The Game

Genos, then? But before I could wonder about the newly discovered name of my boss, the young woman, who seemed somehow familiar to me, started walking. I had my troubles to follow, although I'm anything but unsportsmanlike. We arrived in a snow-white room where 3 people stood.

1, My boss who had just learned that I would die in a few weeks, but lit up me as if he had just been promoted.

2, A very attractive young woman, a bit older than the woman who had led me into the room, of tall and thin, but not skinny, figure with just as fair hair and chestnut brown eyes and soft, red lips that immediately scolded the girl ,

"Why did it take so long, Berna ?!"

Her voice was almost furious. I like her.

"I'm sorry Mom but Dad's office was so hard to find, especially since I've never been there," the young woman justifies herself to her mother and boss.

Wait, she was her mother ??! I would have thought the two smooth for sisters if they had not revealed this little detail to me. And how was that? Daddy's Office ... She was also the daughter of my division chief Genos? !!

Before I even had the chance to say anything, the third person in the room began to speak. "Mr. Prakina, we got here from Harry ... "he pointed to my grinning boss," ... they do not have much longer to live. Let me first express my sincere condolences. No one in her old age should be so burdened, especially on his first day at work. "He looked at me with happy, sparkling eyes and his face twisted into a small smile that made me doubt every word in his little speech.

"But not all hope has been lost Mr. Prakina! There is still time to do something about it and at the same time they could set a milestone in the history of research! "As he spoke, his voice rose until he almost screamed at me with euphoria.

"Excuse my father, Barok. He's getting a bit overzealous. "

He looked at his father's love and amusement in the eyes. Son…

Then, legendary Goffrey Genos, a revolution in the video game industry, was the man who was one of the men and women who developed the first immersion capsule and brought it to the video game market. The first game and game, Ready for Peace, Ready for War, was the best selling game in the first 48 hours worldwide!

After that, the group disappeared and was no longer seen, except for a few members who are officially bosses of very successful companies. And one of those legends in the video game world was right in front of me !!!

My hands started to shake and I stood there with my mouth open and kneeling trembling, I started to speak "M-m-m-Mr. Genos Sir, it's an indescribable ... yes, yes, yes, it's an honor, it's so unbelievable that it's blablabal. Please spare me that and just call me Goffrey. "

"Yes, Mr. Gen-Goffrey."

So young man, you're probably wondering why a simple person like she's here before becomes CEO of Ax & Beast? "

Now that he addressed it, I actually asked. What could the three most successful people in the video game industry want from me?

"Well, the reason is simple. We can offer you life.

I froze and looked at Goffrey for a moment.

"As? Did you find the holy grail of modern medicine now? What else can they do? "He replied with regret in his voice

"I'm sorry Barok but we can not cure her body.

The realization hit me like a thunderbolt. But it was too good to be true. Why did I have hopes ?! If only I ... "We could even offer them something even better! I assume they are familiar with VRMMORPG's? "

I nodded with a completely confused expression.

"Great! Do you see my boy, you are also aware of the known problem of the short game seasons in the capsules? "

I nodded. The company had egg-shaped capsules, also called "pots", which increased the realism in the game many times, so that you could sometimes hardly distinguish the real world from the virtual. Unfortunately, you could only stay in these capsules every 8 hours, because then the physical needs of the body set and you have to take a break. Luckily I did not have the problem because I simply could not afford a pod. The standard version alone costs about $ 200,000. However, there were many people who could afford it and they complained about the length of the game, and as far as we know, Ax & Beast has been working on the problem for quite some time, but has not been successful.

"But I am relieved that saves us the unnecessary long explanations and let us get straight to business.

He went to the middle of the room where a cloth hides a large object that I had not noticed at all

"My greatest creation!" Exclaimed Goffrey Genos, tearing the cloth aside.

A pod came to light. But in some way another pod. None of these standard models, but none of the pods in the higher price ranges.

"This is my muse, my masterpiece. That's Heimdall !!!

I was impressed. As far as I know, Heimdall was the guardian of the bridge in the land of the gods Asgard in Norse mythology. A very suitable name considering that you could enter into another world with this device.

But I was confused.

"And how exactly should that help against my cancer? It would be nice to spend the rest of my days playing, but then I'd rather make peace with myself and my fate. "

I was about to turn around when my boss Harry grabbed me by the arm

"I know my dad can seem a bit weird and crazy by the time, but he's brilliant, so please listen to everything first before they leave as it could save their lives.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with that, though I still had a weird feeling about the strange Living Legend before me. Suddenly the woman who seemed to be Harry's wife approached me.

