A Unforgettable Encounter

Lia didn't know how to react as she gazed upon the man if she could even call him that infused in the tree like he was one with it. The forest was deathly quiet with the only sound that could be heard was the wind blowing against the branches and leaves. Violet turned to look at the strawberry-blonde and then back to the tree.

"Violet...doesn't he resemble-

"Yea...a Dryad..." the Terran cut her off softly as she kept the eyes on tree.

Lia went over cautiously and slowly hearing the sounds of grass and sticks being crushed and her heart pound apperhension.

"Lia becareful..." Violet warned her in hushed tones.

Lia nodded her head in response but never turned around to look at her. She knew while Dryads were peaceful and not aggressive unless they had to be they had also been known to nab others, Humans, Terrans, and sometimes Titans if they got a chance and she had been almost one of the unlucky ones who got nabbed. For the longest time the city didn't know why this creatures were doing this, not until soilders began find humans wondering around in euphoria like daze not knowing where they where or what was happening until they became lucid again. They brought them back to the city to have them treated then they revealed a shocking truth, not only had the Dryads had taken them but they didn't try to stop them. All them told stories similar after the other that while they should have a natrual instinct to defend themselves or run away that thought quickly went away when they saw them instead they were filled with a overwhelming feeling calm and euphoria, they said it was like it was radiating off them. Their memories became fuzzy after that the only thing they remembered was being in constant state of euphoria and the sexual experiences they had with them. The euphoria and sexual acts with them made them so addicted that thet never wanted to leave, they said they experienced pleasure that they had never felt before. The doctors did through exams in the victims and said that they where healthy and no sign of mistreatment so it was obivious they victims where taken care of but they did find a faint unknown substance.

They scanned it to discover it was traces a of a biological pheromone unlike they had never seen before which they discovered what was causing the victims state of delirium. Not only that they discovered from further testing that one the Human women was pregnant making put them two and two together that they Dryads where trying to do the same thing the Titans where trying to do, trying to populate more of their species.

Lia certainly never thought she would run into one, speacily since she worked close to the border/ slash powerline but that all changed when she decided to take a swim in the stream in the middle of the forest one night during, she loved how the moonlight reflected off the greenry and the water giving it a florescent glow, making the colors different then what they where during the day but her feeling of relaxation quickly came to a halt when she had this overwhelming feeling of being watched causing to to quickly but cautiously to get out of the water naturally having thought it might be rebels or radicals. Just as she got out the water got told of her belt which held her weapons he appeared making her freeze in her tracks as she gazed upon him. He was tall and slim with blackish grayish bark like skin with purple and blue vines wrapped around his body and with it long blue vines come out his head like hair with black twigs coming out on top of it. His blue eyes met hers as she stared at him with bewilderment he got closer to her, she wanted to runaway but at to the same time she wanted to get closer to him. When he stopped right infront of her he gave her a charming smile making her both calm and nervous do only being in her black sport bar and underwear as her grip on the small plasma pistol she had in her hand at the time began to shake which caused the male to lay his hand gently on top of her shaking one sending more feeling of calmness through out her body.

"Don't be afraid..." he replied to her in a soft spoken tone.

He traced his fingers gently up her arm sendind to tingles of pleasure through out it scaring her greatly. Her eye contact was facing the dirt in shock at what she was feeling but she then felt his hand bring her face up as he rested his lips upon hers sending heat and pleasure through out her body.

"Your beautiful...." he said to as ran a hand through her wet hair.

She could feel tears fall down her eyes as he ran his bark like hands all over her exposed skin ashamed that it felt so good, she wanted to do hard to fight back and punch him hard but for some reason she couldn't, it was like she was under his spell making her close her eyes in fustration and anger and in th mixture of emotions she was feel she ended up pulling out a small knife an stabbing her leg with it which and while hurt like hell it brought her back to reality. The male looked at her in shock by this action she and with some cocern for as well but he didn't have time to say anything before she kicked him are away from her knocking the tall alien to the ground as she ran back to base in her andreline filling so she could feel the pain her leg, she only knew she had to get far away as possible. Rion was most definitely bewildered when she came in panic with nothing but her underwear and was even more shocked when she hugged him tightly. After she explained what happened Rion obviously contacted their superiors and they brought in more soilders to patrol the area and she was ordered to have a full examination done along with a full interview which she destested greatly. They sent out their best general Atlas and his unit to hunt down the male but they never found him.

The council keep interviewing her over and over again about the incident over the months and it didn't help that her mother almost had a breakdown and that her step-father was furious, both them wanted to her return home but she obviously didn't do that. She wasn't going to lie that that wasn't shaken up by the incident but she's wasn't going to let it scare her away but the longest time she didn't do night patrol....she never wanted to feel that vulnerable again. She snapped back to reality when she saw she male in the tree open his eyes wide as he started to gasp.