In One Ear, Out The Other

Vixen was entranced. Perched on an old log that lay on the ground near the beautiful lake she watched the unicorn with fascination. She had never seen such a beautiful creature before.

She could not understand why Tira seemed so unconcerned. She would have thought Tira would have been itching to watch such a wondrous creature. Especially as it was so devoted to nature.

Vixen was not really paying much attention to what anyone else was doing. It was still early enough not everyone had even wakened up though. Though when she had woken up, she had noticed that the queen was sitting beside of Raven. They looked really peaceful sitting together by the lake.

But as soon as she had noticed the unicorn her attention was caught by it. She wished she had the guts to try to pet his mane.

She felt the log she was sitting on move a little as someone sat beside of her. Glancing over she saw that it was Lowks. Ignoring him, she turned back to her contemplation of the beauty that was the one horned creature.

She could feel Lowks's eyes on her and she was not surprised to hear his suppressed laugh. "You look utterly besotted right now."

"He's so beautiful…" She smiled and leaned forward, propping her head on her hand. She felt light hearted as she continued, "The most lovely thing I've ever seen."

Lowks gave a snide answer, "Well, I doubt he likes you nearly as much as you like him. After all, unicorns do have a reputation for liking virtuous young maidens, so I doubt he would like a flirtatious girl nearly as much as he would like, say, Miria."

With displeasure clearly sitting on her face, Vixen turned to look at the half-elf, "Hey! I am a virgin even if I do flirt. What's the difference?"

"Oh, please." The ranger rolled his eyes at her, "You're only a virgin because you've scared away every decent man with your inability to keep your filter on. And Tira and I won't be irresponsible enough to let you near the non-decent ones."

Hearing the obvious mockery in her old babysitter's voice caused a scowl to appear on Vixen's face. She hated it when he talked to her like that. Just what did he think of her? She might flirt but that was all she did.

She tilted her chin up as her eyes flashed, "Just because I flirt with guys does not mean I am going to sleep with them! I do have some morals. And if I never learned then whose fault would that be?"

He sighed in exasperation, "You can't just pin any of your shortcomings on me! I was pretty young when I was trying to teach you too!"

"Your still tons older than I am!" She stuck her tongue out at him. Fighting with him was putting her in an incredibly good mood. Especially as she was not giving him a chance to reason her out.

"I'm a half-elf though so I do age slower." He grumbled.

"Oh, so you do know that I age faster than you do." She snorted. "So, stop treating me like a child all the time."

"Stop acting like one first."

"Are you saying that I am childish?"

"You are childish." He gave her a very flat look, "Why else would you flirt with guys you really are not interested in?"

"How would you know that I am not interested in them? Maybe I don't want to end up all alone like a certain someone is fixing to do!" She harrumphed and looked away.

"Then focus on one guy for crying out loud!" Lowks sounded truly exasperated, "Flirting with every male you see is a good way to end up alone. No man is ever going to want his wife flirting with every other guy she meets. So, if you want a man to actually take you serious than take him seriously!"

"It's none of your business Lowks!" She snapped back at him, not deigning to even look at him. "You're just my old babysitter."

"What would get you to stop this self-destructive behavior?" His voice became a lot softer all of a sudden. Now there was just worry in it. "Not just the flirting but you don't think before you act. Like with the owlbear. What would have happened if I had not arrive in time?"

"What does it matter?" She shrugged.

"You could have easily gotten yourself killed!"

"So?" She gave him a wide-eyed expression, "That would just save you a lot of trouble wouldn't it? Not having to always keep me out of trouble."

"Vixen…" He trailed off, staring at her with a furrowed brow. Then he shook his head, "Sure you can be trouble. Very often are, in fact. But…. that does not mean that you dying would be any less troublesome. For one, Tira is pretty fond of you."

"Whatever." She got up and walked away from him, done with the conversation.