Survival 101. Dianna Style

It's nighttime. The full moon floats above, on a certain island in the middle of pretty much nowhere, a maiden could be seen lying face down on the sand of this rather beautiful beach.

Without any warning whatsoever, the maiden springed up! A wild look on her face and messy hair, blue liquid around her mouth and her body covered in sand particles. Right now this woman looks no different than a savage, cave woman, of course if she were to take care of her appearance she would be more than good enough to be a model. Well... The situation did not allow such luxury and honestly it's a miracle she's still alive even after all she's been through.

That woman, is none other than Dianna.

Dianna: Ptue! Where the f#ck is this?

Said Dianna as she spat out of her mouth sand and a bit of blue liquid. She observed her surroundings with wide, red, wild eyes, she could see the beach with beautiful golden sand that turned silver in the night, with few rocks scattered here and there, few small organisms such as crabs and ants could be seen close by the waves of the sea softly hitting the edge of the beach, beyond the beach, there seemed to be a jungle with tall trees, vines and tall grass.

From the jungle, cries of animals could be heard.

Dianna: Well sh#t, would you look at that, I'm still alive and kicking.

Whispered Dianna as she looked back to the sea and raised her arms and middle fingers and shouted.

Dianna: F#####CK YOOOUUUU B#TCH.

After that unnecessary, energy consuming action she went back to normal.

Dianna: Welp, I guess I gotta find some sticks, make a fire and a few weapons. Ok cool, I can handle that.

And so, Dianna with her experience easily found and made what she needed, with a sharp wood spear, she caught fish and as for water, she had coconuts, after making a basic campfire, she sat there and cooked the fish.

A few minutes after eating and drinking she finally started making a tent with the sticks and leaves she got, it barely took 15 minutes and yet the tent looked pretty sturdy. As she no longer had her previous body and capabilities, she didn't have nightvision either, which meant hunting and exploring would be a pretty bad idea, so she slept in warmth in her triangular tent till dawn.

Once she woke up, fully rested and in peak condition, she went in the jungle ready to hunt and scout. Perhaps there was civilization somewhere on this island. However after hours of searching, she never found anything that could be artificial and therefore judged that she was the only living human on this part of the island.

But it's not all bad news as she also found another source of fresh water, other than coconuts. It was a waterfall with a pond below, surrounded by small pebbles.

After so long, Dianna could finally take a bath, currently she smelled horribly.


Yelled Dianna as she jumped in with a huge splash!

After carefully washing herself with some herbs she found, she made a basic fur outfit, now she looks completely different from before, even if her outfit is savage and uncivilizised, she still looks extremely beatiful and actually kind of exotic.

All she had on her was a tiger fur bra and skirt, a leaf bag and her spear, no underwear though.

Now, she has the luxury to rest even in a jungle as, even though she's weak, her intuition and battle experience are things that cannot betray her easily and so, after 5 days, she created her own tree house.

Since she had all the necessities, she was ready to train once again.

The first realm of strength is known as superhuman realm, regardless of your field of expertise, like whether you are a warrior, wizard/sorcerer or mentalist.

During that stage, all you need to do is strengthen your body, magic, essence and soul.

In the first stage of that realm (All realms have 10 stages) you have to be as strong as a lower world bodybuilder capable of pulling trains. As you may have deduced, not many have such strength in lower worlds and it's only the first stage, every increase in stage boosts your strength by 100%. That's why it's usually extremely difficult to beat someone a stage above you and it's nearly impossible to beat someone a realm above you, at least that's the common sense in the world of immortals and deities.

Of course, in order to reach such strength it's pointless to try average training methods like push ups or sit ups (A certain bald hero has proved otherwise though...) The training methods are many but what Dianna uses is mind blowing for other cultivators/ advanced creatures. That method is training all of the above stats at the same time, usually that method would be looked down upon as people usually have to put all their focus into one stat for full efficiency and yet, Dianna has learned how to multi-think and put 100% of her attention at many things at once, although that method also burns a lot of willpower, however Dianna has more than enough to keep training like this.

And so, 5 months have passed...

To be continued <---------