The Struggles Of Mortals

Dianna's POV



As I wail and cry like a b#tch inside while looking like a badass on the outside, I notice white holes appearing around me within this now bright space. I broke through the Domain!

Dianna: Change of plans then!

But of course, it wouldn't be interesting if it was that easy, now would it?

Dianna: ARRGHH!!

Of bloody course, the white holes are too unstable for a safe and comfy journey, I mean they were caused by an EXPLOSION so it's no wonder they wont work like normal portals but god F#CKING DAMNIT do they hurt.

Thankfully, my uncool, screams of pain and anguish are covered by the explosion I set off. As for my body? Well it dropped down a few leagues in every aspect and my originally skin colored tattoos are gone, as I sacrificed them to increase the power of my attack. However, my strength keeps decreasing the more I stay here, so it's time to clench my teeth and get through this.

I think before letting go and drift along with the suction force of these piss-poor imitation of portals to finally escape this sh#thole.

Dianna's POV end

As Dianna travelled through the unstable portal, she was hit by intense dizzines and pain, along with the sensation of losing the power she kept tempering for over a century, every bit of power she has stored within her was necessary for her survival as every second was like torture, all of her atoms/cells and even soul were divided, crushed and then put together again and again as she travelled through this path of mad, incomprehensible destruction.

After an unknown amount of time, she has finally left the dark domain and entered earth.

On earth, somewhere on the ocean, it's dark and a wild storm rages about with massive waves overlapping one another and thunder flying through the clouds with intense ferocity . In the middle of that chaos a white, bright sphere appeared pushing every drop of water and every breath of air away while also spitting out a figure that could be discerned as a naked woman.

Shortly after, the white sphere disappeared and the surroundings became dark and chaotic once again. And so, the woman struggled to swim and survive this unforgiving enviroment.

Dianna: BWA-

However, now with her strength decreased to the point of an average teenage girl, her efforts are almost pointless as the waves overpowered her every try as if mocking her weakness. Key word, almost.

Dianna: UG-H ARGH!!!

Even if her previous strength was gone, her willpower was still there, strengthened even more after she travelled through the unstable portal. With screams and howls, she kept fighting against mother nature and tried to stay at the surface for even half a breath of oxygen, which until a while ago she did not need.


Thought Dianna with pure rage and unwillingness in her heart as she kept fighting against nature as if defying the heavens...

After gods know how long, the storm was gone and the waves weakened as the sun shined in the sky as if trying to give hope to the unconscious figure floating on the surface of the ocean, facing the sky with her eyes closed and fully showcasing her beautiful, perfectly round and just at the right size mounds on her chest.

Awoken by the brightness of the sun, Dianna observed the condition of her body by sensing her cells and atoms within. Judging by her analysis, she could tell she was both cold, and hungry as well as severely dehydrated, if she had even a shred of magic she could have tried to somewhat restore her body or at least protect her from the cold of the ocean but unfortunately she didn't have a speck of magic energy within her as she permamently sacrificed it all blowing herself up and traversing the white hole, as her soul was extremely weak right now, it was no different than an average human's so even if she spent it all, not only would it not particularly help, she would also fall unconscious or even die and in that enviroment, that was pretty much suicide, therefore she had to make do with what she had, so she then looked around trying to spot any form of land mass, at the front, nothing, right? Nothing there either, how about the left then? Guess what? Nothing and so she looked back hoping to find something other than infinite sea water.

And lo and behold, a pretty damn big island could be seen on the horizon only 2 kilometres away.

Now normally she would have shouted something like "F#CK YEAH!" but as she was dangerously close to death with barely any energy left to keep her consious, she started swimming towards her only chance of survival silently, to conserve as much energy as possible.

After finally reaching the beach of the island she crawled on the sand to get away from the sea, in fear of being swept away from her only possible salvation, so afterwards she simply laid there to catch a breath, taking a fetal position seemingly trying to warm her self up.

Even if she was safer now, however didn't mean she could just sleep, as she needed food and water, as luck would have it, a mere 2 meters away from her, she could spot 3 coconuts under a coconut tree firmly half-submerged in the sand.

She quickly crawled there and grabed one, after placing it between some rocks it with the pointy part facing up, she lifted a big rock with both of her hands which was pretty risky considering she was extremely close to fainting from fatigue and dropped it on the coconut, resulting to it breaking and revealing the inner part, with something like hair growing out of it.

After hitting a rock with it's middle part, it finally cracked open spilling a few drops of water.

Afterwards Dianna drank the coconut water gratefully and manipulated her stomach to absorb more energy from the fluid than it normally would. Now the only problem left is food and would you look at that, a little further from her there were 3 red crabs moving about doing their business, unfortunately for one of them, they would turn into a certain hungry demoness's meal.

And so Dianna jumped at the poor creature with a sharp rock in her right hand and picked it up from it's legs with her left, she ruthlessly stabbed the crab's triangular, folded stomach and twisted it repeatedly to gauge out it's innards.

What happened next would have been extremely disgusting and terrifying for any normal person, if they were there. Dianna without any hesitation bit into the crab's wound and started eating it alive, the miserable creature at that moment struggled to break free but, in front of that woman's strength, even weakened, it simply couldn't fight back and so slowly but surely the creature passed away and it stopped spasming, allowing Dianna to eat with less caution and so she started killing any bacteria that were within the crab's meat to make sure of her health.

Dianna believed that there was nothing wrong with howling like an animal, crawling like a worm or eating anything like a savage if it meant survival. She her self would even eat a person if it helped her live. She in fact already ate an intelligent being once in order to survive, it was her enemy at the time and after a long, harsh battle she ate it's flesh without even leaving bones behind, at that time she was extremely disgusted and really wanted to throw up, however she wanted to live, not for any grand reason like making world peace or saving the world. No she simply wanted to live for the small things, like reading good books or listening to great music or to just laugh at a third-rate drama series. For her, these were enough reasons to struggle, to sin for. Not to mention her loved ones would be sad to know of her death.

She wanted to see her strict but over-protective maid, Anya

She wanted to see her carefree but passionate subordinate, Tesla

She wanted to see her most trustworthy but airheaded trio of guards, Rudolf, Gimble and Stuart

She wanted to see her hopeless yet strangely dependable Grandfather, Orion

She wouldn't lose all that for the sake of mere humanity or pride

No, she will never hesitate to do what she has to do even if it's cruel and unforgiving.

In contradiction to that belief however, if she truly wants to protect or fight for something or someone she wouldn't mind paying with her life for them.

That's just the kind of weird person Dianna B. Lowen is.

As Dianna finished her meal, she passed out then and there in the scalding sand and slept for the rest of the day.

To be continued <---------