The Message

"You gonna die"

This three simple words were enough to stop my world from spinning. There was nothing else than this three little words, which are saying: It's over!!!

These were the words of my doctor on my monthly routine checkup that was upsetting my world. "Please say that again." I said in a shaky voice, "Please tell me that this is not true !! It is unfortunately very well was. "says my doctor with real regret in his voice.

"It's even a mystery to me how a human being can suddenly have cancer in its final stages out of nothing in a month's time. But unfortunately that's the way it is." And what are my options? "I asked with a slowly rising rage! Why me! Why did I have to have terminal cancer all of a sudden? Especially now that I finally got my job in the game company "Ax & Beasts". For the people who live behind the mountain and have their heads in their ass. Ax & Beasts is probably the most successful company when it comes to VRMMORPG's (Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) as WOW's new edition. That's why it's obvious that getting an internship or even a job is very difficult there, and I did it!

Thanks to my many years of experience as a gamer as well as a programmer, it was a bit easier for me than for the other applicants who thought it would be easier to be a gamer or a programmer to enter the best company in the industry.

Do not get me wrong it was nevertheless extremely exhausting and tiring because I was not the only candidate who met both criteria and since there was only one vacancy, the division chief decided to decide it by a competition will get the job: Who Programming the best mini-game in less than a week would get an instant job with pay and if the game was good enough to hit the market then depending on the popularity of the game, it would give a bonus. After the most exhausting week of my life I managed my masterpiece. Sure, I've had many minigames for myself or for little merit in the past but this game was my journey and I was proud of it. The next day I came to the company and saw the other candidates sitting on the couch in front of the head of department with a fat grin on his face.

Best go back home because my game has hunked in smooth socks, because you have little chance "smaller". The blood shot straight into my head and I was raging at the man who was not much older than I could be and who tried to kill me and my game. I just wanted to get on top of him and apologize to him in the flogging when my therapist's words came to my mind: You're special and you do not need to tell anyone else anything. That put me back on the ground and the red vision disappeared again. I regained my composure and smiled with a sugary smile. "We'll see it's nose." Now it was up to him to watch me angrily as I walked into the office with a confident smile.

The smile faded again very quickly when I faced the department chief of the Department of Programming and Innovation. One man for one better respected or perished for his looks. An angular face with full beard and piercing blue eyes that you mean you look into a glacier they were just as cold. I stood there with my USB-stick on it my future was on it and waited for the man who held my future in hand says anything. We both stayed for 5 minutes, looking each other in the eye.

Who are you?"

I was not at all prepared for this question, and I am sure that said my face as the head of the department's head frowned into a smile.

"It's alright if you can not answer me, very few people can do that, even if they've reached old age and mean everything. However, it would interest me if she could answer the question because there are even fewer young people than old who can answer this supposedly simple question, her colleague outside is the best example. So again: who. Are. You?

"I'm a fighter," I replied after another 5 minutes of silence. "I always fought for everything I wanted, even when it was tough, even when I lost fights and even when others did not believe in me anymore. I was in an American football team and I learned to turn my anger into something useful. "The head of department looked at me cheerfully and that's why I went on."

But I'm just as much a creator and craftsman, because even from a very young age, it gave me pleasure to create things and shape them to my own imagination like no one had ever seen before. For example, at age 12, I carved my grandfather a pipe with a knot in it and gave it to him on my birthday. I am the son of my parents and grandparents because both have taken care of me. And that's me. I'm Michael Mace.

The last words I screamed with all my emotions in his direction: The anger that has been my companion for many years; Proud of what I love and what I am; Fear for my future and something I thought I had lost: love for my parents and grandparents.

The department chief looked at me for moments that felt like hours of fathomless blue eyes. Kurtz before the moment where I thought I was bursting with nervousness he spoke again.

"You have the job."

This was just a moment where my world became a style and filled my whole being.

"Will you please say that again?" I asked in the same trembling voice as in the doctor's room where I was right now, which is just as much a turning point in my life as the moment I came to Ax & Beast

"You have the job. You are only the third person who could answer this question to my complete satisfaction. Her friend out there could not answer my question, nor was his game even a bit off-beat as good as some of her previous mobile games. "

I looked at my current boss in bewilderment. "Wh-how do you know ..." Do you really think we do not inform you about our potential employee? "The department chief looked at me with amused eyes.

"We will discuss your details and the employment contract tomorrow, now they should go home and rest. Tomorrow is a big day I will introduce you to their crew. Oh, and then send in the other young man.

I was slightly shocked but just as excited from the room and stood there for a while. Only when the asshole approached me from earlier and spoke to me. "And less how was it for you?" With a big grin on his face, I went on in the direction of exit and said in passing: "Will you see. You should come to his office. "With joyful expectations what life still had for surprises in store I went outside on the way home.

Today was the best day of my life and nothing can and will change what.This was just a moment where my world became a style and filled my whole being.

"Will you please say that again?" I asked in the same trembling voice as in the doctor's room where I was right now, which is just as much a turning point in my life as the moment I came to Ax & Beast

"You have the job. You are only the third person who could answer this question to my complete satisfaction. Her friend out there could not answer my question, nor was his game even a bit off-beat as good as some of her previous mobile games. "

I looked at my current boss in bewilderment. "Wh-how do you know ..." Do you really think we do not inform you about our potential employee? "The department chief looked at me with amused eyes.

"We will discuss your details and the employment contract tomorrow, now they should go home and rest. Tomorrow is a big day I will introduce you to their crew. Oh, and then send in the other young man.

I was slightly shocked but just as excited from the room and stood there for a while. Only when the asshole approached me from earlier and spoke to me. "And less how was it for you?" With a big grin on his face, I went on in the direction of exit and said in passing: "Will you see. You should come to his office. "With joyful expectations what life still had for surprises in store I went outside on the way home.

Today was the best day of my life and nothing can and will change what.