The Benefactor

For what feels like a normal routine at this point, I wake up confused. This time however, I'm at peace with it.

That's right, deep breaths. No more blacking out. Breathe in, hold 1...2...3...4...5. Exhale 1...2...3...4...5. Doctor Linholm would be proud at my progress. Third time's the charm I suppose.

Or was that trouble comes in threes? Whatever.

Wait, I'm sure it was leaves of three, leave it be. Damned poisen ivy.

What the hell did they give me? Maybe I woke up dumber today. I'd rather blame it on the monster dose of suspicious fluids they pumped in... yesterday? Was that yesterday? I have no damn idea.

My shaky feet make contact with a cool wooden surface. At first my legs buckle, but I right myself up and go for round two. Success! Now I only have to find the door. Wherever that may be.


"God no. Mom, I found her on the airport floor in a mess. Was I supposed to leave her?"

"I'll look past your absurd concept of stranger danger and get straight to the point. Did you ever give the girl an option to leave?"

Silence consumes the house more so than the argument did.


"Then when are you going to let her go?"

When the silence becomes too painful, I approach the door after scanning for cracks of light surrounding it. The idea of what's coming next terrifies me.

"Mrs. Cheng?"

My voice comes out softly with a deep crack, making it hard to decipher. But the lady herself seems to have heard me.

"Jennifer, how do you feel?"

"Okay enough, but right now I'd really like to discuss my position. If that's okay."

I can't believe how timid I sound. It's most likely the strength the older woman gives off. She's calm, confident, and dignified. Even the plain purple dress she's wearing seems to give off an expressive air.

"Of course. I already assured the college of your arrival, there should be no problems. I've expressed my deepest apologises for making you stay over to complete a few pieces upon our request."

All I can do is nod and offer a tight but grateful smile. I didn't expect her to intervene on my behalf. Mrs. Cheng smiles back and turns to Ann expectantly.

"I discussed it with mom, and if it's alright with you, I'd like to accompany you to France as a roommate and benefactor. It wouldn't be right to send a girl to live in a country all alone, and I would appreciate a break from prying eyes here. Of course, that's only if you want to."

"Yes! I mean, yes, I'd like that very much."

Ann gives me a wide smile and moves in for a hug, only to pause. I slowly hug her stilled form, letting myself process everything. It sounds perfect, but I can't help but feel someone's gaze. I try not to look, but I do.

Lee stares at me with a pained expression that stops my heart. He knows what I do. It's time for me to leave.