Chapter 5

Ciriri and Triton pitched in their full support after that fateful day. Spending a little over a week, all six of them began cutting trees and building basic homes.

The beginnings of Naga's Kingdom was slow and had a long way to go but, the foundation was clearly there.

"I'm going to grab a bath. After, we can continue the work on the well." Ciriri said as she shed her waist of the utility belt.

Triton had been taking a break as well, enjoying a drum stick of roasted chicken silently.

"Ok, are you sure though? You've been working non stop since last week. Why don't you just take the rest of the day off?"

"Everyone is still working, why should I stop?" Ciriri looked genuinely concerned as Triton sighed in defeat.

"You've been chopping down trees and digging the well all week. After this, we'll still have to line it and fill it. You sure you're okay with this heavy workload day after day?"

Ciriri shot Triton an annoyed look.

"I thought I told you to stop treating me like a child."

"A fragile flower is what you said, actually." Triton's smug look only annoyed Ciriri further.

"Anyways, I'll be out in a while. After, we'll finish the rest of the work for the day."

With that, Ciriri walked into the small but sturdy cabin meant for bathing.

"You sure you don't want someone to help wash your back?!" Triton hollered into the door jokingly.

He almost didn't see it at first but the lightning fast image of a canteen was approaching.

With a yelp, the metal canteen smacked right into the side of Triton's shell.

Balthier strode up just then, a bushel of wood wrapped up under his arm.

Rightfully, he wore a face of confusion as Triton rubbed the side of his head. Soothing the pain in his shell, he looked up to the nomadic snake man.

"Have a fight, did we?" Balthier's deep voice sounded like a baritone as he laughed.

"No, I was just trying to look out for my friend. Ciriri has been working non stop since Naga established her new Kingdom. I am proud of her but, she doesn't take proper breaks." Triton complained.

The sound of the loud water rushing inside the cabin gave him peace of mind that Ciriri might not hear him complain to Balthier.

"I'll say so. Everyone around here is amazed that she's putting in so much effort. When she found that chicken nest the other day, I thought the Princess was going to kill over!" Balthier laughed.

He set the wood down next to the washing cabin and dusted his hands off.

"Not long until we have enough materials to start building proper homes. Kodibi's shop is great for now but I look forward to the rest of the Snake Clan to start thriving here."

"Do they know where to go? I'm guessing Princess Naga had informed everyone back at the old Kingdom she planned to travel to Happote." Triton asked.

"Aye, the Princess announced to everyone a couple of years ago that she would be traveling to the isle. I wouldn't put it past some to assume that a few hundred snake people are looking for her around here."

"A few hundred?! Goodness."

Triton folded his fingers together and rested his elbows on his knees. The stress Naga was already feeling with leading three people was hard enough to watch.

She would fumble over her words and be indecisive on suggestions. She didn't know weather or not certain placement of homes and shops were good enough or not.

For sure, Naga had been doing better as the week went on but that's because she had gotten to know the three new snakes. If a hundred new snakes were to just show up…

"A lot of the Snakes coming through might be like me. Nomads looking to become soldiers. Even though the Kingdom hasn't been to war in eons, I hope to pledge my life to her. I look forward to being her sword during her reign." Balthier proudly said, thumping a fist to his chest with a grin.

This caught Triton's attention.

"You are very dedicated to your Princess. It's admirable."

"Yeah, well… I guess we have a bit of a history in the long run."

"How so?"

Balthier crossed his arms as he remembered the fond memories in the Old Kingdom.

"Back then, Princess Naga was a lot younger. She attended the school every other Snake did and for some reason, the generation she was fit to lead despised her. A good handful of snakes were jealous of her stature, you know?"

This made a bit of sense about her anxious and eager-to-please personality.

"One day, we took a class trip to the Outerwood, a secluded area by a sheer cliff side on Langba. To this day I don't know who did it but, Naga was pushed and she fell off the side of the cliff. I didn't think twice to jump down and save her."

Triton's eyes flew open at the story, his mouth agape in suspense.

