Suits You

They had been making good progress on their way home. Hopefully they would be back in Lumna soon. It had been strangely uneventful, for the most part, on their way back, and it made Dawn wonder.

Dawn glanced at her husband sideways, watching as he flexed his hand, retracting and protracting out claws as he was trying to refamiliarize himself with his abilities. He was definitely rusty.

But at least he remembered how now. Most of his memory had returned by now, though he still could not remember anything from the actual day of the incident. But Dawn did not mind him not remembering that. She was okay with him not having to deal with the memory of that pain he had to have gone through.

She leaned into his shoulder as she looked out at their companions as they sat in front of the fire and talked.

There really had been only one thing of note so far on their way back and that was that Mem had met them. Dawn was pretty sure it had been on purpose. She had even had the children with her. They were somewhat different now, they seemed happier as if they felt like they belonged.

The children had actually said a proper goodbye. Then they had wandered off to play as Mem talked with them. The young female had been friendly as ever with them and had asked them how their journey had fared.

Dawn was not sure why, but her companions had told her pretty much every little thing that had happened since they had last seen her. Mem had listened and then she had laughed when that odd young man had come up.

She had a silvery bell-like laugh. She had not said anything though about him until Miria had called him a harmless sweetheart. Dawn knew that wasn't quite true but was not going to say anything.

Mem though had seemed to find it amusing, "Harmless? Him? If he could control himself properly not much could stand against him. I might even not be able to."

That had led to them asking if she knew the guy. To which she responded with a shrug and the words, "As much as anyone can know someone like that."

She seemed pleased to know they had succeeded in eradicating their foes. But her eyebrow raised when they mentioned Rena and she spoke in disbelief, "You met her? The enchantress? I've heard of her, but I never really got to meet her. I was always a bit frightened to really, my aunt made her pretty mad not long before she died…"

None of them were willing to pry into that.

After they were finished telling her all about it, the priestess had put a blessing on them. Dawn was not sure but that the blessing might be why they had not really had any encounters since.

But now they were nearing where the unicorn's glade had been. Dawn was aware some of them wanted to swing by before leaving. She did not mind too much. Regeas had been rather pleasant.

And if it made the rest of the group happy so be it. But right now she was enjoying just leaning on Arrion's shoulder and watching him test his muscles.

He glanced at her and then leaned to kiss her. The display of affection was ignored by everyone else. Even Miria had gotten to the point where she was used to it. Dawn did not care too much if they were used to it or not. Just so long as her husband was showering affection on her, she really did not care what anyone else thought.

"Love you." The words were said in a light hearted tone, as he turned away from her. He seemed rather content and Dawn reveled in the look of satisfaction on his face.

"That look suits you." She pinched his cheek to make her point.

"Which one?"

"The one of satisfied smugness. It's very you."

He did not bother replying. Instead he kissed her again. Then gave her his winning grin. He leaned his head against hers and looked like he might just fall asleep on her. He did not quite, though he did close his eyes and just stay there for a while.