deadpan expression was changed! Albeit the only one who saw it was his roommate who was a complete stranger.

"01, don't be troublesome, execute the mission well. I don't want another troublesome affair plaguing the north. Slaughter everything within that region." A distorted and deep voice came out from the other line. Vince knew this wasn't the patriarch's real voice, but as a safety precautions for those people who like third partying conversations, the patriarch uses distorted voice when communicating with the 0 warriors.

" Yes."

Vince put his phone down and went into daze for a while before going back to bed.


Thirty minutes later a knock on the door woke Vince up. His roommate immediately opened the door in a rush, this made Vince feel a sense of him having a personal assistant. Which shouldn't be a bad thing for anyone, yet for Vince it made some things that he needed to do alone very difficult.

A disciplinary committee student with a cold face greeted his roommate. He wore the black shirt that's exclusive for the disciplinary committee students, while his eyeglasses made him look a well learned student.

In fact he is, his name is Chris the Vice president of the Disciplinary committee, under the dean. He wields the power that not even the four devils and five saints can compare, Chris together with the President became the uncrowned rulers of the whole school just next to the three masters.

His looks are above average, but compared to Vince, his is lackluster. The White colored hair compliments his sharp eyes and the tall nose. His face was like carve out of a jade. Maybe the only thing that he had a visible flaw is the scar on his right cheek, extending towards the back of his head.

It was awful, as it destroyed a very handsome face. This scar also became his reverse dragon scale. Anyone who try making fun of it would be up for a treat

He can give an order to the saints and they can do nothing about it but grit their teeth. Though the three devils may not be obedient if he was the one who gave the order but if it comes directly from the dean. They can also do nothing but nod their heads and do it as soon as possible. But not for the teenager whom he's about to face, this teenager was a walking disaster for anyone within the campus, especially when someone profusely triggers this disaster.

Chris still remembered when Vince cemented his position as the strongest out of the nine combatants in just two days. He beat the graduated saints, and the current devil kings, and saints. The meds that he had to clean up that time was very time taxing especially when he did a report about what he saw and gave it to the dean.

Now he again faces this devil yet what he expected to be the one who open the door wasn't the one he was expecting. It's a girl! He clearly remembered the face of the boy who thrashed the top of the mountain. He also keep tabs on his daily lifestyle and one thing he knew that he is very confident was that, there is no way a tiger would join a pack of wolves.

Though he still retained the calmness as he can and ask this young lady a question in the most polite manner as he can. He can never predict what's happening within the brain of that loner. "Young miss, does king Vince of the four devils stay here?"

Vince roommate nodded her head and pointed inside. The whole room was spacious and the frost thing he notice was the black colored back pack of the tiger. A pair of light and almost unnoticeable footsteps broke the silence. There he saw what he was looking for.

The strongest out of the current generation of Cloud Sea College four devil kings and five saints, Vince Anderson.

Chris made a noble like bow as a sign of respect to the strongest and adoration for beauty from the bottom of his heart. Vince also nodded his head as a sign of acknowledgement and respect for the one who cleans the meds within the school.

"Lunch and dinner are about to be serve within five minutes, it is advise to start walking towards the center now for finding a better place to sit. Also a huge announcement would soon ensue after the feast is over." Chris paused and took a peak on the face of Vince, seeing no dissatisfaction he continue. " If you don't want to eat within the center you can go to this place, just show the guard this card and you can eat with three of your subordinates."

He took out a small three inches long and one inch wide card with some serial number in it. He also look at the girl at the latter part of his words, before bowing again and going to the next room.

He personally volunteered to do this task, to pin point the locations of the troublesome students and check if the rules within the school was broken again. So going inside was one of his plans, but upon seeing that the room was apparently tiger's den. He'd rather not go in, very dangerous job especially when he can't predict what the thoughts of this apex predator is .

" Good day, fourth and to your new subordinate." Chris smiled, trying to convey his outmost respect to the strongest and his lackey.

Vince made a weird face, which didn't escape from the sharp eyes of Chris. Chris started to feel cold for some reason even though the ventilation within the whole bunker is mild.

' Is he displeased that I didn't five more honorifics? Or is he displeased about his new lackey?' Chris could only hypothesize on the reasons why this devil king is displeased.

Even Vince's roommate felt weird about subordination. Just as she tried to correct what he was saying, she was silenced with a hum from Vince.

She could only stare at them speechless.

Chris look at Vince for a while before giving the roommate a squinting gaze. It was full of suspicious, and doubt. He stayed silent for a while before finally speaking in an uncertain tone. "Are you one of the four from Sky High? From the two girls… are you Vianne or Andrea?"

"Yes I'm Vianne Cana, I'm one of the four exchange students of Sky High. Are you the one who'll lead us to the tour?"

"No wonder… so your not his…um… lackey?" As if realizing something, the visible cloud of doubt within the eyes of Chris finally cleared.

" Of course not!" It was really weird as her clothing are very different from the rest. She wasn't even wearing a proper uniform, and the identification card that could be clearly seen upon looking at her chest area.

"Ahh… you're still a loner after all… then miss Vianne from Sky High, might as well follow us to your group. If I'm not mistaken all three and your teacher should already be together now. After all there are only two remaining bunkers within this whole school that's properly working." Chris shrugged and started to walk downstairs. Together with him was a troop of Cloud Sea Students, a devil king and a beautiful girl from Sky High.

Sky High Academy was comparable to Cloud Sea in the once powerful country of Star Sky. If not for the fact that the whole country was plagued with noble families from the past that now became rebels fighting against the imperial government, then becoming a second world country was just on the reach.

Of all the wars, the civil war was the worst kind. Imagine fighting against your own neighbors, countrymen and sometimes even own blood. It was pitiful and the people of Sky High already lose hope that the reigning peace that lasted for two hundred years will never come back again.

Vince knew a thing or two about the current affairs of Star Sky, from the covenant. He even executed a mission there, that mission led to two other countries joining in together to suppress the rampant noble terrorists of Star Sky.

He vividly remember about killing two delegates and blamed their deaths to the rebels. The rebels denied it of course, but the three countries doesn't believe it.

That event was also the one of the main reasons why the Star Sky, a third world country's strength regressed further until it became a fourth world country.

But because of one scholar of the royal bloodline from Star Sky, the country now was slowly making its comeback. He was also the one who made the famous Sky High Academy.

Sky High Academy trained elites, ranging from military, to academics. They covered it all, if not for the fact that Cloud Sea has the humongous clan as its backers, then the Sky High Academy could have already beaten them as one of the top 100 academies within the planet.

The graduating students of Sky High, already are assigned into the government positions. That's how the Star Sky country slowly replenished its depleted human resources.

Vince was greeted with at least three hundred students lining up at the center for food. It was crowded, but not chaotic as dozens of Desciplinary Committee students are manning the whole crowd, maintaining order.