"She was cut up bad but when I picked her up, she looked at me with those red eyes of hers. She called me her 'knight' before passing out. Since that day, I didn't see her again. She stayed in the castle for private tutoring."

"As romantic as that sounds, it is surprisingly tragic." Triton softly said.

"I agree but, even though she seems to not remember me, I'm happy to offer my services for her. She's worth it."

Triton watched silently as Balthier stacked the dropped wood beside the house quickly.

That small story really opened up a lot abut Naga's personality. Her fears about pleasing people, people hating her, and so on. It would be natural that a murder attempt would affect someone like that negatively.

Triton tried to rack his brain for anything to compare it to but, in retrospect; his upbringing was loved. His people adored him from birth and he never had problems with anyone in the Sea Kingdom.


Looking away from the wood, Balthier turned his attention back to Triton.

"Princess Naga will be a prosperous Queen and I am happy you are here to protect her. Thank you."

For a couple of seconds, Balthier just stared at him. Breaking into a wide smile, he pumped his fist in the air for a show of strength.

"I'll see she is well protected!"

The sun was high in the sky by the time Ciriri had gotten back to work. Thanks to Kodibi's quick fingers, she had efficiently made cloth clothes to ease the strain from the bulky adventure garb.

The breathable shorts and easy to tie shirt made working in the sun bearable. In the end, she still had to wear her adventure boots, but still, it was better than sweating into layers of thick leather.

"Ahh~ working hard today! Thank you for all you do for us!" Kodibi cheerfully called from her store front.

It was a bit in shambles if you were to look at it from the front. A couple of items were settled in baskets on the counter while bagged items hung from the frames.

Kodibi remained smiling, however. Proud of the small hut she managed as a store for now.

"Hey Kodibi! New stuff today?" Ciriri called back as she tucked the large, flat stone under her arm.

"That's right! That chicken farm is still booming so I have more eggs to sell as well as other things!"

Ciriri gleefully walked up to the shop to look around. Sure enough, the eggs were piled neatly on top of each other in a pair of baskets.

"We use a type of crystal called Forest Quartz as money. It's really easy to find almost anywhere. Since it's just us in the New Kingdom right now, I'll let you help yourself. Kodibi said with a wink.

"I'd love to partake but I'm still really busy helping out Naga and Balthier with the well. I haven't seen Tobo since yesterday though, do you know where they went?"

Kodibi's cheerful smile dropped to a thinking one.

"Now that you mention it, they have been missing for a while. I've been so busy with clothes and baskets for our New Kingdom, I hardly notice the work anymore."

"Hmm, I hope they aren't lost somewhere…"

"Impossible, Tobo is a master cartographer!" Kodibi gushed. "Perhaps they are looking for something good! Wanna do a Clover Reading about it?"

Suddenly, Kodibi produced a single small seed from a bag hanging from the storefront.

Mildly curious, Ciriri watched the seed as the smiling Kodibi waved it to and fro. It was as if she was trying to enhance the air of mystery.

"A Clover Reading?"

"Yes! These seeds are very special! They grow in under five hours with just a little bit of water! There's a chance that it can sprout with two, three, or four leaves! We can preform an Oracle with it!"

Ciriri's eyes lit up at the mysticism. She secretly had a guilty pleasure to the divine and magical world of fortune telling. What a fun idea to leave it to luck?

"T-this can really tell the future?!" Ciriri stammered. She had walked closer to inspect the seed with more detail.

"Well, sometimes it's a bit off but, most of the times I consulted the clover it has proven true!"

Kodibi dipped down behind the counter to pull out a dusty and dirt encrusted jar. Most likely found in the forest left behind years ago.

Filling it with a bit of dirt, she firmly planted the small seed.

Ciriri set down the large rock as she unhooked her canteen from her hip. Having just filled it a while ago, she figured it would be okay to spare a swig of water.

With the seed planted and watered, Kodibi flashed her a wide smile.

"Now, we wait for five hours! If the clover has two leaves, it's a no. Three leaves is a maybe, and four means yes!"

"Do we ask the clover a question?" Ciriri's gaze didn't leave the murky clear jar. She watched as the freshly poured water seeped deeper in the loose Earth, enriching the seed.

