In a silent room my pencil glides across the pages. The bouquet of roses and lilies form on the page. The line of a rose leads into a dipping lily, heavy from its weariness. I add a few dew drops and baby's breath cuddling the wilting flower. Then a rose with a stronger stalk supports it.
I miss relying on him. But that isn't my life right now.
With a small smile, I wander away from the sketchpad, previously perched on my lap. I wipe the black graphite off my hands and onto my jeans. They're one of the few clothes I purchased in France, but I'd never regarded them to hold much significance.
After all, he hasn't seen them...
Get a grip Jennifer! You haven't come so far just to fall into his arms! You're a strong woman now who takes no one's bullshit.
I nod my head in approval. Life has changed a lot in the four weeks away from China. That bubble of existence feels like it occurred centuries ago. I'd formed new habits and carry on with lighter shoulders. The amount of self awareness I've gained is stunning, everything has become clearer.
As I have always done at this hour, I leave for the local bistro. It was a cozy little cafe, with a homey feel and strange nostalgia, although I hadn't been to anything like it.
The old white wooden door led into the seating area and counter. With little thought, I approach the glass case and glance at its contents.
"What will it be?" A man with sandy hair questions.
"Two madeleines and tea." I reply with a soft smile. His flustered face manages to make me blush too. It's scary how easily I blush nowadays, mostly out of embarrassment.
No one has made me truly blush with a crimson fury since him. Any other person earns a dark pink with a mild heat. But he... being flustered around him leaves the skin on my face in a searing madness.
"Here's your order. That'll be-" I interrupt him by showing the usual amount of euros spent on this habit.
I wanted to leave the awkward situation asap. Once the food and drink were in my hands I darted away, nearly spilling the hot liquid on Ann. It was obvious that she'd been looking for me.
Without question, I follow her to wherever she's rushing off to. My curiosity was bursting at the seams. Whatever question I formed in my head was cut short by Ann's words.
"You need to see my brother."