Back To The Woods

Teasing her husband had brought a smile to Dawn's face. Even if it really did not seem to perturb him at all she had still found it fun to do so. He spent so much time teasing her, it felt rather good to turn it on him a bit.

And it really did not surprise her that he had teased her back almost instantly. She would have found it more surprising if he hadn't. While she might not always understand her husband she still knew him pretty well. And he was definitely fond of teasing others. And probably actually loved being teased himself…

She shook her head, and got busy helping with picking up the camp. A bit absentmindedly, maybe, but she at least was trying to be helpful.

It really did not take much time with everyone pitching in and before Dawn knew it she was being swept up by her husband to sit on his lap. His head propped on her shoulders as he wrapped both his arms around her waist.

"You're squeezing a bit tight." She sighed and looked at him, trying to get him to loosen up a little.

He laughed, and actually squeezed even tighter for a moment, "Hardly, I want to be closer than this."

"Do you want to squeeze me to death?" An exasperated sigh left her lips. And she tried to pry his arms off.

"…I don't think I'm holding you that tightly, my dear." His lips pressed to her jaw for a moment. "But if you are uncomfortable… I suppose I can loosen my grip – so long as you don't try to escape."

His arms became a lot looser, but he continued leaning against her, almost plastering himself to her.

She wanted to roll her eyes at him, but she also thought he was being sweet so she did not. Instead she quipped back at him, "Why are you talking like I am your prisoner or something? There really isn't anything to escape from now is there?"

"Dawn…" He paused and pulled away, looking at her with a helpless smile, "Are you trying to get me to kiss you? Because you certainly are making me want to."

"Wasn't really my intention, but… I would gladly accept one."

She heard his low, soft chuckle as he leaned back in to place a soft kiss on her lips. He was still laughing and she could feel it as well as hear it as he kissed her.

"I adore you, Dawn." He looked helplessly into her eyes, a glimmer of a small smile on his lips, "I can't begin to say how glad I am that you care for me."

Her heart hurt as she heard that note in his voice. It was somewhat akin to relief but a bit different as well.

Her hands touched his arms and she wrapped herself up in his embrace, trying her hardest to comfort him and show him that she was really there for him.

His head dropped back onto her shoulder, as he buried his face into her neck. Dawn did not have the heart to stop him or remove him from where he was nestling into her.

It was about midafternoon when they found themselves on the edge of Sylvan Woods again. As they approached it, Dawn could almost feel the energy of the place. It was just as peaceful as she remembered, like a little slice of calm in a troubled land.

She swung herself off of Zyph, without bothering to wait for Arrion to help her. She noticed his slight frown, and secretly smiled to herself.

Before she even managed to take one step though, he had already caught her in his arms and had pulled her close to him, utterly refusing to release her. She sighed, but let him do as he wished.

It wasn't like it she disliked being pulled into his arms. She actually sort of liked it, honestly…

"Let me walk." She pushed him, trying to shift him so he at least was not restricting her movement. Because she was not trying to push him away he complied and loosened up so that he was just holding her about her waist but she could have gotten away if she tried.

Though if she did then he would probably just grab her again and refuse to let her go even more adamantly.

With their animals just walking beside of them, they walked into the woods. Once again, she could hear the whispers of the dryads as they walked under the shade of the trees.

But she did not find it unnerving. It had been a little when she had been unsure what was whispering but it was not when she knew that the woods were rife with tree spirits.