Guess Who's Back, Back Again

5 months later...

Dianna has Reached the 5th stage of the Ascended realm which was enough to make anyone out there to vomit blood as normally even the most talented geniuses out there would require at least two decades, even if they were given the best resources and space with incredible quality and quantity of energy in their dimension, however what Dianna said next would give even a True Nirvana practitioner a heart attack.

Dianna: GOD DAMNIT! How bloody embarassing! 5 months, 5 WHOLE months and I'm still an Ascended! In the 5th stage to boot! I was already at the peak 10th stage of True Nirvana stage when I started cultivating 5 months in! Sh#t, if the old fart Orion, finds out he's gonna laugh his #ss off! (Author: Not really, it's the opposite, actually...) Dianna felt that way because she already comprehended how this realm works and with all that experience she has in cultivating/ training, her results should have been better, however she forgot that she cultivated in a lower-dimension without any resources or any energy in her surroundings. To her however, that would only be an excuse for not being capable enough, that's how harsh she is to herself, that's how she learned to treat her self for better improvement.

Dianna: Ugh, F#ck it, I have a certain last boss to catch and the more time I spend in this uninhabitted island the more chances that little sh#t will find to make my life harder than it already is.

You read correctly, the island has no signs of civilization and so Dianna has decided to simply leave the island.

As for where to sail? Thankfully she knows magic. All she needs to do is use the non-elemental spell, Search. A basic spell but extremely useful at times. As long as you've met something or someone before, you can find them with this spell unless if they are stronger than you and don't want to be found or if they're out of range and range depends on the strength and amount of your mana.

After closing her eyes, she focused for a second while imagining humans or any intelligent beings, only to open them almost immediately and shout

Dianna: WEST!

While pointing towards said direction, in a comical, not so serious way.

Dianna: Oh man I'm so not gonna miss this place.

Sure, it was cozy, beautiful and so bad for training, for a lower-dimension that is, however it was boring, no T.V, no music other than the animals howling and even though she was used to boredom let's not forget that she's too young compared to the other cultivators so she is still immature in front of all those ancient beings.

And so, after making a surprisingly well made boat with sails (Sewn from the furs of animals, don't know if it really works but let's just say it does for now). She decided to finally sail, now she could try to swim there with her superior physical strength but if anything went wrong, she could easily lose her way and therefore die from thirst or hunger. Of course swimming towards her destination would mean she wouldn't carry much on her and as you may have guessed, her spacial ring was destroyed along with all the items in it in order to escape the dark domain and then survive the travel through the white hole. So although she may be slower, her chances of survival will be higher and yes, she has gone through many scenarios where she thought with her strength nothing could go wrong, only to have something happen that almost cost her her life.

Conveniently, the wind goes towards the west and so, after putting supplies such as food and water in her boat to last for days she set sail, ready for the new challenges she's gonna face in the future.


She may have looked cool looking at the sun setting in the west and even taking a pose where she crossed her arms and put her right leg on the fence of the ship, but to her the ship was extremely slow and it was awkward looking like a badass at this moment and so she did the only thing she could at the moment.

Dianna: F#ck it, I'm going to sleep.

Gotta save up on that stamina after all. Thought Dianna as she made it into her little cabin under the deck of her ship and under the brown blanket on her bed, ready to go into the dreamland...

Within her mind however, she wasn't seeing a happy dream or a terrifying nightmare, she simply stood on a green field and practiced all the martial moves she could use at her current realm, it was possible for those with the wits to be fully conscious and awake in their dreams, within their dreams they can manipulate their world in any way they see fit and even have people from their memories have accurate personalities, not many used the world of dreams as they deemed it unnecessary and even hurtful as reality is cruel while their dreams can give them any desire they want, not to mention since their minds worked information within their dreams, they would never actually rest as long as they were conscious.

Dianna however didn't satisfy any of her desires in here, she only trained and trained, and sparred and then trained some more, she didn't only train in real life but also trained in her dreams. She would do that ever since she learned to stay conscious in her dreams and would train at day and then at night, even though she didn't rest at all mentally, her perfomance never dropped therefore no one ever found out. That's right, for almost a century, Dianna NEVER stopped training unless if she was mentally damaged ( her soul being damaged is what I mean, not her turning into a retard...)

Was it unhealthy? Absolutely.

Would she stop? NEVER, for only absolute power matters in this multiverse and every little bit of skilled she becomes, that much more confident will she be that she can survive any encounter, that much more confident she will be that she can protect what's important to her...

To be continued<--------