"Yes! We can ask if Tobo will come back with something useful."

Looking back down to the jar, Ciriri furrowed her brows.

"Will Tobo bring something good back to the Kingdom?" Ciriri respectfully asked the clover seed.

Of course, no verbal answer was going to spring from the dirty jar. Ciriri glanced at Kodibi before looking at the jar again. The anticipation slowly builded into nothing.

"That was a good question! In five hours we'll have our answer!"

"I'm kind of on edge, I hope it's not a bad answer."

"Well, on a bad day, it might not sprout at all!"

Kodibi's eccentric gestures and wide eyes added to the mystery of the clover seed.

"W-what happens then… if it doesn't sprout?"

"The person in question will die!"

Ciriri's shocked expression and Kodibi's ever escalating antics created a rather weird air around the small shop.

"You two aren't slacking off are you? There's a whole well that needs to be built before more snakes show up!"

Naga was yelling from a distance while heaving a large rock towards the Kingdom square.

Kodibi jumped and placed her hands to her sides and bowed deeply.

"Yes, my Princess! I will work hard!"

"I-I'll be right there! Sorry for trailing behind!" Ciriri called back as she picked up the large rock again.

"Thanks for the oracle, I'm looking forward to the outcome." With a wink, Ciriri left to continue work on the well.

"I'll see you soon!" Kodibi waved as she walked to catch up with Naga.

"We're almost done with the well. Triton has been doing well with bringing the water we need so far. How is Kodibi?" Naga asked.

"She's doing well. We were wondering about Tobo. I haven't seen them in a while…"

"Tobo? Hmm, now that you mention it, they did just up and disappear yesterday. I hope they're okay."

They both reached the edge of the brand new well, setting the large rocks to the side.

"I wouldn't really know what else is in the forest… perhaps they're looking for Forest Quartz?" Ciriri recalled the currency Kodibi talked about.

"Ah?! You think? That would really boost our economy! I hope that's what they're doing."

Suddenly, Triton's head popped out of the well mouth. His clothes were muddy but he was wearing the outfit made by Kodibi rather than his Princely Attire.

"You look silly with those bland clothes on." Ciriri simply said.

"I didn't want my medals getting clay in them. I think these garments are a wonderful substitute. Plus, they were made by hand." Triton argued as he pulled himself out of the well fully.

Finally standing on the ground, the creamy white workers clothes were muddied and stained. It took Ciriri a second but she spotted a couple of globs of mud stuck in his shell.

"I think they suit you. Thank you for all of your hard work. You two can grab a break for now."

Naga placed her hands on her hips with a wide smile.

"What about you? You've been on your tail since sunrise… again." Ciriri asked as she rubbed her arms of tension.

"I'm building my new Kingdom on these lands. I can't afford to stop working now. Plus, Balthier is still working hard so it's not just me!"

Looking over to the other snake, Balthier was, indeed, pounding the gathered rocks into rubble. The kiln not far off was already fired and smelting the already molded blocks into stone for the well.

"It's taken me longer than I'd like to admit but, I realize my responsibilities to my people. I'm going to continue to work a bit more. Plus, you guys didn't have to stick around for as long as you have."

"A Princess is still a Princess. I am happy to help as long as you'll have me." Triton responded. His curt bow was enough to convey his humbleness.

"Yeah, and I think we've become good friends! I know you're a noble but, I hope we had become close this past week." Ciriri said as well.

Naga looked upon the two with wide eyes. They slowly sank to a happy smile despite the bags under her eyes.

"You two will always be welcome in Snake Kingdom, as long as I'm in rule! You've really helped me come out of my shell."

They parted ways then. Moving back to the washing house, Triton and Ciriri rid themselves of their dirty garments for cleaner ones. They silently thanked Kodibi for making so many in such a short amount of time.

"You dig pretty fast, I guess. No wonder your clothes were caked all the way through." Ciriri had a drenched washcloth placed on Triton's back as she spoke. She opened a bottle and poured an infusion of herbs and flowers on top of the cloth.

