The thing about time and the way it works is not that hard. I can calculate time that is spent away but it is to much work. I just understand that the more time I spend away from a universe then time in that world exponentially slows down.
To the point that 1 month away might be 20 + or - days depending on how far and 1 year can be 2 + or - months.
Whatever hopefully the village is still standing strong and I can just chill.
I open up a portal to the last place I have been in that world. I walk through the portal and the first thing that hits is the dust. Guess it has been awhile since I came back.
My house is the best house in Astera. I walk out and the first thing I notice is that it is pretty empty in this gathering hub. I walk up to the guild lady and ask.
"What's going on, where is everybody at. I know we discovered a new region, but it shouldn't take this long for them to clear that area."
"Mr.Cuga it's been a while since we have seen you. Everybody is at the new gathering hub in Seliana."
"So Seliana is what they named the place what's going on over their."
"I'm not to sure but you will have to ask someone on that side."
"Thank you for the info."
I go back to my house and put on the best set of gear for a greatsword user.
Guess something important happened. I look out the window and fly toward Seliana which is Northwest of Astera.
Nothing unusual going on over here in the ancient forest, so why is everyone on edge. Maybe the admiral can shed some light on the siruation.
Admiral POV
"Calm down commander with you panicking nobody else can calm down." Trying to calm the commander down is not as easy as I thought it would be.
"How I'm supposed to calm down our best hunter my teacher is out of commission. And nobody seems to know where Hunter Zino went off to after his retirement."
"He will be here when we need him the most so calm down and think of how we can get through this. I'm getting to old to fight monsters bit I will always be better than the huntsman at reacon.
Now let's talk about what we figured out."
"How ya folks doing, what's good old man." Everybody in the room looked over including myself to see who had shown up to interrupt our discussion.
Commander seeing it was a young person was heated.
"Who the hell you think you are commmmm." I had to cover the commanders mouth and looked up at the person with hope in my eyes.
"HUNTER Zino see you looking as young as ever. " The commander was gobsmacked sure he had seen what Zino looked like when he was a hunter.
"That's Zino but he doesn't look older than 30?" The commander asked me with a question look.
Zino POV
I guess I interrupted a meeting because commander was really mad for some reason.
"Yep it's me Zino live in the flesh. So what's the problem that we are talking about now."
I look at the admiral asking for some answers.
"You remember that light blue monster that we called Xinojiva, well let's just say that we found the adult version."
"So that was a young one I knew I wasn't wrong. So what are we calling this one."
"We call it Safijiva and when you see it you will like it."
Safijiva I see.