"If it calms her, do not worry. As soon as the old sack over there gets too fast again and does not explain anything, I miss one! "

Oh, I knew from the beginning that I like her.

"I just wanted to come to that, Penellope! Read an old man the joy of explaining his toys. "He looked me straight in the eye again. The same eyes as his son had them, ice cold blue eyes that one thought to see in a glacier.

To answer her question: this miracle of technology can neither keep her alive, nor can she heal her. However, they can live on differently. And in our latest game: Beast World.

"Never heard of it." I answered truthfully. I had not heard this title on the Internet forums, nor in any rumor mill. But if there's any chance I'm surviving my cancer, then I would use it.

"What do I have to do?" I asked with a bit more fire in my voice than before. With another wide smile on his face, he led me to the container.

"This, my boy," he said in the tone of his conviction, "could revolutionize the world. By allowing a person to be sent to another reality indefinitely, one could solve so many world problems. You could just send the surplus population into another reality, provide you with minimal life support, and you'd like it! Crowds, even governments, will beg me to give them such miracles. But unfortunately, "with a wistful look he looked at his machine" I do not yet have the exact programming of the gel that completely envelops the body and because the body provides the nutrients and removes the waste and fecal matter and converts it back into energy. There are lots of little nanorobots in this gel that let this magic come about. And that's where they come in. Michael! "

"By allowing us to use their body as a temptation experiment, we can collect vital data about the body in our induced stasis and optimize and refine the gel. In return, we would be her as the exclusive and first beta tester of our new game and, if they want, we can implement their mind permanent into the game. It will also be a choice for the average consumer, but they probably will not care. So, what do you think about that? "

I was shocked for a moment. Should I spend the rest of my life, even for all eternity, as I understood it, in a video game? But on the other hand, that was the dream of every gamer, including me.

"Where do I have to sign?"

"We can start right away if they wish." I nodded and he immediately led me to a room where I could undress and prepare myself because the pod is still calibrated and adjusted to it or whatever, I'm not familiar with the details. In addition, they missed me a chip in my neck that is still needed for "later". After about half an hour, Harry's pretty daughter came through the door, I think her name was Berna, through the door and nodded to me.

"Grandpa - my Dr.Goffrey Genos is now ready for her. With a smile on my face, I shook my head and follow him because room back where the device was.

Goffrey and Harry stood around the device, squeezing and writing on integrated panels, ignoring me at first. Only when I got to two meters Goffrey Genos turned around to me.

"Excellent, they are ready, I can see that in their eyes. You only have to sign us a contract that allows us to provide your body, after the transfer of your consciousness into the game, for our tests and attempts to us not sue them. I mean, they would not have a reason anyway, because then it would not be their body anymore, but still, sure for sure. "

I looked at contract. It all went as Geno's senior says consent to my body being used for research, waiver of a lawsuit, both unwanted results ...

What was that?! Consent that my video feed in the estimation of the manager without my intervention can be published?

I spoke to Goffrey.

"Yes that ... you know Michael it's like that. We would use their gameplay as a trailer for our game because the time in the game is much faster than in real life and you will discover interesting things very quickly. A day in the game is about 6 hours in the real world. Also, we will not include her character name and status in the video if that's her concern.

With this information and the explanation, I immediately felt better and relaxed immediately. It was a bit uncomfortable for me to be completely nude in the presence of two such beautiful women, but as I understood it, I had to be completely naked so that the microscopic robots could supply my body with everything and clean me up as well.

After about ten more minutes of waiting for the splatter fiber naked on the two geniuses to finish programming, I wondered why they had already taken me out of the parade room when they were not finished yet. Harry's wife told me that the two of me needed a chip in my neck to implement my Genetic Code on the pod, which I know for reasons. Although I was a programmer, my knowledge was limited to video games rather than world-changing machinery. Finally, they activated Chip in me, who was there to transfer my mind into the game on my own. When the time came I put myself in the capsule in the cold, and I mean really cold gel and Goffrey Genos leaned over me one last time.

"Listen, Michael, I know you do all this to save yourself from cancer, but I still want to thank you. Many others have rejected the offer and have died. Now you do not look at me that way, do you think you are the only cancer patient in the world? You are not the first one to complain because we made this offer, but you are the first one who really accepted it. It surprised me in the beginning, especially because all the young people have refused, because you are always dreaming of coming to such a world and living there, or not? But everyone has come more or less to the same answer. "I do not want to live in a world where the world is controlled by monsters. Wimps! "

"What do you say?! Dominated by monsters ??! "

Before I could say anything else, the capsule closed and Geoffrey's face burned into my mind as he said, "Good luck, you'll need it.