It smelled of roses and mint, a crude but effective soap for now.

"Something that comes with Sea life I guess. I had no problem helping out my kingdom with excavation one time or another. It seems a bit harder to do out of water though."

"You were having a tough time?"

"Gravity is not something I can get used to into the long run…"

Triton's words died there as Ciriri began to fully wash his back. The steam of the room mixed with the pleasant scents of the soap made for a relaxing experience.

Even with the running water and Ciriri's hard work, Triton's breathing became noticeably heavier.

"Still, I guess it was a hard day today. Moving large rocks and digging deep wells. It's just funny to see a Prince get so dirty. Maybe I've been reading too many stories."

Ciriri stood up a bit more to wash the back of his shell.


"Yeah, you know the kind. The one where the Prince is so noble and clean and handsome and never ever leaves the castle. All the pretty girls want him and he never had a meager meal in his life."

"Your stories seem extremely grandeur in composition, Ciriri." Triton almost laughed at her recollection of her storybooks.

"Well, I'm just saying you really break all of those misconceptions."

Triton's blue eyes shifted to watch Ciriri silently as she scrubbed away into the cracks of his shell.

"When I first met you, even with the way you talked, I figured you would be a pompous and noble figure. Someone who wouldn't ever give me the time of day if we were to meet in different circumstances."

The room was quiet for a while as Ciriri continued to work. Triton tilted his head slightly to allow her to reach the crevices where the tendrils and shell meet.

Ciriri dug the washcloth into the spaces and finally popped the hardening packs of mud free. She bent down to pick up a cup of water and rinsed the soap off.

"Lucky we met in the well then…"

It was said so quietly, Ciriri almost missed it.

With the cup still in her hands, she was standing up but slightly leaned over. Her long work shirt covering just a bit above her thighs and hiding the shorts.

"You think things would be different?" Ciriri asked just as quiet.

"I'm just saying I'm glad they're not."

Triton looked up at her then, his light blue eyes boring into her brown ones. Ciriri held her breath at the serious look in his eyes.

"You're happy, right? You don't feel as if you are inclined to stay here? With me?"

Ciriri swallowed whatever lump she had in her throat before nodding with a smile.

"I'm happy I'm here. I'm happy you're looking out for me. As weird as our relationship is right now, I don't think I could really live with myself if I let you go alone."

Ciriri placed a couple of well meaning pats to the side of Triton's shell. Her smile shone brightly through the steam of the bathhouse.

"Not saying I wouldn't throw myself to the wilderness to find you if you left, but in the end I'm glad I came."

The day was winding down. Past the trees and deeper into the forest, the sun was setting.

There was still no sign of Tobo and work was starting to pile up.

"Along with the well, we still have wood to cut and homes to build. When more snakes come, we will build facilities and establish proper jobs. Then I have to elect a Council and the Knights Round and then euuughhhh~"

Naga was feeling feint from the list of jobs she had on her plate. It was as if spirals appeared in her eyes from the stress.

"I think with a solid schedule, things will start to pick up quickly. True, it would be easier with more hands on board…" Triton offered his opinion.

Dressed in his Royal attire again, he sat at the wide tree trunk the group was using as a community table. A couple of full roasted chickens were on the table for tonight's dinner.

"Even if Tobo were to come back, we could just get more things moving." Kodibi spoke up.

"Where did that snake get off to anyways?" Balthier complained as he took a generous bite out of a drumstick. "It's not like them to just sneak off."

"Are they clingy or something?" Ciriri asked.

"That's putting it mildly. I don't think I went a day without their encouraging 'we'll find something good today!' hugs. I just hope their doing ok out there." Balthier finished, looking down to their food.

"It's not like we're struggling right now without them. Surely they will come back soon." Kodibi finished as well.

"You three have traveled together for a long time, haven't you?"

Naga was watching Balthier and Kodibi solemnly stare at their food. The atmosphere was growing increasingly heavier.

"We don't ever blame you, Princess Naga. We understand your fears but— we were together for months…" Kodibi said.

