Learning part 2

Shiva took the keys from oldman manish and went to his room. There isn't much difference between this room and the room of oldman manish, except for the books in the shelves. There are no books arranged in the self, it completely looks empty.

"Even though this room is small, its much better than the cave. This room also looks so neat and tidy."

As he said that, he place his cloth bag under the table, before laying on the bed.

"Looks like to become strong, first i need to reach mortal realm or something and also i didn't expect oldman raman to be a cultivator. Then why didn't he tell me anything about cultivation and also he said he didn't know much about cultivation."

Thinking all these thoughts, shiva slowly submerged into deep sleep.

Next day, shiva woke up early in the morning. He did all his necessities and ate his breakfast before setting out for his first day work.

Before he went outside the viscount mansion, he checked whether butler manish is inside his room or not.

"Looks like grandpa manish already went to his work. I better not be late to my work, otherwise i will get scold by the head blacksmith."

Saying that, he directly went outside the mansion and started moving towards the entertainment section or business section of the city. it didn't take much time for him to reach grandpa manish's workshop.

"I have been sent by butler manish to work here."

Looking at the stout oldman working inside the workshop, shiva declared his purpose of visit.

"Oh! you are the new apprentice that geezer told me? Look's like you didn't have much strength, can you really do work here?"

That stout oldman didn't even stop his hammering, but looking at shiva he raised his doubts. Shiva also looking at the interior of the workshop, it isn't much big and only have 4 workers including that stout oldman.

"You don't need to worry about that oldman, i can do my job perfectly."

Shiva responded with sheer confidence, as he can lift almost 250 kg with each hand, he didn't bother about this work at all.

"Don't need to call me oldman, you can call me as Grandpa blacky. Come hand me that hammer on the work bench, as i have done work with this hammer."

Shiva responded with this request and knows that this was a test for his strength. He picked the hammer from the bench and knows this hammer weighs around 15 kg. He easily lifted by controlling his strength and handed the hammer to blacky with smiling face.

"Well, well, well, looks like you have quite the strength there. you can now start working in here, First start with recognizing all the requirements, before you start with black smithing. From this day on wards, you can hand the all materials i need and can observe the work."

Looking at shiva's strength, who didn't even twitch while lifting the hammer,blacky got dumbfounded.

That day, from morning to evening shiva did nothing but handing required materials and changing hammers for blacky. Also for the first time he observed the process of smithing.

By observing he learned the basic rules of black smithing such as heating the metal before starting it to hammer. He also observed that to get a better shape you have to use different weights of hammers.

"Looks like this black smithing is the most perfect way for me to learn controlling my strength."

As, he needs to control his strength while hammering and also need to adjust his strength with different types of hammers. This is the best way that can let him have control over his strength, he decided to learn this black smithing process thoroughly.

"Well grandpa blacky, i will come again tomorrow."

As he said that, he started moving back to manor of viscount.

Looking at the fading silhouette of the shiva, grandpa blacky sighed and looked at the three workers gathered around him.

"Well, he is quite something and i can teach him. Shikan, you can now leave the workshop if you want, but we still welcome you anytime you want to join here."

Looking at the middle aged man standing opposite to him, blacky said.

"You know me quite well old man, that i have been waiting for quite sometime. I have some duties that i must do, its only because of you that kept on postponing."

Saying that, the middle aged man named shikan gave a deep bow to the blacky, before storming out of the work shop.

Shiva didn't waste anymore time and straight out went to his room in the mansion, after taking a bath, he went to check whether oldman manish is there or not.

"Come inside, looks like you are quite eager to learn."

By the time shiva reached oldman manish door, he invited him to his room. Shiva also nod his head responding to grandpa manish inquiry.

"Before we start learning, What is the language that we are talking?"

Shiva responded immediately saying, " Samathi language."

"Yes, samathi language is the language used to communicate in this whole continent. Today i will start with the basics of this language, such as recognizing letters. Samathi language only contains 46 letters, i will teach you how to recognize these letters and pronounce them. As for how many days it will take, this is based on your intelligence. You have study this daily for 2 hours, before we start training your body."

As he said that he looked at shiva.

" Grandpa manish, i will definitely learn them as soon as possible. So that, i can completely concentrate on my body training."

Seeing shiva's determination, oldman manish couldn't help but chuckle.

"Let's start with recognizing letters. see this letter........." As he started teaching shiva, it only took him about 1 hour to completely explain about letters, after that he gave shiva a basic book on language and let him practice on his own for the next one hour.