More Happy

Several weeks had passed since they had arrived home. Dawn felt like things had settled down, back to being much like they had always been. The only change being her own actions towards her husband and a more willingness to be friendly towards others.

Making Arrion happy was actually really easy. And rather enjoyable. Simply seeking his attention always made him ridiculously pleased. And it was coming rather naturally because she found herself wanting to stick by his side anyway.

Her husband really acted much like he always had, though he seemed to smile even more now, and seemed more confident in their relationship. Not that he had ever been unconfident, just there was more now.

She was reflecting on this one day as she watched her husband pace as he read a document. He was not really reading it aloud but his lips were moving. From her position on their bed, his figure was rather dashing. And she wanted both to continue watching him and to have him join her.

Dawn sighed to herself happily. Then she called out to him, wanting to get his attention even just for a moment, "What are you reading?"

His beautiful eyes looked at her, and he gave her a tired smile. Before answering her, he walked over and kissed her nose, "Trade proposal. Varenduil. Regular sort of deal. I'll probably accept it."

"You brought that to the bed-room?" Dawn giggled, "It could have waited till the morrow."

"I had other plans for tomorrow." He grinned at her, looking almost smug.

"Oh?" Dawn wondered exactly what he was planning. She figured he was probably trying to spend time with her but… she was not entirely sure what he had in mind/

"Zyph would love it if we took him out." Arrion sat beside of her and reached to pull her close to him, "I thought we could go for a flight or something. Just the two of us."

"And the griffin." She snuggled up closer to him, as her lips twitched up.

"So, what do you say?" There was such a hopeful look on his face. It made it hard to say no, even if she had wanted to. And it did sound like fun.

"Okay. It's a date then." She kissed him, already looking forward to tomorrow.

He had everything ready by the time she had eaten breakfast the next morning and then he dragged her off.

Dawn was quite happy to follow him though. Arrion was acting super-enthusiastic. And it was catching.

Flying with Arrion beside of her was something that Dawn found herself completely enjoying. And, really, it was rather nice to get away every now and then and just take time for themselves and each other.

They were able to stay out all day, as her husband had been prepared with a picnic lunch. Dawn was rather used to the way her husband spent the entire trip just teasing her. And she would have felt more than a tad awkward if he had not.

She was just that used to being married to her husband. He was like this and it was something she had come to love about him. The way he had of just teasing her was something she actually rather enjoyed.

She was glad she had went with him. Arrion seemed even more chipper after being allowed a short break from duties. While he was capable of doing his job for a long while with no real breaks it did help him if he got an occasional moment where he could just be himself instead of a king.

Honestly, she was a bit proud that she was the person he always wanted to take a getaway with. He really did adore her.

As she got ready for bed that night, she snuck glances at her relaxed looking husband. He was watching her rather openly, a grin on his face. The long look made her heart race. Feeling almost embarrassed she threw herself into his embrace and burrowed herself as deep as she could.

"Aw… My lovely wife wants to cuddle with me…" He kissed her on the top of her head in an affectionate manner. Then he chuckled, "So cute. Well, love, I'm all yours to do as you please…"

She didn't answer him, just kept herself close to him. She was feeling so happy. There was only one thing she found herself wishing. Just even more happiness for this man she loved so fully.