Balthier had to look away from Naga's growing frown. Triton and Ciriri sat silently and watched the awkward talking continue, not really knowing how to chime in.

"We made some good memories in these woods just by ourselves, we'd hoped that after we found you, it would be easier to build the kingdom with the friendship we forged."

"I'm just hoping that they didn't leave because of something the felt they couldn't talk about. Tobo doesn't seem to be that kind of snake." Balthier spoke up.

"I'm sure they'll come back."

Everyone turned to Ciriri, who finally spoke up. Triton gave her a quick look before quickly turning to the rest of the table with a smile of his own.

"Exactly! If you were all good friends before, they will surely return. I'm sure Tobo is on their way back right now with an armful of supplies."

The snakes at the table could only smile and nod at Ciriri and Triton's well wishes.

The air was still was the silent dinner carried on. No one spoke a word as the birds were quickly devoured by the group.

"Ahh! It's sprouting!" Kodibi suddenly yelled out.

Naga jumped at her outburst but Ciriri all but leapt out of her seat.

"Already!? What does the clover say!?"

"Clover?" Triton was thoroughly confused by the sudden event taking place.

Kodibi bent down in her seat to grab the mason jar and place it on the table. Sure enough, the green stem was slowly rising out of the earth, as if propelled by magic.

"A clover oracle? I didn't think snakes still did that?" Balthier said with a tilt to his head.

"What did you ask it?" Naga asked in curiosity.

"We asked if Tobo will come back with something useful. Something to help the kingdom." Ciriri spoke up, not tearing her gaze from the jar.

Now, everyone was perplexed and watched the jar with anticipation. The stem had grown fully and the bulb holding the leaves was forming.

Now in a tight ball, everyone held their breath as they waited.


It was as if sparkles emitted from the clover as it erupted. The leaves prominently swaying in the light breeze.

"Four leaves…" Balthier exhaled. "There's four!"

"That's a yes, right?" Triton found himself saying a bit too loudly, caught in the moment.

"Yes! It means yes!" Naga said with a smile on her face.

It was whimsical and the air at the table lifted from the simple spell casted from the clover.

Kodibi raised the jar in her hands and gave the plant a warm smile.

"We should plant it. Good signs like these are hard to come by." Kodibi offered.

"That's a good idea. How about by the well when it's finished?" Baltheir spoke up.

Everyone at the table shook their heads and smiled. Even though it was just an oracle, the feeling was too good to let go.

It was then that Triton and the rest of the snakes at the table slowly stopped chattering and looked towards a spot in the forest.

It took Ciriri a couple of seconds to notice what was happening, but eventually she heard it as well.

The rustling in the trees.

"Another chicken?" Ciriri asked, none the wiser.

"No, it's too big. Something else is coming." Triton said, a bit quieter.

Balthier erupted from his seat and positioned himself to the source to the movement. The sounds were growing louder and he gripped his sword tightly.

"It's over here guys, I can see the light from here!"

Everyone at the table heard Tobo's voice break from the trees. Balthier let go of the sword and leaned forward to try and spot the snake.

"It's Tobo! They're in the woods." He said as he turned to look at the other table members.

One by on, everyone got up from their seats to stand next to Balthier. Kodibi was still holding the jar with the four leafed clover.

"We're almost there! Just a bit more!"

"Tobo's getting closer." Naga said, almost wanting to jump into the forest to find them.

"It sounds like they have someone with them…"Triton spoke up.

Sure enough, the sounds of other people were beginning to pour from the leaves. The shuffling thought to be just Tobo melded into a loud sound that could only be made by multiple snake bodies.

As the leaves and branches began to move, Tobo's hands came into view.


The snake looked up to the cheering voices and bewildered faces. Tobo had dirt on their face from what looked like a long trek.

"Hey guys! Sorry I kind of dipped for a whole day but…"

As Tobo came more and more out of the trees, they glanced behind them to smile into the forest.

One by one, more snake people emerged from the trees. Big and small, old and young.

Some mothers carried babies in their arms and many had packs and animals roped for travel. Tools and weapons could be seen on the hips of men and women.

