Zino arrived at the slave trade market and on the way was eyed by a few greedy people but just with his killing intent scared them off.
[I only have a little bit over 1 gold that should be enough because not many people have gold. 1 silver is enough to live for about 3 months, rent and daily expenses.]
Zino arrived outside of a worn down building with a sign that said slave tavern. This was the place to buy slaves.
Zino came to this area because this is where you can find some of the darker deals like kidnapped people and get them for a little less then a slave trade in the middle of the building.
[I know that most people would come here for slaves for various reasons but why I came can make me stick out. I'm just trying to help kids that got into this unfortunate situation.]
Zino walks into the building a notices that the inside looks just a little bit better than the outside.
The clerk was standing at the front desk and gave Zino a judging look.
"Hello how may I help you."
"I'm here to purchase a slave."
"How much do you have to spend and tell me your preferences."
"I have 1 gold, looking for a child slave."
"You have that kind of preference." The clerk gives Zino a disgusted look, but he has to do his job.
"Follow me."
Zino follows the clerk into the room where a sofa is located.
"Alright take a seat here and I will be back with all the slaves that match your preference."
Zino sits and the clerk goes through a set of doors in the back.
10 mins later
The clerk walks back through the door with about 4 slaves that matches and one that does not.
[The first one is a female demi-humans that has horns and shaggy long hair, fair skin, blue eyes, about 0.8 meters tall with only a rag to cover her. The second is a male that looks like the twin of the first one, except he has short hair.
The third one is a male cat-person that has jet black hair and triangular shaped ears that stick up, a darker skin tone but is lighter than my own, also has black eyes to match standing about 1.2 meters tall. The last one to walk in looks like the older sister of all of them, she is a human female that stands about 1.6 meters tall, with blonde hair, green eyes, snow white skin that looks like it hasn't seen the sun.]
"Alright sir here are the slaves that fit your preference.
The one on far right is a demi-human from the Sheep race that lives on the plains. She is 4 years old was brought in about 1 week ago after her parents sold her and her brother off. Her twin brother is the one next to her. I'll let them finish the introduction."
"Hello mister my name is Chloe and my brothers name is Sonido."
Chloe said with a hint of nervousness in her voice due to the fact that most of the time it is the unruly people that come here.
"Alright enough let's move on. The next one after Sonido is Morales. Another demi-human from the black cat race, he's here after getting caught stealing food. He is 8 years old.
And the last one on the left is a human female named Sarah, was apart of a noble family that fell off and was destroyed. Age 12."
The clerk walk next to Zino and whispers to him " by the way they are all virgins for you information."
Zino gave the clerk a wry smile and looked away.
" Now for the prices Chloe and Sonido are both 5 silver, Morales is 20 silver, and Sarah is 50 silver now choose which ones you want and we can get this contract finished."
Without looking back at the clerk Zino responded " I'll take 4 of them."
"You sure about that."
"Yeah, so let's get the contract finished."
The clerk takes out a metal box and tells Zino the cost and process.
"The cost will be 80 silver and for the process just drop a of blood on the slaves hand and the contract will be formed and we will not take back bought slaves."
Zino takes out one gold coin nonchalant and handed it over to the clerk.
The clerk gives Zino back a bag after he counts the amount of money. Then the clerk hands Zino a pin to prick his finger.
"Alright step up so we can finish this process."
All 4 of the kids are watching Zino nervously. There was a 1 min wait until the clerk started yelling and Sarah stepped up first followed by the twins and then Morales.
"Alright that is done all they come with is the clothes they have on right now anything else you have to purchase."
"Alright that everything."
Zino stands up and walks out of the building with the 4 kids following behind him.
[I guess the reason they are following and not trying to run is because of the contract which puts the slave in a lot of pain until they finally die.]
"Listen up you will follow me and listen to what I have to tell you. First order of business let's make it back to my house."
The children look up and then after a few seconds follow behind Zino's steps.