Naga was stuck where she stood. The looks on the other snakes' faces ranged from wonder to confusion. The quiet murmur and the occasional whimper from children broke the silence.

"The Princess!"

"It's true, she was here all along!"

"Look children, the Princess is here!"

All eyes were on the wide eyed Princess. Those who emerged from the forest and locked eyes with the unmistakable jewels hanging from her clothes were gawking. Many others were just crying from happiness.

"Princess! Princess Naga, I knew we would find you!"

A small child whom had broken away from their parent found their way to Naga's side. They innocently tugged at her lavish silk wrapping.

"Princess Naga, I love you! I'm glad we found your new Kingdom!"

Naga didn't know what to do. Suddenly, she was surrounded by snakes of all kinds. The majority were celebrating while others were quickly planning future building placement.

It was obvious not many wanted to waste time with children and elderly involved.

"Princess! We are ready to build!"

"Lead us to the new Kingdom, Princess!"

The cheers rang as one. Naga's face blew into a deep red from the tears welling up in her eyes.

Then Tobo tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, Princess. We're still here for you. We want you to do your best!"

With a shocked expression, but warm feeling; Ciriri watched as Naga embraced Tobo in a hug. Her trembling shoulders told all as Naga sobbed into them.

"The kingdom can finally prosper." Triton said next to her.

With hands on his hips, Triton was beaming at the sight of the unified snakes. The absolute camaraderie and devotion that Naga deserved.

"It might take a few years before it's anything modern but, it's a kingdom."

Naga looked absolutely uncomfortable on her makeshift throne. In a matter of hours, a crude but lavishly decorated throne was created for her to rule upon.

Next to her seat, Balthier stood on watch, his sword unsheathed and presented hilt up with his hands resting upon it.

It seemed as if Balthier got his wish, if not more. Naga had selected him to become her Captain and Main Queensguard.

Even though Naga was still getting used to her seat of power, Balthier was beaming at his acquired dream job.

The area around her was cleared out, trees nearby being chopped down for wood and fuel. Many snakes were high in the trees, creating tree houses for families.

Ciriri and Triton stood before Naga. Even though they had spent almost two weeks together and forging their friendship, they bowed in upmost respect to her reign.

"Ciriri from Western Village of Happote and Prince Triton of the Sea Kingdom. You both are treasured friends of the Snake Kingdom.— for now and forevermore. We will speak of you fondly in our history as the generous hands that helped forge peace between three species. We will never forget your compassion and friendship."

Rising from his bow, Triton smiled at Naga's kind words.

"As is well with the Sea Kingdom. Forevermore will the Snake Kingdom be seen as allies. I look forward to our continued friendship, Queen Naga."

Ciriri stood then, her smile more of a grin.

"I did my best! Feels good to help a Kingdom!! I'm glad I met you, Queen Naga."

"I'm glad I met you too, Ciriri. You may visit whenever you like. We look forward to future visits from both of you."

Ciriri took the time to look around the throne area. She spotted a couple of wooden pillars behind the throne in a decorative manner. On top were the jewels that were gifted to her before her departure from the Old Kingdom in Langba.

Naga's face wasn't red and puffy anymore.

She wasn't crying anymore.

With a final bow, Triton and Ciriri turned to depart. Naga knew that Triton was on an important quest himself and Ciriri was accompanying him. With all the hands she had working now, their labor would not be necessary.

Even though she would want them to stay or longer, she had to let them go.

The two were well out of earshot when Naga turned to look at Balthier. The snake on guard glanced down to her as well from her attention.

"Your Majesty?"

Naga didn't say anything for a moment but she eventually broke into a smile.

"It's been a few years but I'm glad you're finally able to protect me properly…my knight."

Balthier almost dropped his sword at Naga's words. The deep blush that spread across his face was comical.


"Don't think I had forgotten you, I'm glad you're here. With your help, our Kingdom will prosper."

It took some time for the blush to go down but eventually Balthier wore a smile of his own. Looking fondly to the flowing black hair of Naga's head and her coffee brown skin, he felt more sure than he ever had in his life.

"I believe so too, My Queen."